How to use the anyio.connect_tcp function in anyio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few anyio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async with await stream_server.accept() as stream:
                assert stream.tls_version is None

                while True:
                    command = await stream.receive_exactly(5)
                    if command == b'START':
                        await stream.start_tls()
                        assert stream.tls_version.startswith('TLSv')
                    elif command == b'CLOSE':

        async with await create_tcp_server(ssl_context=server_context,
                                           autostart_tls=False) as stream_server:
            async with create_task_group() as tg:
                await tg.spawn(server)
                async with await connect_tcp('localhost', stream_server.port,
                                             ssl_context=client_context) as client:
                    assert client.tls_version is None

                    await client.send(b'START')  # arbitrary string
                    await client.start_tls()

                    assert client.tls_version.startswith('TLSv')
                    await client.send(b'CLOSE')  # arbitrary string
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_happy_eyeballs(self, interface, expected_addr, fake_localhost_dns):
        async def handle_client(stream):
            addr, port, *rest = stream.peer_address
            await stream.send(addr.encode() + b'\n')

        async def server():
            async for stream in stream_server.accept_connections():
                await tg.spawn(handle_client, stream)

        async with await create_tcp_server(interface=interface) as stream_server:
            async with create_task_group() as tg:
                await tg.spawn(server)
                async with await connect_tcp('localhost', stream_server.port) as client:
                    assert await client.receive_until(b'\n', 100) == expected_addr
                    assert client.address[0] == expected_addr.decode()

                await stream_server.aclose()
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_ragged_eofs(self, server_context, client_context, server_compatible,
                               client_compatible, exc_class):
        async def server():
            async with await stream_server.accept() as stream:
                chunks.append(await stream.receive_exactly(2))
                await stream.send(b'OK\n')
                with pytest.raises(exc_class):
                    await stream.receive_exactly(2)

        chunks = []
        async with await create_tcp_server(
                tls_standard_compatible=server_compatible) as stream_server:
            async with create_task_group() as tg:
                await tg.spawn(server)
                async with await connect_tcp(
                        'localhost', stream_server.port, ssl_context=client_context,
                        autostart_tls=True, tls_standard_compatible=client_compatible) as client:
                    await client.send(b'bl')
                    assert await client.receive_exactly(3) == b'OK\n'

        assert chunks == [b'bl']
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_receive_from_cache(self, localhost):
        async def server():
            async with await stream_server.accept() as stream:
                await stream.receive_until(b'a', 10)
                request = await stream.receive(1)
                await stream.send(request + b'\n')

        async with create_task_group() as tg:
            async with await create_tcp_server(interface=localhost) as stream_server:
                await tg.spawn(server)
                async with await connect_tcp(localhost, stream_server.port) as client:
                    await client.send(b'abc')
                    received = await client.receive_until(b'\n', 3)

        assert received == b'b'
github agronholm / anyio / tests / View on Github external
async def test_alpn_negotiation(self, server_context, client_context):
        async def server():
            async with await stream_server.accept() as stream:
                assert stream.alpn_protocol == 'dummy2'

        client_context.set_alpn_protocols(['dummy1', 'dummy2'])
        server_context.set_alpn_protocols(['dummy2', 'dummy3'])
        async with await create_tcp_server(ssl_context=server_context) as stream_server:
            async with create_task_group() as tg:
                await tg.spawn(server)
                async with await connect_tcp(
                        'localhost', stream_server.port, ssl_context=client_context,
                        autostart_tls=True) as client:
                    assert client.alpn_protocol == 'dummy2'
github clamor-py / anysocks / anysocks / View on Github external
host, port, resource, use_ssl = _url_to_host(url, use_ssl)

    if use_ssl is True:
        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
    elif use_ssl is False:
        ssl_context = None
    elif isinstance(use_ssl, ssl.SSLContext):
        ssl_context = use_ssl
        raise TypeError('use_ssl argument must be bool or ssl.SSLContext')'Connecting to %s...', url)

    tls = True if ssl_context else False
    stream = await anyio.connect_tcp(
        host, int(port), ssl_context=ssl_context, autostart_tls=tls, tls_standard_compatible=False)
    if port in (80, 443):
        host_header = host
        host_header = '{}:{}'.format(host, port)

    wsproto = WSConnection(ConnectionType.CLIENT)
    connection = WebSocketConnection(
        stream, wsproto, host=host_header, path=resource, subprotocols=subprotocols,
        headers=headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size
    await task_group.spawn(connection._reader_task)
    await connection._open_handshake.wait()

    return connection
github standy66 / purerpc / src / purerpc / View on Github external
async def __aenter__(self):
        await super().__aenter__()  # Does nothing
        socket = await anyio.connect_tcp(self._host, self._port, autostart_tls=False, tls_standard_compatible=False)
        config = GRPCConfiguration(client_side=True)
        self._grpc_socket = await self.enter_async_context(GRPCProtoSocket(config, socket))
        return self
github theelous3 / asks / asks / View on Github external
async def _open_connection_https(self, location):
        Creates an async SSL socket, returns it.
            location (tuple(str, int)): A tuple of net location (eg
                '' or '') and port (eg 80 or 25000).
        sock = await connect_tcp(
        sock._active = True
        return sock