How to use the reynir.bindb.BIN_Db.get_db function in reynir

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github mideind / Greynir / queries / View on Github external
def _addr2nom(address):
    """ Convert location name to nominative form. """
    # TODO: Implement more intelligently.
    # This is a tad simplistic and mucks up some things,
    # e.g. "Ráðhús Reykjavíkur" becomes "Ráðhús Reykjavík".
    with BIN_Db.get_db() as db:
        nf = []
        for w in address.split():
            bin_res = db.lookup_nominative(w)
            if not bin_res and not w.islower():
                # Try lowercase form
                bin_res = db.lookup_nominative(w.lower())
            if bin_res:
        return " ".join(nf)
github mideind / Greynir / View on Github external
reynir.bintokenizer.tokenize() function.


    # Token queue
    tq = []  # type: List[Tok]
    # Phrases we're considering. Note that an entry of None
    # indicates that the accumulated phrase so far is a complete
    # and valid known entity name.
    state = defaultdict(list)  # type: Dict[Union[str, None], List[Tuple[List[str], Entity]]]
    # Entitiy definition cache
    ecache = dict()  # type: Dict[str, List[Entity]]
    # Last name to full name mapping ('Clinton' -> 'Hillary Clinton')
    lastnames = dict()  # type: Dict[str, str]

    with BIN_Db.get_db() as db, SessionContext(
        session=enclosing_session, commit=True, read_only=True
    ) as session:

        def fetch_entities(w: str, fuzzy=True) -> List[Entity]:
            """ Return a list of entities matching the word(s) given,
                exactly if fuzzy = False, otherwise also as a starting word(s) """
                q = session.query(, Entity.verb, Entity.definition)
                if fuzzy:
                    q = q.filter( + " %") | ( == w))
                    q = q.filter( == w)
                return q.all()
            except OperationalError as e:
                logging.warning("SQL error in fetch_entities(): {0}".format(e))
                return []
github mideind / Greynir / View on Github external
def _root_lookup(text, at_start, terminal):
    """ Look up the root of a word that isn't found in the cache """
    with BIN_Db.get_db() as bin_db:
        w, m = bin_db.lookup_word(text, at_start)
    if m:
        # Find the meaning that matches the terminal
        td = TerminalNode._TD[terminal]
        m = next((x for x in m if td._bin_filter(x)), None)
    if m:
        if m.fl == "skst":
            # For abbreviations, return the original text as the
            # root (lemma), not the meaning of the abbreviation
            return text
        w = m.stofn
    return w.replace("-", "")