How to use the secp256k1.PrivateKey function in secp256k1

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few secp256k1 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github litepresence / extinction-event / EV / View on Github external
    eliptical curve digital signature algorithm
    this is where the real hocus pocus lies
    all of the ordering, typing, serializing, and digesting
    culminates with the message meeting the wif
    # 8 bit string representation of private key
    p = bytes(PrivateKey(wif))
    # create some arbitrary data used by the nonce generation
    ndata ="const int *ndata")
    ndata[0] = 0  # it adds "\0x00", then "\0x00\0x00", etc..
    while True:  # repeat process until deterministic and cannonical
        ndata[0] += 1  # increment the arbitrary nonce
        # obtain compiled/binary private key from the wif
        privkey = secp256k1_PrivateKey(p, raw=True)
        # create a new recoverable 65 byte ECDSA signature
        sig =
            "secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature *"
        # parse a compact ECDSA signature (64 bytes + recovery id)
        # returns: 1 = deterministic; 0 = not deterministic
        deterministic = secp256k1_lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
            privkey.ctx,  # initialized context object
            sig,  # array where signature is held
            digest,  # 32-byte message hash being signed
            privkey.private_key,  # 32-byte secret key
            secp256k1_ffi.NULL,  # default nonce function
            ndata,  # incrementing nonce data
github AppStoreFoundation / asf-sdk / deploy / microraiden / contracts / deploy / View on Github external
def sign(data: str, private_key_seed_ascii: str):
    data = eth_message_hex(data)
    print("--eth_message_hex hash", data)
    priv = private_key_seed_ascii
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    return signature, eth_privtoaddr(priv)
github xeroc / python-graphenelib / graphenebase / View on Github external
:param str wif: Private key in

    if not isinstance(message, bytes):
        message = bytes(message, "utf-8")

    digest = hashfn(message).digest()
    priv_key = PrivateKey(wif)
    p = bytes(priv_key)

    if SECP256K1_MODULE == "secp256k1":
        ndata ="const int *ndata")
        ndata[0] = 0
        while True:
            ndata[0] += 1
            privkey = secp256k1.PrivateKey(p, raw=True)
            sig ="secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature *")
            signed = secp256k1.lib.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
                privkey.ctx, sig, digest, privkey.private_key, secp256k1.ffi.NULL, ndata
            if not signed == 1:  # pragma: no cover
                raise AssertionError()
            signature, i = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
            if _is_canonical(signature):
                i += 4  # compressed
                i += 27  # compact
    elif SECP256K1_MODULE == "cryptography":
        cnt = 0
        private_key = ec.derive_private_key(
            int(repr(priv_key), 16), ec.SECP256K1(), default_backend()
github JoinMarket-Org / joinmarket / bitcoin / View on Github external
def privkey_to_pubkey_inner(priv, usehex):
    '''Take 32/33 byte raw private key as input.
    If 32 bytes, return compressed (33 byte) raw public key.
    If 33 bytes, read the final byte as compression flag,
    and return compressed/uncompressed public key as appropriate.'''
    compressed, priv = read_privkey(priv)
    #secp256k1 checks for validity of key value.
    newpriv = secp256k1.PrivateKey(privkey=priv, ctx=ctx)
    return newpriv.pubkey.serialize(compressed=compressed)
github chris-belcher / electrum-personal-server / electrumpersonalserver / bitcoin / View on Github external
def add_privkeys(priv1, priv2, usehex):
    '''Add privkey 1 to privkey 2.
    Input keys must be in binary either compressed or not.
    Returned key will have the same compression state.
    Error if compression state of both input keys is not the same.'''
    y, z = [read_privkey(x) for x in [priv1, priv2]]
    if y[0] != z[0]:
        raise Exception("cannot add privkeys, mixed compression formats")
        compressed = y[0]
    newpriv1, newpriv2 = (y[1], z[1])
    p1 = secp256k1.PrivateKey(newpriv1, raw=True, ctx=ctx)
    res = p1.tweak_add(newpriv2)
    if compressed:
        res += '\x01'
    return res
github dragonchain / dragonchain / dragonchain / lib / dto / View on Github external
def new_from_user_input(user_input: Dict[str, Any]) -> "EthereumNetwork":  # noqa: C901
    """Create a new EthereumNetwork model from user input
        user_input: User dictionary input (assumed already passing create_ethereum_interchain_schema)
        Instantiated EthereumNetwork client
        exceptions.BadRequest: With bad input
    dto_version = user_input.get("version")
    if dto_version == "1":
        if not user_input.get("private_key"):
            # We need to create a private key if not provided
            user_input["private_key"] = base64.b64encode(secp256k1.PrivateKey().private_key).decode("ascii")
                # Check if user provided key is hex and convert if necessary
                if len(user_input["private_key"]) == 66:  # Ethereum private keys in hex are 66 chars with leading 0x
                    user_input["private_key"] = user_input["private_key"][2:]  # Trim the 0x
                if len(user_input["private_key"]) == 64:  # Ethereum private keys in hex are 64 chars
                    user_input["private_key"] = base64.b64encode(bytes.fromhex(user_input["private_key"])).decode("ascii")
            except Exception:
                # If there's an error here, it's a bad key. Just set it to something bad as bad keys are caught later when making the client
                user_input["private_key"] = "a"
        # Use preset rpc addresses if user didn't provide one
        if not user_input.get("rpc_address"):
            if user_input.get("chain_id") == 1:
                user_input["rpc_address"] = DRAGONCHAIN_MAINNET_NODE
            elif user_input.get("chain_id") == 3:
                user_input["rpc_address"] = DRAGONCHAIN_ROPSTEN_NODE
github chris-belcher / electrum-personal-server / electrumpersonalserver / bitcoin / View on Github external
def privkey_to_pubkey_inner(priv, usehex):
    '''Take 32/33 byte raw private key as input.
    If 32 bytes, return compressed (33 byte) raw public key.
    If 33 bytes, read the final byte as compression flag,
    and return compressed/uncompressed public key as appropriate.'''
    compressed, priv = read_privkey(priv)
    #secp256k1 checks for validity of key value.
    newpriv = secp256k1.PrivateKey(privkey=priv, ctx=ctx)
    return newpriv.pubkey.serialize(compressed=compressed)
github hyperledger-labs / private-data-objects / python / pdo / common / View on Github external
def from_hex(cls, hex_encoded_private_key) :
        priv = binascii.unhexlify(hex_encoded_private_key)
        return cls(secp256k1.PrivateKey(priv))
github hyperledger-labs / private-data-objects / python / sawtooth / helpers / View on Github external
def CreatePdoSawtoothSigner(private_key_str, pdo_crypto=False):
    if not pdo_crypto:
        if not private_key_str:
            sk = secp256k1.PrivateKey(ctx=__CTX__)
            return SignerSecp256k1Lib(sk)
                sk = binascii.unhexlify(private_key_str)
                return SignerSecp256k1Lib(secp256k1.PrivateKey(sk, ctx = __CTX__))
            except Exception as e:
                raise ClientConnectException('Unable to parse hex private key: {}'.format(e))

        # TODO: add PDO crypto lib support here
        raise ClientConnectException('PDO Crypto is not supported')
github raiden-network / microraiden / contracts / deploy / View on Github external
def sign(data: str, private_key_seed_ascii: str):
    data = eth_message_hex(data)
    print("--eth_message_hex hash", data)
    priv = private_key_seed_ascii
    pk = PrivateKey(priv, raw=True)
    signature = pk.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(pk.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(data, raw=True))
    signature = signature[0] + utils.bytearray_to_bytestr([signature[1]])
    return signature, eth_privtoaddr(priv)