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the screen.
rem_thr : all objects found with size < rem_Thr will be
considered false positives and will be removed
image = clip.get_frame(0)
if clip.mask is None:
clip = clip.add_mask()
mask = clip.mask.get_frame(0)
labelled, num_features = ndi.measurements.label(image[:,:,0])
#find the objects
slices = ndi.find_objects(labelled)
# cool trick to remove letter holes (in o,e,a, etc.)
slices = [e for e in slices if mask[e[0],e[1]].mean() >0.2]
# remove very small slices
slices = [e for e in slices if image[e[0],e[1]].size > rem_thr]
# Sort the slices from left to right
islices = sorted(enumerate(slices), key = lambda s : s[1][1].start)
letters = []
for i,(ind,(sy,sx)) in enumerate(islices):
""" crop each letter separately """
sy = slice(sy.start-1,sy.stop+1)
sx = slice(sx.start-1,sx.stop+1)
letter = image[sy,sx]
labletter = labelled[sy,sx]
maskletter = (labletter==(ind+1))*mask[sy,sx]
letter = ImageClip(image[sy,sx])
for d in center_dimensions:
assert d > 0, "Each dimension must be larger than zero."
image_dimensions = image.shape[:-1] # take out colors from n-dimensional image
center_dimensions = list(reversed(center_dimensions)) # because OpenCV likes doing things backwards
num_scales = int(
m.ceil(max([m.log(x_i / x_c, scale) for x_i, x_c in zip(image_dimensions, center_dimensions)])))
pyramid_tensor = np.empty([num_scales] + center_dimensions + [num_colors])
for s in range(num_scales):
slice_dimensions = [c * (scale ** s) for c in center_dimensions]
image_slicers = [slice(int(max((i - c) / 2, 0)), int((i + c) / 2)) for i, c in
zip(image_dimensions, slice_dimensions)]
image_slice = image[image_slicers]
scaled_image_slice = np.empty(center_dimensions + [num_colors])
for c in range(num_colors):
zoomed_image = ndimage.zoom(np.squeeze(image_slice[[slice(None)] * len(image_dimensions) + [slice(c, c + 1)]]),
1.0 / (scale ** s), prefilter=False, order=5)[
[slice(None)] * len(center_dimensions) + [np.newaxis]]
x_max = min(scaled_image_slice.shape[0], zoomed_image.shape[0])
y_max = min(scaled_image_slice.shape[1], zoomed_image.shape[1])
scaled_image_slice[[slice(None)] * len(center_dimensions) + [slice(c, c + 1)]][0:x_max, 0:y_max] = zoomed_image[0:x_max, 0:y_max]
pyramid_tensor_slicers = [slice(None) for _ in image_dimensions] + [slice(None)]
pyramid_tensor[[slice(s, s + 1)] + pyramid_tensor_slicers] = scaled_image_slice[[np.newaxis] +
return pyramid_tensor
def mat2im(X, shape):
"""Converts back a matrix to an image"""
return X.reshape(shape)
def minmax(I):
return np.clip(I, 0, 1)
# Generate data
# Loading images
I1 = ndimage.imread('../../data/ocean_day.jpg').astype(np.float64) / 256
I2 = ndimage.imread('../../data/ocean_sunset.jpg').astype(np.float64) / 256
X1 = im2mat(I1)
X2 = im2mat(I2)
# training samples
nb = 1000
idx1 = np.random.randint(X1.shape[0], size=(nb,))
idx2 = np.random.randint(X2.shape[0], size=(nb,))
Xs = X1[idx1, :]
Xt = X2[idx2, :]
avgRows = haarData.shape[0] / 2 ** levels
avgCols = haarData.shape[1] / 2 ** levels
SalientPoints = {}
siloH = np.zeros([haarData.shape[0]/2, haarData.shape[1]/2, levels])
siloD = np.zeros([haarData.shape[0]/2, haarData.shape[1]/2, levels])
siloV = np.zeros([haarData.shape[0]/2, haarData.shape[1]/2, levels])
# Build the saliency silos
for i in range(levels):
level = i + 1
halfRows = haarData.shape[0] / 2 ** level
halfCols = haarData.shape[1] / 2 ** level
siloH[:,:,i] = nd.zoom(haarData[:halfRows, halfCols:halfCols*2], 2**(level-1))
siloD[:,:,i] = nd.zoom(haarData[halfRows:halfRows*2, halfCols:halfCols*2], 2**(level-1))
siloV[:,:,i] = nd.zoom(haarData[halfRows:halfRows*2, :halfCols], 2**(level-1))
# Calculate saliency heat-map
saliencyMap = np.max(np.array([
np.sum(np.abs(siloH), axis=2),
np.sum(np.abs(siloD), axis=2),
np.sum(np.abs(siloV), axis=2)
]), axis=0)
# Determine global maximum and saliency threshold
maximum = np.max(saliencyMap)
sthreshold = threshold * maximum
# Extract features by finding local maxima
rows = haarData.shape[0] / 2
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from scipy import ndimage
import jumpy as jp
import numpy as np
import os
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# load tensorflow model
tf_model = jp.TFModel(path + '/mnist.pb')
# load jpg to numpy array
image = ndimage.imread(path + '/img_1.jpg').reshape((1, 28, 28))
image = np.cast[float](image)
image /= 255.
# inference - uses nd4j
prediction = tf_model(image) # prediction is a jumpy array
# get label from predction using argmax
label = jp.argmax(prediction.reshape((10,)))
x: 2D numpy array, single image.
transform_matrix: Numpy array specifying the geometric transformation.
channel_axis: Index of axis for channels in the input tensor.
fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input
are filled according to the given mode
(one of `{'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'}`).
cval: Value used for points outside the boundaries
of the input if `mode='constant'`.
# Returns
The transformed version of the input.
x = np.rollaxis(x, channel_axis, 0)
final_affine_matrix = transform_matrix[:2, :2]
final_offset = transform_matrix[:2, 2]
channel_images = [ndi.interpolation.affine_transform(
cval=cval) for x_channel in x]
x = np.stack(channel_images, axis=0)
x = np.rollaxis(x, 0, channel_axis + 1)
return x
network = geometry._net
# The following will only work on Cubic networks
x = network._shape[0]
y = network._shape[1]
z = network._shape[2]
im = _sp.rand(x, y, z)
if strel is None: # Then generate a strel
if sum(weights) == 0:
# If weights of 0 are sent, then skip everything and return rands.
return im.flatten()
w = _sp.array(weights)
strel = _sp.zeros(w*2+1)
strel[:, w[1], w[2]] = 1
strel[w[0], :, w[2]] = 1
strel[w[0], w[1], :] = 1
im = spim.convolve(im, strel)
# Convolution is no longer randomly distributed, so fit a gaussian
# and find it's seeds
im = (im - _sp.mean(im))/_sp.std(im)
im = 1/2*_sp.special.erfc(-im/_sp.sqrt(2))
values = im.flatten()
values = values[geometry.map_pores(target=network, pores=geometry.Ps)]
return values
"Min Correlation coeff",
"%.3f" % numpy.min(corr),
"Max Correlation coeff",
"%.3f" % numpy.max(corr),
if any((self.do_manders, self.do_rwc, self.do_overlap)):
# Threshold as percentage of maximum intensity of objects in each channel
tff = (self.thr.value / 100) * fix(
scipy.ndimage.maximum(first_pixels, labels, lrange)
tss = (self.thr.value / 100) * fix(
scipy.ndimage.maximum(second_pixels, labels, lrange)
combined_thresh = (first_pixels >= tff[labels - 1]) & (
second_pixels >= tss[labels - 1]
fi_thresh = first_pixels[combined_thresh]
si_thresh = second_pixels[combined_thresh]
tot_fi_thr = scipy.ndimage.sum(
first_pixels[first_pixels >= tff[labels - 1]],
labels[first_pixels >= tff[labels - 1]],
tot_si_thr = scipy.ndimage.sum(
def centroid(self, data, xc, yc, radius):
if not have_scipy:
raise IQCalcError("Please install the 'scipy' module "
"to use this function")
xc, yc = int(xc), int(yc)
x0, y0, arr = self.cut_region(xc, yc, int(radius), data)
# See
cp_arr = np.asarray(arr)
cy, cx = ndimage.center_of_mass(cp_arr)
return (x0 + cx, y0 + cy)
def ICA_PCA(Y_ds, nr, sigma_smooth=(.5, .5, .5), truncate=2, fun='logcosh',
max_iter=1000, tol=1e-10, remove_baseline=True, perc_baseline=20, nb=1):
""" Initialization using ICA and PCA. DOES NOT WORK WELL WORK IN PROGRESS"
print("not a function to use in the moment ICA PCA \n")
m = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(np.transpose(
Y_ds, [2, 0, 1]), sigma=sigma_smooth, mode='nearest', truncate=truncate)
if remove_baseline:
bl = np.percentile(m, perc_baseline, axis=0)
m1 = np.maximum(0, m - bl)
bl = np.zeros(m.shape[1:])
m1 = m
pca_comp = nr
T, d1, d2 = np.shape(m1)
d = d1 * d2
yr = np.reshape(m1, [T, d], order='F')
[U, S, V] = scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(yr, pca_comp)
S = np.diag(S)
whiteningMatrix =, U.T)