How to use the jcvi.apps.base.mkdir function in jcvi

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github tanghaibao / jcvi / jcvi / variation / View on Github external
%prog merge folder1 ...

    Consolidate split contents in the folders. The folders can be generated by
    the split() process and several samples may be in separate fastq files. This
    program merges them.
    p = OptionParser(merge.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) < 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    folders = args
    outdir = opts.outdir

    files = flatten(glob("{0}/*.*.fastq".format(x)) for x in folders)
    files = list(files)
    key = lambda x: op.basename(x).split(".")[0]
    for id, fns in groupby(files, key=key):
        fns = list(fns)
        outfile = op.join(outdir, "{0}.fastq".format(id))
        FileMerger(fns, outfile=outfile).merge(checkexists=True)
github tanghaibao / jcvi / formats / View on Github external
Assemble each BAC separately using newbler.
    from jcvi.formats.fasta import join

    p = OptionParser(assemble.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--overwrite", default=False, action="store_true",
            help="Overwrite the separate BAC assembly [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    sffdir, = args
    asmdir = "newbler"
    fastadir = "fasta"
    mkdir(asmdir, overwrite=opts.overwrite)
    mkdir(fastadir, overwrite=opts.overwrite)
    cmd = "runAssembly -cpu 8 -o {0} {1}"
    for sffile in glob("{0}/*.sff".format(sffdir)):
        pf = op.basename(sffile).split(".")[1]
        pf = pf.lower()
        outdir = op.join(asmdir, pf)
        if op.exists(outdir):
            logging.debug("`{0}` exists. Ignored.".format(outdir))

        acmd = cmd.format(outdir, sffile)

        ctgfile = op.join(outdir, "454LargeContigs.fna")
        if not op.exists(ctgfile):  # newbler failure
            logging.error("File `{0}` not found (newbler failure).".\
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if len(args) < 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastq = args
    tag, tagj, taglj = "frag_reads", "jump_reads", "long_jump_reads"

    ploidy = opts.ploidy
    haploidify = opts.haploidify
    suffix = opts.suffix
    assert (not haploidify) or (haploidify and ploidy == '2')

    prepare(["Unknown"] + fastq + ["--norun"])

    datadir = opts.dir
    fullpath = op.join(os.getcwd(), datadir)
    nthreads = " NUM_THREADS={0}".format(opts.cpus)
    phred64 = (guessoffset([args[0]]) == 64)

    orig = datadir + "/{0}_orig".format(tag)
    origfastb = orig + ".fastb"
    if need_update(fastq, origfastb):
        cmd = " DATA_DIR={0} HOSTS='{1}' PLOIDY={2}".\
                format(fullpath, opts.cpus, ploidy)
        if phred64:
            cmd += " PHRED_64=True"

    if op.exists(origfastb):
        correct_frag(datadir, tag, origfastb, nthreads, dedup=opts.fragsdedup,
                     haploidify=haploidify, suffix=suffix)
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def error(args):
    %prog error version backup_folder

    Find all errors in ../5-consensus/*.err and pull the error unitigs into
    backup/ folder.
    p = OptionParser(error.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    version, backup_folder = args

    fw = open("errors.log", "w")

    seen = set()
    for g in glob("../5-consensus/*.err"):
        if "partitioned" in g:

        fp = open(g)
        partID = op.basename(g).rsplit(".err", 1)[0]
        partID = int(partID.split("_")[-1])

        for row in fp:
            if row.startswith(working):
                unitigID = row.split("(")[0].split()[-1]
github tanghaibao / jcvi / jcvi / assembly / View on Github external
rid = list(Fasta(ctgfasta).iterkeys())
    assert len(rid) == 1, "Use overlapbatch() to improve multi-FASTA file"

    rid = rid[0]
    splitctgfasta = ctgfasta.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".split.fasta"
    ctgfasta = run_gapsplit(infile=ctgfasta, outfile=splitctgfasta)

    # Run BLAST
    blastfile = ctgfasta + ".blast"
    run_megablast(infile=ctgfasta, outfile=blastfile, db=poolfasta)

    # Extract contigs and merge using minimus2
    closuredir = prefix + ".closure"
    closure = False
    if need_update(blastfile, closuredir):
        mkdir(closuredir, overwrite=True)
        closure = True

    if closure:
        idsfile = op.join(closuredir, prefix + ".ids")
        cmd = "cut -f2 {0} | sort -u".format(blastfile)
        sh(cmd, outfile=idsfile)

        idsfastafile = op.join(closuredir, prefix + ".ids.fasta")
        cmd = "faSomeRecords {0} {1} {2}".format(poolfasta, idsfile, idsfastafile)

        # This step is a hack to weight the bases from original sequences more
        # than the pulled sequences, by literally adding another copy to be used
        # in consensus calls.
        redundantfastafile = op.join(closuredir, prefix + ".redundant.fasta")
        format([ctgfasta, redundantfastafile, "--prefix=RED."])
github tanghaibao / jcvi / jcvi / projects / View on Github external
def write_lst(bedfile):
    pf = op.basename(bedfile).split(".")[0]
    bed = Bed(bedfile)
    stanza = []
    for seqid, bs in bed.sub_beds():
        fname = op.join(pf, "{0}.lst".format(seqid))
        fw = open(fname, "w")
        for b in bs:
            print("{0}{1}".format(b.accn.replace(" ", ""), b.strand), file=fw)
        stanza.append((seqid, fname))
    return pf, stanza
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a2 = row[tred + ".2"]
        fdp = row[tred + ".FDP"]
        pdp = row[tred + ".PDP"]
        pedp = row[tred + ".PEDP"]
        dp[sk] = (a1, a2, fdp, pdp, pedp)

    # Build a consolidated dataframe
    ef = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dp, orient="index")
    ef.columns = [tred + ".1", tred + ".2", tred + ".FDP",
                  tred + ".PDP", tred + ".PEDP"] = "SampleKey"
    mf = df.merge(ef, how="right", left_index=True, right_index=True)

    # Plot a bunch of figures
    outdir = "output"
    xlim = ylim = (0, 100)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/A", "MeanCoverage", "HD.FDP",
                   data=mf, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/B", "MeanCoverage", "HD.PDP",
                   data=mf, color='g', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/C", "MeanCoverage", "HD.PEDP",
                   data=mf, color='m', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)

    xlim = (0, 50)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/D", "HD.2", "HD.FDP",
                   data=mf, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/E", "HD.2", "HD.PDP",
                   data=mf, color='g', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)
    draw_jointplot(outdir + "/F", "HD.2", "HD.PEDP",
                   data=mf, color='m', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, format=format)
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def build_ml_raxml(alignment, outfile, work_dir=".", **kwargs):
    build maximum likelihood tree of DNA seqs with RAxML
    work_dir = op.join(work_dir, "work")
    phy_file = op.join(work_dir, "aln.phy")
    AlignIO.write(alignment, file(phy_file, "w"), "phylip-relaxed")

    raxml_work = op.abspath(op.join(op.dirname(phy_file), "raxml_work"))
    raxml_cl = RaxmlCommandline(cmd=RAXML_BIN("raxmlHPC"), \
        sequences=phy_file, algorithm="a", model="GTRGAMMA", \
        parsimony_seed=12345, rapid_bootstrap_seed=12345, \
        num_replicates=100, name="aln", \
        working_dir=raxml_work, **kwargs)

    logging.debug("Building ML tree using RAxML: %s" % raxml_cl)
    stdout, stderr = raxml_cl()

    tree_file = "{0}/RAxML_bipartitions.aln".format(raxml_work)
    if not op.exists(tree_file):
        print("***RAxML failed.", file=sys.stderr)
        sh("rm -rf %s" % raxml_work, log=False)
        return None
    sh("cp {0} {1}".format(tree_file, outfile), log=False)
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if self.concurrency:
            qsub += " -tc {0}".format(self.concurrency)
            qsub += ' -N "{0}"'.format(
        if self.hold_jid:
            param = "-hold_jid_ad" if self.arr else "-hold_jid"
            qsub += " {0} {1}".format(param, self.hold_jid)
        if self.extra:
            qsub += " {0}".format(self.extra)

        # I/O
        infile = self.infile
        outfile = self.outfile
        errfile = self.errfile
        outdir = self.outdir
        redirect_same = outfile and (outfile == errfile)

        if infile:
            qsub += " -i {0}".format(infile)
        if outfile:
            self.outfile = op.join(outdir, outfile)
            qsub += " -o {0}".format(self.outfile)
        if errfile:
            if redirect_same:
                qsub += " -j y"
                self.errfile = op.join(outdir, errfile)
                qsub += " -e {0}".format(self.errfile)

        cmd = " ".join((qsub, self.cmd))
        return cmd
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def slink(p, pf, tag, extra=None):

    mkdir(pf, overwrite=True)
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # Create sym-links for the input files
    i = 1
    for f in sorted(p):
        gz = ".gz" if f.endswith(".gz") else ""
        if "PE-0" in f:
            sh("ln -sf ../{0} PE-0.fastq{1}".format(f, gz))
        for t in tag:
            sh("ln -sf ../{0} {1}.{2}.fastq{3}".format(f, t, i, gz))
        i += 1

    if extra:
        for e in extra: