Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
val = np.zeros(nrof_folds)
far = np.zeros(nrof_folds)
diff = np.subtract(embeddings1, embeddings2)
dist = np.sum(np.square(diff), 1)
indices = np.arange(nrof_pairs)
for fold_idx, (train_set, test_set) in enumerate(k_fold.split(indices)):
# Find the threshold that gives FAR = far_target
far_train = np.zeros(nrof_thresholds)
for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
_, far_train[threshold_idx] = calculate_val_far(threshold, dist[train_set], actual_issame[train_set])
if np.max(far_train) >= far_target:
f = interpolate.interp1d(far_train, thresholds, kind='slinear')
threshold = f(far_target)
threshold = 0.0
val[fold_idx], far[fold_idx] = calculate_val_far(threshold, dist[test_set], actual_issame[test_set])
val_mean = np.mean(val)
far_mean = np.mean(far)
val_std = np.std(val)
return val_mean, val_std, far_mean
Value of val1 for which an associated value val2 is found
search_range : float
Range of val1 within which values of val2 will be extraced for analysis (half bin size from
joint probability)
confidence : float
Confidence for associated value - shows probability of non-exceedance (default 0.5 - median value)
plot_cdf : bool
If True - display a CDF plot of val2 in range val1 ± search_range
df = df[pd.notnull(df[val1])]
df = df[pd.notnull(df[val2])]
target = df[(df[val1] >= value - search_range) & (df[val1] <= value + search_range)]
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(target[val2].values)
fit = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(kde.cdf,, kind='linear')
if plot_cdf == True:
plt.plot(, kde.cdf, lw=1, color='orangered')
plt.title('CDF of {0} for {1} in range [{low} - {top}]'.
format(val2, val1, low=round(value - search_range, 2), top=round(value + search_range, 2)))
plt.annotate(r'{perc}% Associated value {0}={1}'.format(val2, round(fit(confidence).tolist(), 2),
xy=(fit(confidence).tolist(), confidence),
xytext=(fit(0.5).tolist()+search_range, 0.5),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='k', shrink=0.01))
return fit(confidence).tolist()
"""Normalise a profile given a defined normalisation position and
normalisation scaling
# If scaling is to PDD interpolate along the PDD to find the scaling,
# otherwise set scaling to 100.
if scale_to_pdd:
# If insufficient information has been supplies raise a meaningful
# error
if pdd_distance is None or pdd_relative_dose is None or scan_depth is None:
raise Exception(
"Scaling to PDD requires pdd_distance, pdd_relative_dose, "
"and scan_depth to be defined."
pdd_interpolation = interp1d(pdd_distance, pdd_relative_dose)
scaling = pdd_interpolation(scan_depth)
scaling = 100
# Linear interpolation function
if smoothed_normalisation:
filtered = savgol_filter(relative_dose, 21, 2)
interpolation = interp1d(distance, filtered)
interpolation = interp1d(distance, relative_dose)
# Check if user wrote a number for normalisation position
float_position = float(normalisation_position)
except ValueError:
# If text was written the conversion to float will fail
timestep = 24.0*(time_ - time_[0])
newtime = numpy.arange(timestep[0], timestep[-1]+.01, delta)
newtime[-1] = timestep[-1]
_newtime = (newtime/24.) + time_[0]
newdates = num2date(_newtime)
nid = numpy.ones(newtime.size)"Interpolating data...")
if len(indicator) <= 2:
# Use linear interpolation only (only a start and end point given):
nLon = scint.interp1d(timestep, lon, kind='linear')(newtime)
nLat = scint.interp1d(timestep, lat, kind='linear')(newtime)
npCentre = scint.interp1d(timestep, pressure, kind='linear')(newtime)
npEnv = scint.interp1d(timestep, penv, kind='linear')(newtime)
nrMax = scint.interp1d(timestep, rmax, kind='linear')(newtime)
if interpolation_type == 'akima':
# Use the Akima interpolation method:
from . import _akima
except ImportError:
logger.exception(("Akima interpolation module unavailable - "
"default to scipy.interpolate"))
nLon = scint.splev(newtime, scint.splrep(timestep, lon, s=0), der=0)
nLat = scint.splev(newtime, scint.splrep(timestep, lat, s=0), der=0)
nLon = _akima.interpolate(timestep, lon, newtime)
nLat = _akima.interpolate(timestep, lat, newtime)
elif interpolation_type == 'linear':
elev_fake_foo = get_elev_2(earthrot(xyz[site], thetas_fake), sourcevec)#ehtim
elev_fake_foo = get_elev(ra, dec, xyz[site], strtime_fake)##astropy
elevfit[site] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time_mjd_fake, elev_fake_foo,
except KeyError:
print ("No Calibration Data for %s !" % site)
if skip_fluxcal: #if we don't do flux calibration don't waste time on serious interpolating
rinterp[site] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d([0],[1],kind='zero',fill_value='extrapolate')
linterp[site] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d([0],[1],kind='zero',fill_value='extrapolate')
else: #default option, create interpolating station based SEFD gains
time_mjd =[site]['time']/24.0 + caltable.mjd
rinterp[site] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time_mjd,[site]['rscale'],
kind=interp, fill_value=fill_value)
linterp[site] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time_mjd,[site]['lscale'],
kind=interp, fill_value=fill_value)
# sort by baseline
data =
idx = np.lexsort((data['t2'], data['t1']))
bllist = []
def ref_signal(sync):
""" Generate square reference signal """"Generating ref signal...")
if len(sync) == 0:
raise ValueError('Sync events not found.')
f = interpolate.interp1d(sync["sample_offset"], sync["message"], kind="zero")
X = np.linspace(0, sync["sample_offset"].values[-1], sync["sample_offset"].values[-1])
rs = f(X)
return rs - np.mean(rs)
thresh = 15
# outlier removal
keep0 = 10 * sp.log10(snr0) > thresh
if keep0.sum() == 0:
return False, 0
dopfit0 = sp.interpolate.interp1d(
tvec[keep0], freqm0[keep0], fill_value="extrapolate"
dfmean0 = sp.mean(dopfit0)
dfstd0 = sp.std(dopfit0)
keep1 = 10 * sp.log10(snr1) > thresh
if keep1.sum() == 0:
return False, 0
dopfit1 = sp.interpolate.interp1d(
tvec[keep1], freqm1[keep1], fill_value="extrapolate"
dfmean1 = sp.mean(dopfit1)
dfstd1 = sp.std(dopfit1)
toff = window / sps
doppler0 = e["dop1"](tvec + toff)
dmean0 = sp.mean(doppler0)
dstd0 = sp.std(doppler0)
doppler1 = e["dop2"](tvec + toff)
dmean1 = sp.mean(doppler1)
dstd1 = sp.std(doppler1)
# cross correlation
xcor0 = sig.correlate(dopfit0 - dfmean0, doppler0 - dmean0) / (
def makeDKL2RGB(nm, powerRGB):
"""Creates a 3x3 DKL->RGB conversion matrix from the spectral input powers
interpolateCones = interpolate.interp1d(wavelength_5nm,
interpolateJudd = interpolate.interp1d(wavelength_5nm,
judd = interpolateJudd(nm)
cones = interpolateCones(nm)
judd = np.asarray(judd)
cones = np.asarray(cones)
rgb_to_cones =, np.transpose(powerRGB))
# get LMS weights for Judd vl
lumwt =[1, :], np.linalg.pinv(cones))
# cone weights for achromatic primary
dkl_to_cones =, [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
# cone weights for L-M primary
dkl_to_cones[0, 1] = old_div(lumwt[1], lumwt[0])
dkl_to_cones[1, 1] = -1
dkl_to_cones[2, 1] = lumwt[2]
def calculate_tropo_error_map(self, latmin):
my_api.printInfo("Computing map tropo_error field on %d x %d image" % (self.azmax-self.azmin, self.rmax-self.rmin))
ds = nc.Dataset(self.tropo_error_map_file, 'r')
delta_wtc_MEAN = ds.variables['delta_wtc_MEAN'][:]
delta_wtc_STD = ds.variables['delta_wtc_STD'][:]
latitude = ds.variables['latitude'][:]
f=scipy.interpolate.interp1d(latitude, delta_wtc_MEAN,kind='linear')
f=scipy.interpolate.interp1d(latitude, delta_wtc_STD,kind='linear')
my_api.printInfo("%f cm mean biais and %f cm stv estimated at latitude %f" % (delta_wtc_MEAN_local, delta_wtc_STD_local, latmin))
self.tropo_map_rg_az = height_model.generate_2d_profile_gaussian(1, self.azmin, self.azmax+1, 1, self.rmin, self.rmax+1, delta_wtc_STD_local*0.01, lcorr = self.tropo_error_correlation)+delta_wtc_MEAN_local*0.01
raise ValueError('The given float {0} matches multiple available'
' r_vs [3.1, 4.0, 5.5] - unexpected code error')
fname = apydata.get_pkg_data_filename(fname)
data =, Reader=ascii.FixedWidth, data_start=67,
names=['wave', 'albedo', 'avg_cos', 'C_ext',
'K_abs', 'avg_cos_sq', 'comment'],
col_starts=[0, 12, 20, 27, 37, 47, 55],
col_ends=[11, 19, 26, 36, 46, 54, 80], guess=False)
xknots = 1. / np.asarray(data['wave'])
cknots = np.asarray(data['C_ext'])
# Create a spline just to get normalization.
spline = interp1d(xknots, cknots)
cknots = cknots / spline((1. / (5495. * u.angstrom)).to('1/micron').value) # Normalize cknots.
self._spline = interp1d(xknots, cknots)