How to use the anyio.create_lock function in anyio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few anyio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_contextmanager(self):
        async def task():
            assert lock.locked()
            async with lock:

        results = []
        lock = create_lock()
        async with create_task_group() as tg:
            async with lock:
                await tg.spawn(task)
                await wait_all_tasks_blocked()

        assert not lock.locked()
        assert results == ['1', '2']
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_manual_acquire(self):
        async def task():
            assert lock.locked()
            await lock.acquire()
                await lock.release()

        results = []
        lock = create_lock()
        async with create_task_group() as tg:
            await lock.acquire()
                await tg.spawn(task)
                await wait_all_tasks_blocked()
                await lock.release()

        assert not lock.locked()
        assert results == ['1', '2']
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_cancel(self):
        async def task():
            nonlocal task_started, got_lock
            task_started = True
            async with lock:
                got_lock = True

        task_started = got_lock = False
        lock = create_lock()
        async with create_task_group() as tg:
            async with lock:
                await tg.spawn(task)
                await tg.cancel_scope.cancel()

        assert task_started
        assert not got_lock
github clamor-py / anysocks / anysocks / View on Github external
self._stream = stream
        self._wsproto = wsproto
        self._host = host
        self._path = path
        self._subprotocols = subprotocols
        self._connection_subprotocol = None
        self._handshake_headers = None
        self._headers = headers
        self.message_queue_size = message_queue_size
        self.max_message_size = max_message_size

        self._reject_status = None
        self._reject_headers = None
        self._reject_body = b''

        self._stream_lock = anyio.create_lock()
        self._message_size = 0
        self._message_parts = []
        self._event_queue = anyio.create_queue(self.message_queue_size)
        self._pings = OrderedDict()
        self._open_handshake = anyio.create_event()
        self._close_handshake = anyio.create_event()
github Fuyukai / curious / curious / core / View on Github external
def get_ratelimit_lock(self, bucket: object) -> "anyio.Lock":
        Gets a ratelimit lock from the dict if it exists, otherwise creates a new one.
            return self._rate_limits[bucket]
        except KeyError:
            lock = anyio.create_lock()
            self._rate_limits[bucket] = lock
            return lock
github kyb3r / pycord / pycord / api / View on Github external
def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        self.token = client.token
        self.retries = 5
        self.buckets = defaultdict(anyio.create_lock)
        self.global_event = anyio.create_event()

        # set global lock and create user agent
        user_agent = 'DiscordBot ({0} {1}) Python/{2[0]}.{2[1]}'
        self.user_agent = user_agent.format(
            __github__, __version__, sys.version_info)

        token = 'Bot {.token}'.format(self) if self.client.is_bot else self.token

        headers = {
            "Authorization": token,
            "User-Agent": self.user_agent

        self.session = asks.Session(headers=headers)
github Fuyukai / curious / curious / core / View on Github external
def __init__(self, token: str, *, max_connections: int = 10):
        #: The token used for all requests.
        self.token = token

        # Calculated headers
        from curious import USER_AGENT

        headers = {"User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Authorization": f"Bot {token}"}

        self.endpoints = Endpoints()
        self.headers = headers

        #: The global ratelimit lock.
        self.global_lock = anyio.create_lock()

        self._rate_limits = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
        self._ratelimit_remaining = lru(1024)