How to use the west.log.dbg function in west

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few west examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

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args = (('git',) +
            tuple(_expand_shorthands(project, arg) for arg in cmd.split()) +
    cmd_str = util.quote_sh_list(args)

    log.dbg("running '{}'".format(cmd_str), 'in', cwd, level=log.VERBOSE_VERY)
    popen = subprocess.Popen(
        args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_stdout else None, cwd=cwd)

    stdout, _ = popen.communicate()

    dbg_msg = "'{}' in {} finished with exit status {}" \
              .format(cmd_str, cwd, popen.returncode)
    if capture_stdout:
        dbg_msg += " and wrote {} to stdout".format(stdout)
    log.dbg(dbg_msg, level=log.VERBOSE_VERY)

    if check and popen.returncode:
        msg = "Command '{}' failed for {{name_and_path}}".format(cmd_str)
        if _error_context_msg:
            msg += _error_context_msg.replace('\n', ' ')
        _die(project, msg)

    if capture_stdout:
        # Manual UTF-8 decoding and universal newlines. Before Python 3.6,
        # Popen doesn't seem to allow using universal newlines mode (which
        # enables decoding) with a specific encoding (because the encoding=
        # parameter is missing).
        # Also strip all trailing newlines as convenience. The splitlines()
        # already means we lose a final '\n' anyway.
        stdout = "\n".join(stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines()).rstrip("\n")
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def _sanity_check(self):
        # Sanity check the build configuration.
        # Side effect: may update cmake_cache attribute.
        log.dbg('sanity checking the build', level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)
        if self.source_dir == self.build_dir:
            # There's no forcing this.
            log.die('source and build directory {} cannot be the same; '
                    'use --build-dir {} to specify a build directory'.
                    format(self.source_dir, self.build_dir))

        srcrel = os.path.relpath(self.source_dir)
        if is_zephyr_build(self.source_dir):
            self._check_force('it looks like {srcrel} is a build directory: '
                              'did you mean -build-dir {srcrel} instead?'.
        elif 'CMakeLists.txt' not in os.listdir(self.source_dir):
            self._check_force('source directory "{srcrel}" does not contain '
                              'a CMakeLists.txt; is that really what you '
                              'want to build? (Use -s SOURCE_DIR to specify '
                              'the application source directory)'.
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def _run_cmake(self, cmake_opts):
        if not self.run_cmake:
            log.dbg('not running cmake; build system is present')

        # It's unfortunate to have to use the undocumented -B and -H
        # options to set the source and binary directories.
        # However, it's the only known way to set that directory and
        # run CMake from the current working directory. This is
        # important because users expect invocations like this to Just
        # Work:
        # west build -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=relative-path.conf
        final_cmake_args = ['-B{}'.format(self.build_dir),
        if self.args.board:
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def run_command(self, argv):
        # Parse command line arguments and run the WestCommand.
        # If we're running an extension, instantiate it from its
        # spec and re-parse arguments before running.

        args, unknown = self.west_parser.parse_known_args(args=argv)

        # Set up logging verbosity before running the command, so e.g.
        # verbose messages related to argument handling errors work
        # properly.
        log.dbg('args namespace:', args, level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)

        # If we were run as 'west -h ...' or 'west --help ...',
        # monkeypatch the args namespace so we end up running Help.  The
        # user might have also provided a command. If so, print help about
        # that command.
        if or args.command is None:
            args.command_name = args.command
            args.command = 'help'

        # Finally, run the command.
            if args.command in self.builtins:
                if self.mle:

                cmd = self.builtins.get(args.command, self.builtins['help'])
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def _sanity_check(self):
        # Sanity check the build configuration.
        # Side effect: may update cmake_cache attribute.
        log.dbg('sanity checking the build', level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)

        if not self.cmake_cache:
            return          # That's all we can check without a cache.

        cached_app = self.cmake_cache.get('APPLICATION_SOURCE_DIR')
        log.dbg('APPLICATION_SOURCE_DIR:', cached_app,
        source_abs = (os.path.abspath(self.args.source_dir)
                      if self.args.source_dir else None)
        cached_abs = os.path.abspath(cached_app) if cached_app else None

        log.dbg('pristine:', self.auto_pristine, level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)
        # If the build directory specifies a source app, make sure it's
        # consistent with --source-dir.
        apps_mismatched = (source_abs and cached_abs and
                           source_abs != cached_abs)
            not apps_mismatched or self.auto_pristine,
            'Build directory "{}" is for application "{}", but source '
            'directory "{}" was specified; please clean it, use --pristine, '
            'or use --build-dir to set another build directory'.
            format(self.build_dir, cached_abs, source_abs))
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def check_call(self, cmd):
        '''Subclass subprocess.check_call() wrapper.

        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
        subprocess and check that it executed correctly, rather than
        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
        quoted = quote_sh_list(cmd)

        if JUST_PRINT:

        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
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def _sanity_check(self):
        # Sanity check the build configuration.
        # Side effect: may update cmake_cache attribute.
        log.dbg('sanity checking the build', level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)
        if self.source_dir == self.build_dir:
            # There's no forcing this.
            log.die('source and build directory {} cannot be the same; '
                    'use --build-dir {} to specify a build directory'.
                    format(self.source_dir, self.build_dir))

        srcrel = os.path.relpath(self.source_dir)
        if is_zephyr_build(self.source_dir):
            self._check_force('it looks like {srcrel} is a build directory: '
                              'did you mean -build-dir {srcrel} instead?'.
        elif 'CMakeLists.txt' not in os.listdir(self.source_dir):
            self._check_force('source directory "{srcrel}" does not contain '
                              'a CMakeLists.txt; is that really what you '
                              'want to build? (Use -s SOURCE_DIR to specify '
                              'the application source directory)'.
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cmd = [cmake] + args
    kwargs = dict()
    if capture_output:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
        # CMake sends the output of message() to stderr unless it's STATUS
        kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
    if cwd:
        kwargs['cwd'] = cwd

    if dry_run:
        in_cwd = ' (in {})'.format(cwd) if cwd else ''
        log.inf('Dry run{}:'.format(in_cwd), quote_sh_list(cmd))
        return None

    log.dbg('Running CMake:', quote_sh_list(cmd), level=log.VERBOSE_NORMAL)
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
    out, _ = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode == 0:
        if out:
            return out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).splitlines()
            return None
        # A real error occurred, raise an exception
        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args)
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def create(cls, cfg, args):
        daparg = os.environ.get('PYOCD_DAPARG')
        if daparg:
            log.wrn('Setting PYOCD_DAPARG in the environment is',
                    'deprecated; use the --daparg option instead.')
            if args.daparg is None:
                log.dbg('Missing --daparg set to {} from environment'.format(
                    daparg), level=log.VERBOSE_VERY)
                args.daparg = daparg

        build_conf = BuildConfiguration(cfg.build_dir)
        flash_addr = cls.get_flash_address(args, build_conf)

        return PyOcdBinaryRunner(
            cfg,, flashtool=args.flashtool,
            flash_addr=flash_addr, flashtool_opts=args.flashtool_opt,
            gdbserver=args.gdbserver, gdb_port=args.gdb_port,,
            board_id=args.board_id, daparg=args.daparg,