Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
>>> Brokaw(308.2, [0.05, 0.95], [1.34E-5, 9.5029E-6], [64.06, 46.07], [0.42, 0.19], [347, 432])
.. [1] Brokaw, R. S. "Predicting Transport Properties of Dilute Gases."
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development
8, no. 2 (April 1, 1969): 240-53. doi:10.1021/i260030a015.
.. [2] Brokaw, R. S. Viscosity of Gas Mixtures, NASA-TN-D-4496, 1968.
.. [3] Danner, Ronald P, and Design Institute for Physical Property Data.
Manual for Predicting Chemical Process Design Data. New York, N.Y, 1982.
cmps = range(len(ys))
MDs = molecular_diameters
if not none_and_length_check([ys, mus, MWs, molecular_diameters, Stockmayers]): # check same-length inputs
raise Exception('Function inputs are incorrect format')
Tsts = [T/Stockmayer_i for Stockmayer_i in Stockmayers]
Sij = [[0 for i in cmps] for j in cmps]
Mij = [[0 for i in cmps] for j in cmps]
mij = [[0 for i in cmps] for j in cmps]
Aij = [[0 for i in cmps] for j in cmps]
phiij =[[0 for i in cmps] for j in cmps]
for i in cmps:
for j in cmps:
Sij[i][j] = (1+(Tsts[i]*Tsts[j])**0.5 + (MDs[i]*MDs[j])/4.)/(1 + Tsts[i] + (MDs[i]**2/4.))**0.5/(1 + Tsts[j] + (MDs[j]**2/4.))**0.5
if MDs[i] <= 0.1 and MDs[j] <= 0.1:
Sij[i][j] = 1
Mij[i][j] = MWs[i]/MWs[j]
mij[i][j] = (4./(1+Mij[i][j]**-1)/(1+Mij[i][j]))**0.25
Average deviations of 3%. for 118 nonaqueous systems with 817 data points.
Max deviation 20%. According to DIPPR.
>>> DIPPR9H([0.258, 0.742], [0.1692, 0.1528])
.. [1] Reid, Robert C.; Prausnitz, John M.; Poling, Bruce E. The
Properties of Gases and Liquids. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1987.
.. [2] Danner, Ronald P, and Design Institute for Physical Property Data.
Manual for Predicting Chemical Process Design Data. New York, N.Y, 1982.
if not none_and_length_check([ks, ws]): # check same-length inputs
raise Exception('Function inputs are incorrect format')
return sum(ws[i]/ks[i]**2 for i in range(len(ws)))**(-0.5)
... [[0, 1.174450, 1.274390], [0.835914, 0, 1.21038],
... [0.746878, 0.80677, 0]])
.. [1] Teja, Amyn S., Kul B. Garg, and Richard L. Smith. "A Method for the
Calculation of Gas-Liquid Critical Temperatures and Pressures of
Multicomponent Mixtures." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process
Design and Development 22, no. 4 (1983): 672-76.
.. [2] Najafi, Hamidreza, Babak Maghbooli, and Mohammad Amin Sobati.
"Prediction of True Critical Temperature of Multi-Component Mixtures:
Extending Fast Estimation Methods." Fluid Phase Equilibria 392
(April 25, 2015): 104-26. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2015.02.001.
if not none_and_length_check([zs, Tcs]):
raise Exception('Function inputs are incorrect format')
C = -2500
Tcm = sum(zs[i]*Tcs[i] for i in range(len(zs)))
for i in range(len(zs)):
Tcm += C*zs[i]*log(zs[i] + sum(zs[j]*Aijs[i][j] for j in range(len(zs))))
return Tcm
def list_methods():
methods = []
if CASRNs:
CASRNs2 = list(CASRNs)
LFLs2 = list(LFLs)
for i in inerts:
if i in CASRNs2:
ind = CASRNs.index(i)
if none_and_length_check([LFLs2]):
methods.append('Summed Inverse, inerts removed')
if none_and_length_check([LFLs]):
methods.append('Summed Inverse')
return methods
if AvailableMethods:
def list_methods():
methods = []
if CASRNs:
CASRNs2 = list(CASRNs)
UFLs2 = list(UFLs)
for i in inerts:
if i in CASRNs2:
ind = CASRNs.index(i)
if none_and_length_check([UFLs2]):
methods.append('Summed Inverse, inerts removed')
if none_and_length_check([UFLs, ys]):
methods.append('Summed Inverse')
return methods
if AvailableMethods:
>>> Li([0.5, 0.5], [126.2, 150.8], [8.95e-05, 7.49e-05])
butane/pentane/hexane 0.6449/0.2359/0.1192 mixture, exp: 450.22 K.
>>> Li([0.6449, 0.2359, 0.1192], [425.12, 469.7, 507.6],
... [0.000255, 0.000313, 0.000371])
.. [1] Li, C. C. "Critical Temperature Estimation for Simple Mixtures."
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 49, no. 5
(October 1, 1971): 709-10. doi:10.1002/cjce.5450490529.
if not none_and_length_check([zs, Tcs, Vcs]):
raise Exception('Function inputs are incorrect format')
denominator = sum(zs[i]*Vcs[i] for i in range(len(zs)))
Tcm = 0
for i in range(len(zs)):
Tcm += zs[i]*Vcs[i]*Tcs[i]/denominator
return Tcm
ternary non-aqueous systems. [1]_ also considered Van der Waals mixing
rules for `Tc`, but found it provided a higher error of 5.58%
>>> Diguilio_Teja(T=298.15, xs=[0.1606, 0.8394],
... sigmas_Tb=[0.01424, 0.02530], Tbs=[309.21, 312.95], Tcs=[469.7, 508.0])
.. [1] Diguilio, Ralph, and Amyn S. Teja. "Correlation and Prediction of
the Surface Tensions of Mixtures." The Chemical Engineering Journal 38,
no. 3 (July 1988): 205-8. doi:10.1016/0300-9467(88)80079-0.
if not none_and_length_check([xs, sigmas_Tb, Tbs, Tcs]):
raise Exception('Function inputs are incorrect format')
Tc = mixing_simple(xs, Tcs)
if T > Tc:
raise ValueError('T > Tc according to Kays rule - model is not valid in this range.')
Tb = mixing_simple(xs, Tbs)
sigmar = mixing_simple(xs, sigmas_Tb)
Tst = (Tc/T - 1.)/(Tc/Tb - 1)
return 1.002855*Tst**1.118091*(T/Tb)*sigmar
Called on initialization only. See the source code for the variables at
which the coefficients are stored. The coefficients can safely be
altered once the class is initialized. This method can be called again
to reset the parameters.
methods = [SIMPLE]
if none_and_length_check([self.Tcs, self.Vcs, self.omegas, self.CASs]):
if all([i in COSTALD_data.index for i in self.CASs]):
self.COSTALD_Vchars = [[CAS, 'Vchar'] for CAS in self.CASs]
self.COSTALD_omegas = [[CAS, 'omega_SRK'] for CAS in self.CASs]
if none_and_length_check([self.MWs, self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.Zcs, self.CASs]):
if all([CAS in COSTALD_data.index for CAS in self.CASs]):
Z_RAs = [[CAS, 'Z_RA'] for CAS in self.CASs]
if not any(np.isnan(Z_RAs)):
self.Z_RAs = Z_RAs
if len(self.CASs) > 1 and '7732-18-5' in self.CASs:
wCASs = [i for i in self.CASs if i != '7732-18-5']
if all([i in _Laliberte_Density_ParametersDict for i in wCASs]):
self.wCASs = wCASs
self.index_w = self.CASs.index('7732-18-5')
self.all_methods = set(methods)
def list_methods():
methods = []
if none_and_length_check([Pcs]):
return methods
if AvailableMethods:
def flash(P, zs, Psats):
# if not fugacities:
# fugacities = [1 for i in range(len(zs))]
# if not gammas:
# gammas = [1 for i in range(len(zs))]
if not none_and_length_check((zs, Psats)):
raise Exception('Input dimentions are inconsistent or some input parameters are missing.')
Ks = [K_value(P=P, Psat=Psats[i]) for i in range(len(zs))]
def valid_range(zs, Ks):
valid = True
if sum([zs[i]*Ks[i] for i in range(len(Ks))]) < 1:
valid = False
if sum([zs[i]/Ks[i] for i in range(len(Ks))]) < 1:
valid = False
return valid
if not valid_range(zs, Ks):
raise Exception('Solution does not exist')
V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs=zs, Ks=Ks)
if V_over_F < 0:
raise Exception('V_over_F is negative!')
return xs, ys, V_over_F