Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.;
#%% Histogram
data.wt.plot(kind='hist', bins=3)
data.Weight.value_counts() #same, order of category is changed
plt.hist(data.wt, bins = 5, stacked=True, normed=True, color='green' )
import seaborn as sns
sns.distplot(data.wt, kde=False, rug=True); #no curve, rug lines at bottom
sns.distplot(data.mpg, bins=20, kde=False, rug=True); #more bins, no curve
sns.distplot(data.mpg, hist=False, rug=True); #without density
sns.jointplot(x="wt", y="mpg", data=data);
sns.jointplot(x="wt", y="mpg", data=data, kind="kde");
sns.jointplot(x="x", y="y", data=df, );
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
sns.kdeplot(data.wt, data.mpg, ax=ax)
sns.rugplot(data.wt, color="g", ax=ax)
sns.rugplot(data.mpg, vertical=True, ax=ax);
#%% Pair Plot
sns.pairplot(data[['wt','mpg', 'hp', 'qsec']]);
#In statistics, an outlier is an observation point that is distant from other observations.
#The Z-score is the signed number of standard deviations by which the value of an observation or data point is above the mean value of what is being observed or measured
def Axis_JointPlot(data, x, y, kind="scatter"):
sns.set(style="white", color_codes=True)
g = sns.jointplot(x, y, data, kind)
d = mpld3.fig_to_dict(g.fig)
return d
grid = sns.FacetGrid(mtcars, row='gear', col='cyl', margin_titles=True), 'mpg', bins=np.linspace(0,35,5))
#Factor Plot
g= sns.factorplot('cyl', 'wt', hue='am', data=mtcars, kind='box')
g.set_axis_labels('Mileage', 'Weight')
#Joint Distributions
sns.jointplot('wt', 'mpg', data=mtcars)
sns.jointplot('wt', 'mpg', data=mtcars, kind='reg')
#Bar Plots
g = sns.factorplot(x='mpg', y=None, data=mtcars, aspect=1, kind='count', color='blue')
#with cat colomn
g = sns.factorplot(x='cyl', y=None, data=mtcars, aspect=1, kind='count', color='blue')
#g.set_xticklabels(step=1)# not reqd here
Kind of plot to draw, by default 'scatter'
ouput_file : str
Output file name for the image including extension (.jpg, .png, etc.)
# NOTE: Ignore the deprecation warning for showing the R^2 statistic until Seaborn reimplements it
import warnings
from scipy import stats
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True)
color = kwargs.pop("color", "crimson")
g = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=df, kind=kind, color=color, **kwargs).annotate(
if output_file: # pragma: no cover
g.savefig(os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, output_file))
return g
def jointplot(vals1, vals2, out_pdf):
g = sns.jointplot(vals1, vals2, alpha=0.8, color='black')
ax = g.ax_joint
xmin, xmax = scatter_lims(vals1)
ymin, ymax = scatter_lims(vals2)
ax.plot([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], linestyle='--', color='black')
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
ax.grid(True, linestyle=':')
plt.tight_layout(w_pad=0, h_pad=0)
# plot filter influence
sb_blue = sns.color_palette('deep')[0]
sns.set(style='ticks', font_scale=1)
ymin, ymax = coord_range(filter_infl, buf_pct=0.1)
if options.motifs_file:
nonzero = np.array(df_motifs.ic > 0)
xmin, xmax = coord_range(df_motifs.ic.loc[nonzero])
if not options.color_filters:
g = sns.jointplot(x=np.array(df_motifs.ic.loc[nonzero]), y=filter_infl[nonzero], color='black', stat_func=None, joint_kws={'alpha':0.8})
g = sns.jointplot(x=np.array(df_motifs.ic.loc[nonzero]), y=filter_infl[nonzero], color='black', stat_func=None, joint_kws={'alpha':0.1})
ax = g.ax_joint
unannotated = np.logical_and(nonzero, np.array(df_motifs.annotation == '.'))
ax.scatter(np.array(df_motifs.ic.loc[unannotated]), filter_infl[unannotated], c='#ee8b00', alpha=0.5, linewidths=0)
annotated = np.array(df_motifs.annotation != '.')
ax.scatter(np.array(df_motifs.ic.loc[annotated]), filter_infl[annotated], c='#1ba100', alpha=0.5, linewidths=0)
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_xlabel('Information content')
map(lambda xl: xl.set_fontsize(15), ax.get_xticklabels())
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
def bvJointPlot(u, v, corr_stat="kendalltau", vs=None, **kwargs):
stat_funcs = {"kendalltau": kendalltau,
"spearmanr": spearmanr,
"pearsonr": pearsonr}
outfile = kwargs.pop("savefig", None)
joint_plt = sns.jointplot(x=u, y=v, stat_func=stat_funcs[corr_stat], zorder=2, label="resampled", **kwargs)
vsData = vs
if vsData is not None:
joint_plt.x, joint_plt.y = vsData[0], vsData[1]
sb_color = sns.xkcd_palette(["faded green"])[0]
joint_plt.plot_joint(plt.scatter, s=4, alpha=0.7, c=sb_color, marker='o', edgecolors='face', label="original", zorder=1)
if outfile:
return joint_plt
params =
abunds = [txt.read_abundances(path_sim, sim_id=sim_id) for sim_id in params['sim_ids']]
colors = putils.get_colors(params)
# Make plot
for ii, (ab, color) in enumerate(zip(abunds, colors)):
marg_kws = {
'norm_hist': True,
'hist_kws': {'weights': ab.Survivors.values}
if ii == 0:
fig = sns.jointplot('[Fe/H]', params['ab'], data=ab, stat_func=None,
color=color, marginal_kws=marg_kws)
fig = putils.joint_overplot('[Fe/H]', params['ab'], data=ab,
fig=fig, color=color, marg_kws=marg_kws)
# Make legend
p = putils.get_path_collections(fig)
leg_args = putils.get_leg_args(params)
leg = fig.ax_joint.legend(p, params['labels'], **leg_args)
fout = join(path_out, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_file))[0] + '.pdf')
print(f'Wrote: {fout}')
cfg = cfg_io.read_plot_config(join(path_config, fin))
colors = utils.get_colors(cfg)
abund = cfg['General']['abundance']
labels = cfg['General']['labels']
# Read in simulation results
sims = []
for sim_id in cfg['General']['sim_ids']:
sims.append(txt_io.load_dataframe(path_output, sim_id))
# Make plot
for i, (sim, color) in enumerate(zip(sims, colors)):
marg_kws = dict(norm_hist=True,
if i == 0:
fig = sns.jointplot('[Fe/H]', abund, data=sim, stat_func=None,
color=color, marginal_kws=marg_kws)
fig = utils.joint_overplot('[Fe/H]', abund, df=sim, fig=fig,
color=color, marg_kws=marg_kws)
# Make legend
p = utils.get_path_collections(fig)
leg_args = utils.get_leg_args(cfg)
leg = fig.ax_joint.legend(p, labels, **leg_args)
# Save plot
fout = ''.join((os.path.splitext(fin)[0], '.pdf'))
plt.savefig(join(path_plots, fout))
u = (t + (19 * 60 * 60)) % (24 * 60 * 60)
j = bisect.bisect(sched_trips[key], u)
if j < len(sched_trips[key]):
u1 = sched_trips[key][j]
u1 = 24 * 60 * 60 + sched_trips[key][0]
sched_wait_time = u1 - u
if max(sched_wait_time, real_wait_time) < MAX:
xs.append(sched_wait_time / 60.)
ys.append(real_wait_time / 60.)
if sched_wait_time < MAX:
ys_by_x[int(sched_wait_time / 60.0)].append(real_wait_time / 60.)
seaborn.jointplot(numpy.array(xs), numpy.array(ys), kind='hex')
percs = [50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
results = [[] for p in percs]
for x, ys in enumerate(ys_by_x):
print x, len(ys)
ps = numpy.percentile(ys, percs)
for i, y in enumerate(ps):
for i, ys in enumerate(results):
pyplot.plot(range(len(ys)), ys, label='%d percentile' % percs[i])
pyplot.ylim([0, 60])
pyplot.title('How long do you have to wait given how much schedule predicts')
pyplot.xlabel('Scheduled waiting time (min)')