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def test_apply_strain(self):
calc = TersoffScr(**Tersoff_PRB_39_5566_Si_C__Scr)
timestep = 1.0*units.fs
atoms ='')
# constraints
top = atoms.positions[:, 1].max()
bottom = atoms.positions[:, 1].min()
fixed_mask = ((abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - top) < 1.0) |
(abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - bottom) < 1.0))
fix_atoms = FixAtoms(mask=fixed_mask)
# strain
orig_height = (atoms.positions[:, 1].max() - atoms.positions[:, 1].min())
delta_strain = timestep*1e-5*(1/units.fs)
rigid_constraints = False
strain_atoms = ConstantStrainRate(orig_height, delta_strain)
Calculator.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.model = model
self.atoms_converter = AtomsConverter(
self.model_energy = energy
self.model_forces = forces
# Convert to ASE internal units
self.energy_units = MDUnits.parse_mdunit(energy_units) * units.Ha
self.forces_units = MDUnits.parse_mdunit(forces_units) * units.Ha / units.Bohr
Pourbaix M (1966)
Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions.
No. v. 1 in Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions.
Pergamon Press, New York.
Returns list of (name, energy) tuples.
if isinstance(symbols, str):
symbols = Formula(symbols).count().keys()
if len(_solvated) == 0:
for line in _aqueous.splitlines():
energy, formula = line.split(',')
name = formula + '(aq)'
count, charge, aq = parse_formula(name)
energy = float(energy) * 0.001 * units.kcal / units.mol
_solvated.append((name, count, charge, aq, energy))
references = []
for name, count, charge, aq, energy in _solvated:
for symbol in count:
if symbol not in 'HO' and symbol not in symbols:
references.append((name, energy))
return references
def get_zero_point_energy(self, freq=None):
if freq is None:
return 0.5 * self.hnu.real.sum()
s = 0.01 * units._e / units._c / units._hplanck
return 0.5 * freq.real.sum() / s
spring constant (eV/A^2)
m : float
mass (grams/mole or AMU)
T : float
temperature (K)
method : str
method for free energy computation, classical or QM.
free energy of the Einstein crystal (eV/atom)
assert method in ['classical', 'QM']
hbar = units._hbar * units.J # eV/s
m = m / # mass kg
k = k * units.m**2 / units.J # spring constant J/m2
omega = np.sqrt(k / m) # angular frequency 1/s
if method == 'classical':
F_einstein = 3 * units.kB * T * np.log(hbar * omega / (units.kB * T))
elif method == 'QM':
log_factor = np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-hbar * omega / (units.kB * T)))
F_einstein = 3 * units.kB * T * log_factor + 1.5 * hbar * omega
return F_einstein
import numpy as np
from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator
from ase import units
k_c = units.Hartree * units.Bohr
class AtomicCounterIon(Calculator):
implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces']
def __init__(self, charge, epsilon, sigma, sites_per_mol=1,
rc=7.0, width=1.0):
""" Counter Ion Calculator.
A very simple, nonbonded (Coulumb and LJ)
interaction calculator meant for single atom ions
to charge neutralize systems (and nothing else)...
self.rc = rc
self.width = width
self.sites_per_mol = sites_per_mol
H[r] /= 2 *
r += 1
H += H.copy().T
self.H = H
m = self.atoms.get_masses()
if 0 in [m[index] for index in self.indices]:
raise RuntimeError('Zero mass encountered in one or more of '
'the vibrated atoms. Use Atoms.set_masses()'
' to set all masses to non-zero values.') = np.repeat(m[self.indices]**-0.5, 3)
omega2, modes = np.linalg.eigh([:, None] * H *
self.modes = modes.T.copy()
# Conversion factor:
s = units._hbar * 1e10 / sqrt(units._e * units._amu)
self.hnu = s * omega2.astype(complex)**0.5
def read(self, method='standard', direction='central', inter = True):
self.method = method.lower()
self.direction = direction.lower()
assert self.method in ['standard', 'frederiksen']
if direction != 'central':
raise NotImplementedError(
'Only central difference is implemented at the moment.')
# Get "static" dipole moment polarizability and forces
name = '%s.eq.pckl' %
[forces_zero, dipole_zero, freq_zero,
noninPol_zero, pol_zero] = pickle.load(open(name, "rb"))
self.dipole_zero = (sum(dipole_zero**2)**0.5) / units.Debye
self.force_zero = max([sum((forces_zero[j])**2)**0.5
for j in self.indices])
self.noninPol_zero = noninPol_zero * (units.Bohr)**3 # Ang**3
self.pol_zero = pol_zero * (units.Bohr)**3 # Ang**3
ndof = 3 * len(self.indices)
H = np.empty((ndof, ndof))
dpdx = np.empty((ndof, 3))
dadx = np.empty((ndof, self.pol_zero.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=complex)
r = 0
for a in self.indices:
for i in 'xyz':
name = '%s.%d%s' % (, a, i)
[fminus, dminus, frminus, noninpminus, pminus] = pickle.load(
open(name + '-.pckl', "rb"))
def __init__(self, atomsx, express=np.zeros((3,3)), fixstrain=np.ones((3,3))):
"""box relaxation
atomsx: an Atoms object
express: external pressure, a 3*3 lower triangular matrix in the unit of GPa;
define positive values as compression
fixstrain: 3*3 matrix as express. 0 fixes strain at the corresponding direction
self.atomsx = atomsx express * units.GPa
if express[0][1]**2+express[0][2]**2+express[1][2]**2 > 1e-5:
express[0][1] = 0
express[0][2] = 0
express[1][2] = 0
print("warning: xy, xz, yz components of the external pressure will be set to zero")
self.fixstrain = fixstrain
cell = atomsx.get_cell()
vol = atomsx.get_volume()
self.natom = atomsx.get_number_of_atoms()
avglen = (vol/self.natom)**(1.0/3.0)
self.jacobian = avglen * self.natom**0.5
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms, units
from tqdm import tqdm
import schnetpack as spk
from schnetpack import Properties
logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "INFO"))
# Conversion from ppm to atomic units. Alpha is the fine structure constant and 1e6 are the ppm
ppm2au = 1.0 / (units.alpha ** 2 * 1e6)
class OrcaParserException(Exception):
class OrcaParser:
main_properties = [,
hessian_properties = [