How to use the easyvvuq.constants.Status function in easyvvuq

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def test_get_and_set_status(campaign):
    run_names = ['Run_{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, 1011)]
    assert(all([campaign.get_run_status(name) == Status.NEW for name in run_names]))
    campaign.set_run_statuses(run_names, Status.ENCODED)
    assert(all([campaign.get_run_status(name) == Status.ENCODED for name in run_names]))
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        print('collating data...')
        decoder = campaign._active_app_decoder

        if decoder.output_type != OutputType.SAMPLE:
            raise RuntimeError('Can only aggregate sample type data')

        # Aggregate any uncollated runs into a dataframe (for appending to existing full df)
        new_data = {}
        qoi_cols = campaign._active_app_decoder.output_columns

        # Loop through all runs with status ENCODED (and therefore not yet COLLATED)
        processed_run_IDs = []
        for run_id, run_info in campaign.campaign_db.runs(
                status=constants.Status.ENCODED, app_id=app_id):

            # Use decoder to check if run has completed (in general application-specific)
            if decoder.sim_complete(run_info=run_info):

                run_data = decoder.parse_sim_output(run_info=run_info)
                new_data[run_id] = {}
                for qoi in qoi_cols:
                    new_data[run_id][qoi] = run_data[qoi].values

        self.append_data(campaign, new_data)
        campaign.campaign_db.set_run_statuses(processed_run_IDs, constants.Status.COLLATED)

        return len(processed_run_IDs)
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def scan_completed(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Check campaign database for completed runs (defined as runs with COLLATED status)

            list of runs

        return self.list_runs(status=Status.COLLATED)
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        filter_options = {'run_name': run_name}
        if campaign:
            filter_options['campaign'] = campaign
        if sampler:
            filter_options['sampler'] = sampler

        selected = self.session.query(RunTable).filter_by(**filter_options)

        if selected.count() != 1:
            logging.critical('Multiple runs selected - using the first')

        selected = selected.first()

        return constants.Status(selected.status)
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# TODO: Add version check

        self._campaign_info = input_info['campaign']
        self._app = input_info.get('app', {})
        self._runs = input_info.get('runs', {})
        self._sample = input_info.get('sample', {})
        self._collation_csv = input_info.get('collation_csv', {})
        self._next_run = input_info['next_run']
        self._next_ensemble = input_info['next_ensemble']

        self._app['params'] = ParamsSpecification.deserialize(self._app['params'])

        # Convert run statuses to enums
        for run_id in self._runs:
            self._runs[run_id]['status'] = constants.Status(self._runs[run_id]['status'])
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'run_dir': self.run_dir,
                'params': json.dumps(self.params, default=convert_nonserializable),
                'status': constants.Status(self.status),
                'campaign': self.campaign,
                'sample': self.sample,


            out_dict = {
                'run_name': self.run_name,
                'ensemble_name': self.ensemble_name,
                'run_dir': self.run_dir,
                'params': self.params,
                'status': constants.Status(self.status),
                'campaign': self.campaign,
                'sample': self.sample,

        return out_dict
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# make a row for every sim_output value
                for i, output_val in enumerate(sim_output.columns.tolist()):
                    for param, value in params.items():
                        run_data.loc[i, param] = value
                    run_data.loc[i, 'Variable'] = output_val
                    run_data.loc[i, 'Value'] = sim_output.loc[0, output_val]
                    run_data.loc[i, 'run_id'] = run_id
                    run_data.loc[i, 'ensemble_id'] = run_info['ensemble_name']

                new_data = new_data.append(run_data, ignore_index=True)


        self.append_data(campaign, new_data, app_id)
        campaign.campaign_db.set_run_statuses(processed_run_IDs, constants.Status.COLLATED)

        return len(processed_run_IDs)
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    def apply_for_each_run_dir(self, action, status=Status.ENCODED):
        For each run in this Campaign's run list, apply the specified action
        (an object of type Action)

        action : the action to be applied to each run directory
            The function to be applied to each run directory. func() will
            be called with the run directory path as its only argument.

        # Loop through all runs in this campaign with status ENCODED, and
        # run the specified action on each run's dir
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            The number of new data rows added during collation

        decoder = campaign._active_app_decoder

        if decoder.output_type != OutputType.SAMPLE:
            raise RuntimeError('Can only aggregate sample type data')

        # Aggregate any uncollated runs into a dataframe (for appending to existing full df)
        new_data = pd.DataFrame()

        # Loop through all runs with status ENCODED (and therefore not yet COLLATED)
        processed_run_IDs = []
        for run_id, run_info in campaign.campaign_db.runs(
                status=constants.Status.ENCODED, app_id=app_id):

            # Use decoder to check if run has completed (in general application-specific)
            if decoder.sim_complete(run_info=run_info):

                run_data = decoder.parse_sim_output(run_info=run_info)

                if self.average:
                    run_data = pd.DataFrame(run_data.mean()).transpose()

                mult = isinstance(run_data.columns, pd.MultiIndex)

                params = run_info['params']
                for param, value in params.items():
                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        # need to have multi-index dataframe
                        if not mult:
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run_row: RunTable
            Information on a particular run in the database.

            Contains run information (keys = run_name, params, status, sample,
            campaign and app)


        run_info = {
            'run_name': run_row.run_name,
            'ensemble_name': run_row.ensemble_name,
            'params': json.loads(run_row.params),
            'status': constants.Status(run_row.status),
            'sample': run_row.sample,
            'campaign': run_row.campaign,
            'run_dir': run_row.run_dir

        return run_info