Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
f.write('%d\n' % num_line_pixels)
# support only symmetric edge weight
for i in xrange(num_line_pixels-1):
p1 = np.array([line_pixels[0][i], line_pixels[1][i]])
pred_p1 = np.reshape(y_batch[i,:,:,:], [img.shape[0], img.shape[1]])
prediction_list = []
for j in xrange(i+1, num_line_pixels):
p2 = np.array([line_pixels[0][j], line_pixels[1][j]])
pred_p2 = np.reshape(y_batch[j,:,:,:], [img.shape[0], img.shape[1]])
pred = (pred_p1[p2[0],p2[1]] + pred_p2[p1[0],p1[1]]) * 0.5
pred = np.exp(-0.5 * (1.0-pred)**2 / FLAGS.prediction_sigma**2)
if FLAGS.neighbor_sigma > 0:
d12 = LA.norm(p1-p2, 2)
spatial = np.exp(-0.5 * d12**2 / FLAGS.neighbor_sigma**2)
spatial = 1.0
f.write('%d %d %f %f\n' % (i, j, pred, spatial))
print('%s: %s, prediction computed' % (, file_name))
# run gco_linenet
start_time = time.time()
working_path = os.getcwd()
gco_path = os.path.join(working_path, 'gco/gco_src')
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.getcwd()
call(['./gco_linenet', '../../' + pred_file_path])
Compute the reference axis for adding dummy atoms.
Only used in the case of linear molecules.
We first find the Cartesian axis that is "most perpendicular" to the molecular axis.
Next we take the cross product with the molecular axis to create a perpendicular vector.
Finally, this perpendicular vector is normalized to make a unit vector.
ysel = self.x0[self.a, :]
vy = ysel[-1]-ysel[0]
ev = vy / np.linalg.norm(vy)
# Cartesian axes.
ex = np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0])
ey = np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0])
ez = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])
self.e0 = np.cross(vy, [ex, ey, ez][np.argmin([, ev)**2 for i in [ex, ey, ez]])])
self.e0 /= np.linalg.norm(self.e0)
ui4 = u7 + s[0] * (u8 - u7)
ui5 = ui1 + s[1] * (ui2 - ui1)
ui6 = ui3 + s[1] * (ui4 - ui3)
ui7 = ui5 + s[2] * (ui6 - ui5)
return ui7
# compute a line with 60 points in it through these two points
P1 = np.array([0.0, 5.0, 5.0])
P2 = np.array([10.0, 5.0, 5.0])
npoints = 60
points = [P1 + n * (P2 - P1) / npoints for n in range(npoints)]
# compute the distance along the line
R = [np.linalg.norm(p - P1) for p in points]
icd = [vinterp3d(x, y, z, cd, p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in points]
plot(R, icd)
pos = atoms.get_positions()
cR = np.linalg.norm(pos[0] - P1)
oR = np.linalg.norm(pos[1] - P1)
plot([cR, cR], [0, 2], 'r-') #markers for where the nuclei are
plot([oR, oR], [0, 8], 'r-')
xlabel('|R| ($\AA$)')
ylabel('Charge density (e/$\AA^3$)')
basis_vectors : ndarray (3, 3)
Automatically generated basis vectors from the given
if len(coordinates) == 3:
c0, c1, c2 = coordinates
c0, c1 = coordinates
c2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])
basis1 = c0 - c1
basis2 = np.cross(basis1, c0 - c2)
basis3 = np.cross(basis1, basis2)
basis_vectors = np.vstack([basis1, basis2, basis3])
basis_vectors /= np.linalg.norm(
basis_vectors, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return basis_vectors
def remove_outliers(graph, reconstruction, config):
"""Remove points with large reprojection error."""
threshold = get_actual_threshold(config, reconstruction.points)
outliers = []
for track in reconstruction.points:
for shot_id, error in reconstruction.points[track].reprojection_errors.items():
if np.linalg.norm(error) > threshold:
outliers.append((track, shot_id))
for track, shot_id in outliers:
del reconstruction.points[track].reprojection_errors[shot_id]
graph.remove_edge(track, shot_id)
for track, _ in outliers:
if track not in reconstruction.points:
if len(graph[track]) < 2:
del reconstruction.points[track]
graph.remove_node(track)"Removed outliers: {}".format(len(outliers)))
return len(outliers)
session_creator=session_creator, hooks=None) as session:
batch_size = config['batch_size']
nb_batches = model.dataset.num_samples / batch_size
for i in range(nb_batches):
current_dense =
weight = float(i) * batch_size / ((i+1) * batch_size)
dense_mean = weight * dense_mean + (1-weight) * current_dense.mean(axis=0)
# Now look at outliers
max_norms = np.zeros((batch_size))
max_post_ids = np.zeros((batch_size))
max_logits = np.zeros((batch_size, model.dataset.num_classes))
for i in range(nb_batches):
current_dense, np_post_ids, current_logits =[model.concat_features, model.post_ids,
current_diff = np.linalg.norm(current_dense - dense_mean, axis=1)
for k in range(batch_size):
if current_diff[k] > max_norms[k]:
max_norms[k] = current_diff[k]
max_post_ids[k] = np_post_ids[k]
max_logits[k] = current_logits[k]'data/max_norms.npy', max_norms)'data/max_post_ids.npy', max_post_ids)'data/max_logits.npy', max_logits)
return max_norms, max_post_ids, max_logits
kernel = Kernel(soap,
target_type="Structure" if average else "Atom",
zeta = 2,
data = kernel(features2, features1)
if (average):
vec1 = np.mean(features1.get_dense_feature_matrix(soap),axis=0)
vec2 = np.mean(features2.get_dense_feature_matrix(soap), axis=0)
data =, vec2)/(np.linalg.norm(vec1)*np.linalg.norm(vec2))
df=pd.DataFrame(data=[['%1.3f' %(data)]],
columns =[key2],
index =[key1]
df=pd.DataFrame(data=[['%1.3f' %(data[i][j])
for i,v in enumerate(features2._frames.numbers) if v!=1]
for j,w in enumerate(features1._frames.numbers) if w!=1],
columns =[chemical_symbols[v] for i,v in enumerate(features2._frames.numbers) if v!=1],
index =[chemical_symbols[v] for i,v in enumerate(features1._frames.numbers) if v!=1]
# = ("Self-" if key1 == key2 else '') + \
"Similarity " + ("Kernel" if not average else "")
return df
# print np.array(atom_pos)
#test if the distances between points are not spoiled by PBC
nbc = range(-1, 2)
for x in atom_pos:
x2 = atom_pos[jj+1]
# x = np.array(x)
# x2 = np.array(x2)
r = cl.end.rprimd
d1, _ = image_distance(x, x2, r, order = 1) #minimal distance
x2_gen = (x2 + (r[0] * i + r[1] * j + r[2] * k) for i in nbc for j in nbc for k in nbc) #generator over PBC images
x2c = copy.deepcopy(x2)
ii = 0
while np.linalg.norm(x - x2c) > d1: #find the closest PBC image position
if ii > 100:
x2c = next(x2_gen)
atom_pos[jj+1] = x2c
if jj == len(atom_pos)-1: # the last point is not needed, we could not use slice since we need to use changed atom_pos in place
# print np.linalg.norm(x - x2c), d1
_, diff_barrier = plot_mep(atom_pos, mep_energies, plot = 0, show = 0, fitplot_args = fitplot_args, style_dic = style_dic)
results_dic['barrier'] = diff_barrier
nearest_stop = lambda pos: get_nearest_stop(pos[1], trip_stops[pos[1].trip_id], stops)
nearest_stop_dicts = map(nearest_stop, positions.iterrows())
nearest_stops = pd.DataFrame(nearest_stop_dicts)
positions['stop_lat'] = nearest_stops['stop_lat']
positions['stop_lon'] = nearest_stops['stop_lon']
positions['stop_id'] = nearest_stops['stop_id']
arrival_times = get_arrival_times(positions.trip_id.unique(), positions, schedule)
sched_times = positions.apply(lambda pos: get_sched_time(pos, arrival_times), axis=1)
positions['sched_time'] = sched_times
lat_diff = positions.latitude - positions.stop_lat
lon_diff = positions.longitude - positions.stop_lon
distances_to_stop = np.linalg.norm(zip(lat_diff, lon_diff), axis=1)
positions['distance_to_stop'] = distances_to_stop * 100
positions['sched_dev'] = positions.apply(lambda pos: get_sched_dev(pos), axis=1)
positions['dayofweek'] = positions.apply(lambda pos: pos.timestamp.isoweekday(), axis=1)
positions['hourofday'] = positions.apply(lambda pos: pos.timestamp.datetime.hour, axis=1)
grouped = positions.groupby(['trip_id', 'stop_id'])
selected_positions = grouped.apply(select_pos_from_group)
return selected_positions
RuntimeError: If the entity is not attached.
root_joint = mjcf.get_frame_freejoint(self.mjcf_model)
if root_joint:
if position is not None:
physics.bind(root_joint).qpos[:3] = position
if quaternion is not None:
physics.bind(root_joint).qpos[3:] = quaternion
attachment_frame = mjcf.get_attachment_frame(self.mjcf_model)
if attachment_frame is None:
raise RuntimeError(_NO_ATTACHMENT_FRAME)
if position is not None:
physics.bind(attachment_frame).pos = position
if quaternion is not None:
normalised_quaternion = quaternion / np.linalg.norm(quaternion)
physics.bind(attachment_frame).quat = normalised_quaternion