Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
import ctypes
from ert.cwrap import BaseCClass, CWrapper
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype, CPolyline
class CPolylineCollection(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "geo_polygon_collection"
_alloc_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_polygon_collection_alloc( )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_free( geo_polygon_collection )" )
_size = GeoPrototype("int geo_polygon_collection_size( geo_polygon_collection)" )
_create_polyline = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_create_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_has_polyline = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_collection_has_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_iget = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_iget_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , int)" )
_get = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_get_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_add_polyline = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_add_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , geo_polygon , bool)")
def __init__(self):
c_ptr = self._alloc_new( )
super(CPolylineCollection , self).__init__( c_ptr )
self.parent_ref = None
def __contains__(self , name):
return self._has_polyline(name)
def __len__(self):
return self._size( )
from .geometry_tools import GeometryTools
class CPolyline(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "geo_polygon"
_alloc_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_polygon_alloc( char* )" , bind = False)
_fread_alloc_irap = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_obj geo_polygon_fload_alloc_irap( char* )" , bind = False)
_add_point = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_add_point( geo_polygon , double , double )")
_add_point_front = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_add_point_front( geo_polygon , double , double )")
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_free( geo_polygon )")
_size = GeoPrototype("int geo_polygon_get_size( geo_polygon )")
_iget_xy = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_iget_xy( geo_polygon , int , double* , double* )")
_segment_intersects = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_segment_intersects( geo_polygon , double , double, double , double)")
_get_name = GeoPrototype("char* geo_polygon_get_name( geo_polygon )")
_set_name = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_set_name( geo_polygon , char* )")
_segment_length = GeoPrototype("double geo_polygon_get_length( geo_polygon)")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_equal( geo_polygon , geo_polygon )")
def __init__(self, name = None , init_points = []):
c_ptr = self._alloc_new( name )
super(CPolyline , self).__init__( c_ptr )
for (xc, yc) in init_points:
self.addPoint(xc, yc)
def createFromXYZFile(cls , filename , name = None):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise IOError("No such file:%s" % filename)
import ctypes
from cwrap import BaseCClass
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype, CPolyline
class CPolylineCollection(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "geo_polygon_collection"
_alloc_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_polygon_collection_alloc( )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_free( geo_polygon_collection )" )
_size = GeoPrototype("int geo_polygon_collection_size( geo_polygon_collection)" )
_create_polyline = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_create_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_has_polyline = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_collection_has_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_iget = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_iget_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , int)" )
_get = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_get_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_add_polyline = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_add_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , geo_polygon , bool)")
def __init__(self):
c_ptr = self._alloc_new( )
super(CPolylineCollection , self).__init__( c_ptr )
self.parent_ref = None
def __contains__(self , name):
return self._has_polyline(name)
def __len__(self):
class Surface(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "surface"
_alloc = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_fload_alloc_irap( char* , bool )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_free( surface )")
_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_alloc_new( int, int, double, double, double, double, double )", bind = False)
_get_nx = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_nx( surface )")
_get_ny = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_ny( surface )")
_iget_zvalue = GeoPrototype("double geo_surface_iget_zvalue( surface , int)")
_iset_zvalue = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iset_zvalue( surface , int , double)")
_write = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_fprintf_irap( surface , char* )")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal( surface , surface )")
_header_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal_header( surface , surface )")
_copy = GeoPrototype("surface_obj geo_surface_alloc_copy( surface , bool )")
_assign = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_assign_value( surface , double )")
_scale = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_scale( surface , double )")
_shift = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_shift( surface , double )")
_iadd = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iadd( surface , surface )")
_imul = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_imul( surface , surface )")
_isub = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isub( surface , surface )")
_isqrt = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isqrt( surface )")
_iget_xy = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iget_xy(surface, int, double*, double*)")
_get_pointset = GeoPrototype("geo_pointset_ref geo_surface_get_pointset(surface)")
def __init__(self, filename=None, nx=None, ny=None, xinc=None, yinc=None,
xstart=None, ystart=None, angle=None):
This will load a irap surface from file. The surface should
consist of a header and a set z values.
if filename is not None:
class Surface(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "surface"
_alloc = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_fload_alloc_irap( char* , bool )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_free( surface )")
_get_nx = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_nx( surface )")
_get_ny = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_ny( surface )")
_iget_zvalue = GeoPrototype("double geo_surface_iget_zvalue( surface , int)")
_iset_zvalue = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iset_zvalue( surface , int , double)")
_write = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_fprintf_irap( surface , char* )")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal( surface , surface )")
_header_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal_header( surface , surface )")
_copy = GeoPrototype("surface_obj geo_surface_alloc_copy( surface , bool )")
_assign = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_assign_value( surface , double )")
_scale = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_scale( surface , double )")
_shift = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_shift( surface , double )")
_iadd = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iadd( surface , surface )")
_imul = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_imul( surface , surface )")
_isub = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isub( surface , surface )")
_isqrt = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isqrt( surface )")
def __init__(self, filename):
This will load a irap surface from file. The surface should
consist of a header and a set z values.
if os.path.isfile( filename ):
c_ptr = self._alloc(filename , True)
super(Surface , self).__init__(c_ptr)
Create a polygon
import ctypes
from ert.cwrap import BaseCClass, CWrapper
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype, CPolyline
class CPolylineCollection(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "geo_polygon_collection"
_alloc_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_polygon_collection_alloc( )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_free( geo_polygon_collection )" )
_size = GeoPrototype("int geo_polygon_collection_size( geo_polygon_collection)" )
_create_polyline = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_create_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_has_polyline = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_collection_has_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_iget = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_iget_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , int)" )
_get = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_ref geo_polygon_collection_get_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , char*)" )
_add_polyline = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_collection_add_polygon(geo_polygon_collection , geo_polygon , bool)")
def __init__(self):
c_ptr = self._alloc_new( )
super(CPolylineCollection , self).__init__( c_ptr )
self.parent_ref = None
def __contains__(self , name):
return self._has_polyline(name)
Create a polygon
import os.path
import ctypes
from numpy import zeros
from cwrap import BaseCClass
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype
from ert.geo import GeoPointset
class Surface(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "surface"
_alloc = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_fload_alloc_irap( char* , bool )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_free( surface )")
_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_alloc_new( int, int, double, double, double, double, double )", bind = False)
_get_nx = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_nx( surface )")
_get_ny = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_ny( surface )")
_iget_zvalue = GeoPrototype("double geo_surface_iget_zvalue( surface , int)")
_iset_zvalue = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iset_zvalue( surface , int , double)")
_write = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_fprintf_irap( surface , char* )")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal( surface , surface )")
_header_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal_header( surface , surface )")
_copy = GeoPrototype("surface_obj geo_surface_alloc_copy( surface , bool )")
_assign = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_assign_value( surface , double )")
_scale = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_scale( surface , double )")
_shift = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_shift( surface , double )")
_iadd = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iadd( surface , surface )")
_imul = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_imul( surface , surface )")
_isub = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isub( surface , surface )")
_isqrt = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isqrt( surface )")
_iget_xy = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iget_xy(surface, int, double*, double*)")
_alloc = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_fload_alloc_irap( char* , bool )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_free( surface )")
_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_alloc_new( int, int, double, double, double, double, double )", bind = False)
_get_nx = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_nx( surface )")
_get_ny = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_ny( surface )")
_iget_zvalue = GeoPrototype("double geo_surface_iget_zvalue( surface , int)")
_iset_zvalue = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iset_zvalue( surface , int , double)")
_write = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_fprintf_irap( surface , char* )")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal( surface , surface )")
_header_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal_header( surface , surface )")
_copy = GeoPrototype("surface_obj geo_surface_alloc_copy( surface , bool )")
_assign = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_assign_value( surface , double )")
_scale = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_scale( surface , double )")
_shift = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_shift( surface , double )")
_iadd = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iadd( surface , surface )")
_imul = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_imul( surface , surface )")
_isub = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isub( surface , surface )")
_isqrt = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isqrt( surface )")
_iget_xy = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iget_xy(surface, int, double*, double*)")
_get_pointset = GeoPrototype("geo_pointset_ref geo_surface_get_pointset(surface)")
def __init__(self, filename=None, nx=None, ny=None, xinc=None, yinc=None,
xstart=None, ystart=None, angle=None):
This will load a irap surface from file. The surface should
consist of a header and a set z values.
if filename is not None:
filename = str(filename)
if os.path.isfile( filename ):
c_ptr = self._alloc(filename , True)
Create a polygon
import os.path
from ert.cwrap import BaseCClass
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype
class Surface(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "surface"
_alloc = GeoPrototype("void* geo_surface_fload_alloc_irap( char* , bool )" , bind = False)
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_free( surface )")
_get_nx = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_nx( surface )")
_get_ny = GeoPrototype("int geo_surface_get_ny( surface )")
_iget_zvalue = GeoPrototype("double geo_surface_iget_zvalue( surface , int)")
_iset_zvalue = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iset_zvalue( surface , int , double)")
_write = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_fprintf_irap( surface , char* )")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal( surface , surface )")
_header_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_surface_equal_header( surface , surface )")
_copy = GeoPrototype("surface_obj geo_surface_alloc_copy( surface , bool )")
_assign = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_assign_value( surface , double )")
_scale = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_scale( surface , double )")
_shift = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_shift( surface , double )")
_iadd = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_iadd( surface , surface )")
_imul = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_imul( surface , surface )")
_isub = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isub( surface , surface )")
_isqrt = GeoPrototype("void geo_surface_isqrt( surface )")
def __init__(self, filename):
# for more details.
Create a polygon
import ctypes
import os.path
from ert.cwrap import BaseCClass, CWrapper
from ert.geo import GeoPrototype
from .geometry_tools import GeometryTools
class CPolyline(BaseCClass):
TYPE_NAME = "geo_polygon"
_alloc_new = GeoPrototype("void* geo_polygon_alloc( char* )" , bind = False)
_fread_alloc_irap = GeoPrototype("geo_polygon_obj geo_polygon_fload_alloc_irap( char* )" , bind = False)
_add_point = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_add_point( geo_polygon , double , double )")
_add_point_front = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_add_point_front( geo_polygon , double , double )")
_free = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_free( geo_polygon )")
_size = GeoPrototype("int geo_polygon_get_size( geo_polygon )")
_iget_xy = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_iget_xy( geo_polygon , int , double* , double* )")
_segment_intersects = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_segment_intersects( geo_polygon , double , double, double , double)")
_get_name = GeoPrototype("char* geo_polygon_get_name( geo_polygon )")
_set_name = GeoPrototype("void geo_polygon_set_name( geo_polygon , char* )")
_segment_length = GeoPrototype("double geo_polygon_get_length( geo_polygon)")
_equal = GeoPrototype("bool geo_polygon_equal( geo_polygon , geo_polygon )")
def __init__(self, name = None , init_points = []):
c_ptr = self._alloc_new( name )
super(CPolyline , self).__init__( c_ptr )