How to use the uritemplate.expand function in uritemplate

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few uritemplate examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github github / / tests / View on Github external
def test_httpverb(self):
        """Test that each HTTP verb works properly when JSON is returned."""
        verbs_to_methods = [
            ('GET', self.client.get),
            ('PUT', self.client.put),
            ('PATCH', self.client.patch),
            ('DELETE', self.client.delete),
            ('HEAD', self.client.head),
            ('OPTIONS', self.client.options),

        for verb, method in verbs_to_methods:
            url = uritemplate.expand(self.client.url, {'param': 'foo'})
            self.adapter.register_uri(verb, url, text='{"success": true}')

            response = method(param='foo')
            assert response.success

            # test named param inference
            response = method('foo')
            assert response.success
github fniephaus / alfred-gmail / src / googleapiclient / View on Github external
raise UnknownFileType(media_filename)
        if not mimeparse.best_match([media_mime_type], ','.join(accept)):
          raise UnacceptableMimeTypeError(media_mime_type)
        media_upload = MediaFileUpload(media_filename,
      elif isinstance(media_filename, MediaUpload):
        media_upload = media_filename
        raise TypeError('media_filename must be str or MediaUpload.')

      # Check the maxSize
      if media_upload.size() is not None and media_upload.size() > maxSize > 0:
        raise MediaUploadSizeError("Media larger than: %s" % maxSize)

      # Use the media path uri for media uploads
      expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(mediaPathUrl, params)
      url = _urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)
      if media_upload.resumable():
        url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'resumable')

      if media_upload.resumable():
        # This is all we need to do for resumable, if the body exists it gets
        # sent in the first request, otherwise an empty body is sent.
        resumable = media_upload
        # A non-resumable upload
        if body is None:
          # This is a simple media upload
          headers['content-type'] = media_upload.mimetype()
          body = media_upload.getbytes(0, media_upload.size())
          url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'media')
github m-lab / mlab-ns / server / apiclient / View on Github external
body_value = kwargs.get('body', None)
      media_filename = kwargs.get('media_body', None)

      if self._developerKey:
        actual_query_params['key'] = self._developerKey

      model = self._model
      # If there is no schema for the response then presume a binary blob.
      if 'response' not in methodDesc:
        model = RawModel()

      headers = {}
      headers, params, query, body = model.request(headers,
          actual_path_params, actual_query_params, body_value)

      expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(pathUrl, params)
      url = urlparse.urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)

      resumable = None
      multipart_boundary = ''

      if media_filename:
        # Ensure we end up with a valid MediaUpload object.
        if isinstance(media_filename, basestring):
          (media_mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(media_filename)
          if media_mime_type is None:
            raise UnknownFileType(media_filename)
          if not mimeparse.best_match([media_mime_type], ','.join(accept)):
            raise UnacceptableMimeTypeError(media_mime_type)
          media_upload = MediaFileUpload(media_filename, media_mime_type)
        elif isinstance(media_filename, MediaUpload):
          media_upload = media_filename
github wf4ever / ro-manager / src / iaeval / View on Github external
simplebinding['_count'] = len(resp)
        satisfied_count  = 0
        total_count      = len(resp)
        result_list      = []
        failure_message_template = rule['showfail'] or rule['show']
        for binding in resp:
            satisfied = True
            failmsg   = failure_message_template
            simplebinding = constraintbinding.copy()
            for k in binding:
                if not isinstance(k,rdflib.BNode):
                    simplebinding[str(k)]   = unicode(binding[k])
                    simplebinding['_count'] = len(resp)
            # Do the required test
            if aggregates:
                fileref   = uritemplate.expand(aggregates, simplebinding)
                fileuri   = rometa.getComponentUri(fileref)
                simplebinding.update({'_fileref': fileref, '_fileuri': fileuri})
                log.debug("evalQueryTest RO aggregates %s (%s)"%(fileref, str(fileuri)))
                satisfied = rometa.roManifestContains( (rometa.getRoUri(), ORE.aggregates, fileuri) )
                failmsg   = failmsg or "Aggregates %(_fileref)s"
            if islive:
                fileref   = uritemplate.expand(islive, simplebinding)
                fileuri   = rometa.getComponentUri(fileref)
                simplebinding.update({'_fileref': fileref, '_fileuri': fileuri})
                log.debug("evalQueryTest RO isLive %s (%s)"%(fileref, str(fileuri)))
                satisfied = isLiveUri(fileuri)
                failmsg   = failmsg or "Accessible %(_fileref)s"
            if exists:
                existsparams = (
                    { 'querybase':    str(rometa.getRoUri())
                    , 'queryverb':    "ASK"
github Google-Tasks-Backup / tasks-backup / apiclient / View on Github external
raise UnknownFileType(media_filename)
          if not mimeparse.best_match([media_mime_type], ','.join(accept)):
            raise UnacceptableMimeTypeError(media_mime_type)
          media_upload = MediaFileUpload(media_filename,
        elif isinstance(media_filename, MediaUpload):
          media_upload = media_filename
          raise TypeError('media_filename must be str or MediaUpload.')

        # Check the maxSize
        if maxSize > 0 and media_upload.size() > maxSize:
          raise MediaUploadSizeError("Media larger than: %s" % maxSize)

        # Use the media path uri for media uploads
        expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(mediaPathUrl, params)
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)
        if media_upload.resumable():
          url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'resumable')

        if media_upload.resumable():
          # This is all we need to do for resumable, if the body exists it gets
          # sent in the first request, otherwise an empty body is sent.
          resumable = media_upload
          # A non-resumable upload
          if body is None:
            # This is a simple media upload
            headers['content-type'] = media_upload.mimetype()
            body = media_upload.getbytes(0, media_upload.size())
            url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'media')
github seveas / git-spindle / lib / gitspindle / View on Github external
def add_privilege(self, user, priv):
        data = {'owner': self.owner['username'], 'slug':, 'user': user}
        url = uritemplate.expand('{owner}/{slug}/{user}', data)
        return self.put(url, data=priv)
github core-api / python-client / coreapi / transports / View on Github external
def _get_url(url, path_params):
    Given a templated URL and some parameters that have been provided,
    expand the URL.
    if path_params:
        return uritemplate.expand(url, path_params)
    return url
github m-lab / mlab-ns / server / apiclient / View on Github external
raise UnacceptableMimeTypeError(media_mime_type)
          media_upload = MediaFileUpload(media_filename, media_mime_type)
        elif isinstance(media_filename, MediaUpload):
          media_upload = media_filename
          raise TypeError('media_filename must be str or MediaUpload.')

        # Check the maxSize
        if maxSize > 0 and media_upload.size() > maxSize:
          raise MediaUploadSizeError("Media larger than: %s" % maxSize)

        # Use the media path uri for media uploads
        if media_upload.resumable():
          expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(mediaResumablePathUrl, params)
          expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(mediaPathUrl, params)
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)

        if media_upload.resumable():
          # This is all we need to do for resumable, if the body exists it gets
          # sent in the first request, otherwise an empty body is sent.
          resumable = media_upload
          # A non-resumable upload
          if body is None:
            # This is a simple media upload
            headers['content-type'] = media_upload.mimetype()
            body = media_upload.getbytes(0, media_upload.size())
            # This is a multipart/related upload.
            msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
            # msgRoot should not write out it's own headers
github openaddresses / machine / openaddr / ci / View on Github external
touched = get_touched_pullrequest_files(pull_request, github_auth, app_logger)

    commit_sha = pull_request['head']['sha']

    for filename in touched:
        if relpath(filename, 'sources').startswith('..'):
            # Skip things outside of sources directory.

        if splitext(filename)[1] != '.json':
            # Skip non-JSON files.

        contents_url = pull_request['head']['repo']['contents_url'] + '{?ref}'
        contents_url = expand_uri(contents_url, dict(path=filename, ref=commit_sha))
        app_logger.debug('Contents URL {}'.format(contents_url))

        got = get(contents_url, auth=github_auth)
        contents = got.json()

        if got.status_code not in range(200, 299):
            app_logger.warning('Skipping {} - {}'.format(filename, got.status_code))

        if contents['encoding'] != 'base64':
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized encoding "{encoding}"'.format(**contents))

        app_logger.debug('Contents SHA {sha}'.format(**contents))
        files[filename] = contents['content'], contents['sha']

    return files