How to use the aliyun-python-sdk-core.aliyunsdkcore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3.packages.socks.SOCKS5AuthError function in aliyun-python-sdk-core

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github aliyun / aliyun-openapi-python-sdk / aliyun-python-sdk-core / aliyunsdkcore / vendored / requests / packages / urllib3 / packages / View on Github external
if chosen_auth[1:2] == b"\x02":
                # Okay, we need to perform a basic username/password
                # authentication.
                writer.write(b"\x01" + chr(len(username)).encode()
                             + username
                             + chr(len(password)).encode()
                             + password)
                auth_status = self._readall(reader, 2)
                if auth_status[0:1] != b"\x01":
                    # Bad response
                    raise GeneralProxyError(
                        "SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data")
                if auth_status[1:2] != b"\x00":
                    # Authentication failed
                    raise SOCKS5AuthError("SOCKS5 authentication failed")

                # Otherwise, authentication succeeded

            # No authentication is required if 0x00
            elif chosen_auth[1:2] != b"\x00":
                # Reaching here is always bad
                if chosen_auth[1:2] == b"\xFF":
                    raise SOCKS5AuthError(
                        "All offered SOCKS5 authentication methods were"
                        " rejected")
                    raise GeneralProxyError(
                        "SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data")

            # Now we can request the actual connection
            writer.write(b"\x05" + cmd + b"\x00")
github aliyun / aliyun-openapi-python-sdk / aliyun-python-sdk-core / aliyunsdkcore / vendored / requests / packages / urllib3 / packages / View on Github external
auth_status = self._readall(reader, 2)
                if auth_status[0:1] != b"\x01":
                    # Bad response
                    raise GeneralProxyError(
                        "SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data")
                if auth_status[1:2] != b"\x00":
                    # Authentication failed
                    raise SOCKS5AuthError("SOCKS5 authentication failed")

                # Otherwise, authentication succeeded

            # No authentication is required if 0x00
            elif chosen_auth[1:2] != b"\x00":
                # Reaching here is always bad
                if chosen_auth[1:2] == b"\xFF":
                    raise SOCKS5AuthError(
                        "All offered SOCKS5 authentication methods were"
                        " rejected")
                    raise GeneralProxyError(
                        "SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data")

            # Now we can request the actual connection
            writer.write(b"\x05" + cmd + b"\x00")
            resolved = self._write_SOCKS5_address(dst, writer)

            # Get the response
            resp = self._readall(reader, 3)
            if resp[0:1] != b"\x05":
                raise GeneralProxyError(
                    "SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data")


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