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def load_cifar(cifar_location, cifar_filename="", norm=False):
cifar_path = cifar_location + "/" + cifar_filename
print("Source file: %s" % cifar_path)
df = pd.read_csv(cifar_path, sep=",", header=None)
data = df.values
print("Number of image files: %d" % len(data))
y = data[:, 0]
X = data[:, 1:]
Z = X
if norm:
mu = np.mean(X.T, 0)
sigma = np.var(X.T, 0)
Z = (X.T - mu) / np.array([np.sqrt(z) if z > 0 else 1. for z in sigma])
Z = Z.T
return (Z, y)
def init(im, target_pos, target_sz, model):
state = dict()
cfg = load_json('lib/utils/config.json')
config = cfg[args.arch][args.dataset]
net = model
avg_chans = np.mean(im, axis=(0, 1))
wc_z = target_sz[0] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz)
hc_z = target_sz[1] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz)
s_z = round(np.sqrt(wc_z * hc_z))
scale_z = p.exemplar_size / s_z
z_crop = get_subwindow_tracking(im, target_pos, p.exemplar_size, s_z, avg_chans)
d_search = (p.instance_size - p.exemplar_size) / 2
pad = d_search / scale_z
s_x = s_z + 2 * pad
min_s_x = 0.2 * s_x
max_s_x = 5 * s_x
s_x_serise = {'s_x': s_x, 'min_s_x': min_s_x, 'max_s_x': max_s_x}
cm_temp = cm[idx_low:idx_high]
idx_cm_min = [i for i,local_min in enumerate(np.r_[True, cm_temp[1:] < cm_temp[:-1]] & np.r_[cm_temp[:-1] < cm_temp[1:], True]) if local_min] + idx_low
idx_high = idx_cm_min[-1]
idx_Cn1 = find_breakpoint(alpha, cm, idx_alpha0, idx_high)
unsteady['Cn1'] = cn[idx_Cn1]
idx_Cn1 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.))
unsteady['Cn1'] = 0.
# Cn2
if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>1.e-10:
aoa_l = np.mean([alpha[idx_alpha0], alpha[idx_Cn1]])-30.
idx_low = np.argmin(abs(alpha-aoa_l))
cm_temp = cm[idx_low:idx_high]
idx_cm_min = [i for i,local_min in enumerate(np.r_[True, cm_temp[1:] < cm_temp[:-1]] & np.r_[cm_temp[:-1] < cm_temp[1:], True]) if local_min] + idx_low
idx_high = idx_cm_min[-1]
idx_Cn2 = find_breakpoint(alpha, cm, idx_low, idx_alpha0, multi=0.)
unsteady['Cn2'] = cn[idx_Cn2]
idx_Cn2 = np.argmin(abs(alpha-0.))
unsteady['Cn2'] = 0.
# C_nalpha
if max(np.abs(np.gradient(cm)))>1.e-10:
# unsteady['C_nalpha'] = np.gradient(cn, alpha_rad)[idx_alpha0]
unsteady['C_nalpha'] = max(np.gradient(cn[idx_alpha0:idx_Cn1], alpha_rad[idx_alpha0:idx_Cn1]))
for icam in range(self._n_cam):
for p in range(self._n_desig):
distance_grid = self._get_distancegrid(self._goal_pix[icam, p])
score = self._expected_distance(icam, p, gen_distrib[:, :, icam, :, :, p], distance_grid,
'best flow score of task {} cam{} :{}'.format(p, icam, np.min(scores_per_task[-1])))
scores_per_task = np.stack(scores_per_task, axis=1)
if self._hp.only_take_first_view:
scores_per_task = scores_per_task[:, 0][:, None]
scores = np.mean(scores_per_task, axis=1)
bestind = scores.argsort()[0]
for icam in range(self._n_cam):
for p in range(self._n_desig):
self._logger.log('flow score of best traj for task{} cam{} :{}'.format(p, icam, scores_per_task[
bestind, p + icam * self._n_desig]))
if self._hp.predictor_propagation:
if cem_itr == (self._hp.iterations - 1):
# pick the prop distrib from the action actually chosen after the last iteration (i.e. self.indices[0])
bestind = scores.argsort()[0]
self._chosen_distrib = gen_distrib[bestind]
return scores
with utils.Timer() as gradtime:
metrics = {}
loss_info =*loss_info_ls)
metrics['cpu_memory_MB'] = peak_mem_usage
metrics['loss/mean'] = np.mean(loss_ls)
metrics['loss/std'] = np.std(loss_ls)
metrics['log10loss/mean'] = np.mean(np.log10(loss_ls))
metrics['log10loss/std'] = np.std(np.log10(loss_ls))
for k, val in loss_info.items():
metrics['loss/{}/mean'.format(k)] = np.mean(val)
metrics['loss/{}/std'.format(k)] = np.std(val)
metrics['time/loss/mean'] = np.mean(losstimer_ls)
metrics['time/loss/std'] = np.std(losstimer_ls)
metrics['time/loss/max'] = np.max(losstimer_ls)
metrics['time/loss/min'] = np.min(losstimer_ls)
metrics['time/grad/mean'] = np.mean(gradtimer_ls)
metrics['time/grad/std'] = np.std(gradtimer_ls)
metrics['time/grad/max'] = np.max(gradtimer_ls)
metrics['time/grad/min'] = np.min(gradtimer_ls)
# visualization:
# Original Ranked Averaged Re-ordered
# A B A B A B A B
# gene1 2 4 8 6 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6
# gene2 6 4 3 3 6 4 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3
# Read more here:
O = values
# 1. Sorted by rank.
M = np.sort(O, axis=0)
# 2. Averaged.
D = np.mean(M, axis=1)
for i, avg in enumerate(D):
# 3. Ranked by index:
# First argsort gets the order. Second argsort gets the rank. See
I = np.argsort(np.argsort(O, axis=0), axis=0)
# 4. Move values back to their original locations.
M = M.T
I = I.T
O = O.T
for i in range(len(M)):
O[i] = M[i][I[i]]
return O.T
int((x0 + x1) / 2.), int((y0 + y1) / 2.)))
iva.update(constantSkyAt=(int(W / 2.), int(H / 2.)))
invvar = frame.getInvvar(psfield, bandnum, **iva)
invvar = invvar.astype(np.float32)
if not invvarAtCenter:
assert(invvar.shape == (H, W))
# Could get this from photoField instead
gain = psfield.getGain(bandnum)
darkvar = psfield.getDarkVariance(bandnum)
meansky = np.mean(
meancalib = np.mean(calibvec)
skysig = sqrt((meansky / gain) + darkvar) * meancalib
info.update(sky=sky, skysig=skysig)
zr = np.array(zrange) * skysig + sky
fpM = sdss.readFpM(run, camcol, field, bandname)
if not hasroi:
image = frame.getImage()
roislice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1))
image = frame.getImageSlice(roislice).astype(np.float32)
if invvarAtCenterImage:
ts_step += 1
with h5py.File(log_dir + test_num + str(lr)+str(lamb) + '_attn_test.hdf5', 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset("user_coef", data=np.concatenate(user_coef_list))
f.create_dataset("agent_coef", data=np.concatenate(agent_coef_list))
f.create_dataset("item_coef", data=np.concatenate(item_coef_list))
print('Test loss:', np.mean(ts_loss), '; Test mrr:', np.mean(ts_mrr), '; Test ndcg:', np.mean(ts_ndcg), '; Test hr1:', np.mean(ts_hr1), '; Test hr3:',np.mean(ts_hr3),'; Test hr5:', np.mean(ts_hr5), '; Test hr10:', np.mean(ts_hr10))
logfile.write('Test loss:'+ str(np.mean(ts_loss))+ '; Test mrr:'+ str(np.mean(ts_mrr))+ '; Test ndcg:'+ str(np.mean(ts_ndcg))+ '; Test hr1:'+ str(np.mean(ts_hr1))+ '; Test hr3:'+ str(np.mean(ts_hr3))+ '; Test hr5:'+ str(np.mean(ts_hr5))+ '; Test hr10:'+ str(np.mean(ts_hr10))+'\n')
def stats_over_b0(self, indices_b0):
"""Computes voxel-wise stats over B=0 volumes (no diffusion) data
--> single volume over space.
# TODO connect this
b0_subset = self.dw_volumes[:, :, :, self.b0_indices]
mean_img = np.mean(b0_subset, axis=3)
sd_img = np.std(b0_subset, axis=3)
return mean_img, sd_img
logging.error("You should pass at least a track id or a dataset name")
# Make sure that the results are stored in numpy arrays
res = np.asarray(results)
if track_id is not None:
all_values = (track_id, res[5], res[3], res[4], res[2], res[0], res[1],
res[6], res[7], res[8], annot_beats, feature, "none",
table = "%s_bounds" % alg_id
select_where = "track_id=?"
select_values = (track_id, annot_beats, feature, trim)
elif ds_name is not None:
# Aggregate results
res = np.mean(res, axis=0)
all_values = (alg_id, ds_name, res[5], res[3], res[4], res[2], res[0],
res[1], res[6], res[7], res[8], annot_beats, feature,
"none", trim)
table = "boundaries"
select_where = "algo_id=? AND ds_name=?"
select_values = (alg_id, ds_name, annot_beats, feature, trim)
# Check if exists
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s AND annot_beat=? AND "
"feature=? AND trim=?" % (table, select_where),
# Insert new if it doesn't exist
if cursor.fetchone() is None:
questions = "?," * len(all_values)
sql_cmd = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)" % (table, questions[:-1])