How to use the aliyun-python-sdk-core.alibabacloud.vendored.requests.exceptions.RequestException function in aliyun-python-sdk-core

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"""Too many redirects."""

class MissingSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing."""

class InvalidSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The header value provided was somehow invalid."""

class ChunkedEncodingError(RequestException):
    """The server declared chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk."""

class ContentDecodingError(RequestException, BaseHTTPError):
    """Failed to decode response content"""

class StreamConsumedError(RequestException, TypeError):
    """The content for this response was already consumed"""

class RetryError(RequestException):
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"""The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The header value provided was somehow invalid."""

class ChunkedEncodingError(RequestException):
    """The server declared chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk."""

class ContentDecodingError(RequestException, BaseHTTPError):
    """Failed to decode response content"""

class StreamConsumedError(RequestException, TypeError):
    """The content for this response was already consumed"""

class RetryError(RequestException):
    """Custom retries logic failed"""

class UnrewindableBodyError(RequestException):
    """Requests encountered an error when trying to rewind a body"""

# Warnings

class RequestsWarning(Warning):
    """Base warning for Requests."""
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:exc:`~requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout` errors.

class ConnectTimeout(ConnectionError, Timeout):
    """The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server.

    Requests that produced this error are safe to retry.

class ReadTimeout(Timeout):
    """The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time."""

class URLRequired(RequestException):
    """A valid URL is required to make a request."""

class TooManyRedirects(RequestException):
    """Too many redirects."""

class MissingSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing."""

class InvalidSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
github aliyun / aliyun-openapi-python-sdk / aliyun-python-sdk-core / alibabacloud / vendored / requests / View on Github external
"""See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The header value provided was somehow invalid."""

class ChunkedEncodingError(RequestException):
    """The server declared chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk."""

class ContentDecodingError(RequestException, BaseHTTPError):
    """Failed to decode response content"""

class StreamConsumedError(RequestException, TypeError):
    """The content for this response was already consumed"""

class RetryError(RequestException):
    """Custom retries logic failed"""

class UnrewindableBodyError(RequestException):
    """Requests encountered an error when trying to rewind a body"""

# Warnings
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class ConnectTimeout(ConnectionError, Timeout):
    """The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server.

    Requests that produced this error are safe to retry.

class ReadTimeout(Timeout):
    """The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time."""

class URLRequired(RequestException):
    """A valid URL is required to make a request."""

class TooManyRedirects(RequestException):
    """Too many redirects."""

class MissingSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing."""

class InvalidSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
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"""There was an ambiguous exception that occurred while handling your

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize RequestException with `request` and `response` objects."""
        response = kwargs.pop('response', None)
        self.response = response
        self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        if (response is not None and not self.request and
                hasattr(response, 'request')):
            self.request = self.response.request
        super(RequestException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class HTTPError(RequestException):
    """An HTTP error occurred."""

class ConnectionError(RequestException):
    """A Connection error occurred."""

class ProxyError(ConnectionError):
    """A proxy error occurred."""

class SSLError(ConnectionError):
    """An SSL error occurred."""

class Timeout(RequestException):
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def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize RequestException with `request` and `response` objects."""
        response = kwargs.pop('response', None)
        self.response = response
        self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        if (response is not None and not self.request and
                hasattr(response, 'request')):
            self.request = self.response.request
        super(RequestException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
github aliyun / aliyun-openapi-python-sdk / aliyun-python-sdk-core / alibabacloud / vendored / requests / View on Github external
"""The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing."""

class InvalidSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The header value provided was somehow invalid."""

class ChunkedEncodingError(RequestException):
    """The server declared chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk."""

class ContentDecodingError(RequestException, BaseHTTPError):
    """Failed to decode response content"""

class StreamConsumedError(RequestException, TypeError):
    """The content for this response was already consumed"""

class RetryError(RequestException):
    """Custom retries logic failed"""

class UnrewindableBodyError(RequestException):
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class ReadTimeout(Timeout):
    """The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time."""

class URLRequired(RequestException):
    """A valid URL is required to make a request."""

class TooManyRedirects(RequestException):
    """Too many redirects."""

class MissingSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing."""

class InvalidSchema(RequestException, ValueError):
    """See for valid schemas."""

class InvalidURL(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The URL provided was somehow invalid."""

class InvalidHeader(RequestException, ValueError):
    """The header value provided was somehow invalid."""

class ChunkedEncodingError(RequestException):
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"""The server declared chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk."""

class ContentDecodingError(RequestException, BaseHTTPError):
    """Failed to decode response content"""

class StreamConsumedError(RequestException, TypeError):
    """The content for this response was already consumed"""

class RetryError(RequestException):
    """Custom retries logic failed"""

class UnrewindableBodyError(RequestException):
    """Requests encountered an error when trying to rewind a body"""

# Warnings

class RequestsWarning(Warning):
    """Base warning for Requests."""

class FileModeWarning(RequestsWarning, DeprecationWarning):
    """A file was opened in text mode, but Requests determined its binary length."""

class RequestsDependencyWarning(RequestsWarning):


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