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Keyword Arguments
source_srs : osr.SpatialReference
Source Projection
geom : ogr.Geometry
Transformed Geometry
gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference()
srs = kwargs.get('source_srs', gsrs)
# srs is None assume wgs84 lonlat, but warn too
if srs is None:
srs = projection.get_default_projection()
warnings.warn("geometry without spatial reference - assuming wgs84")
# transform if not the same spatial reference system
if not srs.IsSame(dest_srs):
if gsrs is None:
gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference()
if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] >= '3':
return geom
phi_m = np.radians(lat)
lam_0 = 10
lam_m = lon
lam = np.radians(lam_m - lam_0)
er = 6370.040
m_phi = (1 + np.sin(phi_0)) / (1 + np.sin(phi_m))
x = er * m_phi * np.cos(phi_m) * np.sin(lam)
y = - er * m_phi * np.cos(phi_m) * np.cos(lam)
# create radolan projection osr object
proj_stereo = projection.create_osr("dwd-radolan")
# create wgs84 projection osr object
proj_wgs = projection.get_default_projection()
x, y = projection.reproject(lon, lat, projection_source=proj_wgs,
return x, y
if trig:
# calculation of x_0 and y_0 coordinates of radolan grid
# as described in the format description
phi_0 = np.radians(60)
phi_m = np.radians(lat)
lam_0 = 10
lam_m = lon
lam = np.radians(lam_m - lam_0)
er = 6370.040
m_phi = (1 + np.sin(phi_0)) / (1 + np.sin(phi_m))
x = er * m_phi * np.cos(phi_m) * np.sin(lam)
y = - er * m_phi * np.cos(phi_m) * np.cos(lam)
# create radolan projection osr object
proj_stereo = projection.create_osr("dwd-radolan")
# create wgs84 projection osr object
proj_wgs = projection.get_default_projection()
x, y = projection.reproject(lon, lat, projection_source=proj_wgs,
return x, y
re = projection.get_earth_radius(sitecoords[1])
# Set up aeqd-projection sitecoord-centered, wgs84 datum and ellipsoid
# use world azimuthal equidistant projection
projstr = ('+proj=aeqd +lon_0={lon:f} +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lat_0={lat:f} ' +
'+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' +
'').format(lon=sitecoords[0], lat=sitecoords[1])
# Set up aeqd-projection sitecoord-centered, assuming spherical earth
# use Sphere azimuthal equidistant projection
projstr = ('+proj=aeqd +lon_0={lon:f} lat_0={lat:f} +a={a:f} '
'+b={b:f} +units=m +no_defs').format(lon=sitecoords[0],
a=re, b=re)
rad = projection.proj4_to_osr(projstr)
r = np.asanyarray(r)
theta = np.asanyarray(theta)
phi = np.asanyarray(phi)
if r.ndim:
r = r.reshape((1,) * (3 - r.ndim) + r.shape)
if phi.ndim:
phi = phi.reshape((1,) + phi.shape + (1,) * (2 - phi.ndim))
if not theta.ndim:
theta = np.broadcast_to(theta, phi.shape)
dims = 3
if not strict_dims: