How to use the rebasehelper.helpers.macro_helper.MacroHelper function in rebasehelper

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rebasehelper examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def get_arches():
        """Gets list of all known architectures"""
        arches = ['aarch64', 'noarch', 'ppc', 'riscv64', 's390', 's390x', 'src', 'x86_64']
        macros = MacroHelper.dump()
        macros = [m for m in macros if m['name'] in ('ix86', 'arm', 'mips', 'sparc', 'alpha', 'power64')]
        for m in macros:
            arches.extend(MacroHelper.expand(m['value'], '').split())
        return arches
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and has the same value in both, it's impossible to tell them apart, so only the latter
        is considered valid, disregarding the actual condition.

              A tuple containing: a tuple of all Tags object, new next source index, new next patch index.

              Indexed tag names are sanitized, for example 'Source' is replaced with 'Source0'
              and 'Patch007' with 'Patch7'.

              Tag names are capitalized, section names are lowercase.

        result = []
        tag_re = re.compile(r'^(?P(?P\w+)\s*:\s*)(?P.+)$')
        for line_index, line in enumerate(section_content):
            expanded = MacroHelper.expand(line)
            if not line or not expanded:
            valid = bool(parsed and [p for p in parsed if p == expanded.rstrip()])
            m = tag_re.match(line)
            if m:
                tag_name, tag_index, next_source_index, next_patch_index = cls._sanitize_tag('name'),
                result.append(Tag(section_index, section, line_index, tag_name, m.span('value'), valid, tag_index))
            m = tag_re.match(expanded)
            if m:
                start = line.find('prefix'))
                if start < 0:
                    # tag is probably defined by a macro, just ignore it
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# parse macro arguments
                    ns, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(args)
                except ParseError:

                # check if this macro instance is extracting Source0
                if ns.T and ns.a != 0 and ns.b != 0:

                # check if modification is really necessary
                if dirname != ns.n:
                    new_dirname = dirname

                    # get %{name} and %{version} macros
                    macros = [m for m in MacroHelper.filter(self.macros, level=-3) if m['name'] in ('name', 'version')]
                    # add all macros from spec file scope
                    macros.extend(MacroHelper.filter(self.macros, level=0))
                    # omit short macros
                    macros = [m for m in macros if len(m['value']) > 1]
                    # ensure maximal greediness
                    macros.sort(key=lambda k: len(k['value']), reverse=True)

                    # substitute tokens with macros
                    for m in macros:
                        if m['value'] and m['value'] in dirname:
                            new_dirname = new_dirname.replace(m['value'], '%{{{}}}'.format(m['name']))

                    args = [macro]
                    args.extend(['-n', new_dirname])
                    if ns.a != -1:
                        args.extend(['-a', str(ns.a)])
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            # redefine macros and update tokens
            for index, token in enumerate(tokens):
                if token == values[index]:
                if not values[index]:
                    values[index] = '%{nil}' if token[0] == '%' else ''
                macros = _find_macros(token)
                if macros:
                    _redefine_macro(macros[0][0], values[index])
                    tokens[index] = values[index]
            result = ''.join(tokens)
            _sync_macros(curval + result)
            # only change value if necessary
            if MacroHelper.expand(curval) == MacroHelper.expand(result):
                return curval
            return result
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def _get_instructions(cls, comments, old_version, new_version):
        """Extract instructions from comments, update version if necessary"""
        instructions = []
        for comment in comments:
            comment = MacroHelper.expand(comment, comment)
            comment = MacroHelper.expand(comment, comment)
            comment = re.sub(r'^#\s*', '', comment)
            comment = comment.replace(old_version, new_version)
        return instructions
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def guess_category():
            for pkg in self.spc.packages:
                header = RpmHeader(pkg.header)
                for category in PackageCategory:
                    if category.value.match(
                        return category
                    for provide in header.providename:
                        if category.value.match(provide):
                            return category
            return None
        self.category = guess_category()
        self.sources = self._get_spec_sources_list(self.spc)
        self.prep_section = self.spc.prep
        self.main_source_index = self._identify_main_source(self.spc)
        self.patches = self._get_initial_patches()
        self.macros = MacroHelper.dump()
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def run(cls, spec_file, rebase_spec_file, **kwargs):
        macros = [m for m in rebase_spec_file.macros if m['name'] in MacroHelper.MACROS_WHITELIST]
        macros = MacroHelper.expand_macros(macros)
        # ensure maximal greediness
        macros.sort(key=lambda k: len(k['value']), reverse=True)

        for sec_name, sec_content in rebase_spec_file.spec_content.sections:
            if sec_name.startswith('%files'):
                for index, line in enumerate(sec_content):
                    new_path = MacroHelper.substitute_path_with_macros(line, macros)
                    sec_content[index] = new_path
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def _parse_list_tags(cls, section: str, section_content: List[str], parsed: List[str], section_index: int,
                         next_source_index: int, next_patch_index: int) -> Tuple[List[Tag], int, int]:
        """Parses all tags in a %sourcelist or %patchlist section.

        Only parses tags that are valid (that is - are in parsed), nothing more can
        consistently be detected.

        Follows how rpm works, the new Source/Patch tags are indexed starting from
        the last parsed Source/Patch tag.

        tag = 'Source' if section == '%sourcelist' else 'Patch'
        result = []
        for i, line in enumerate(section_content):
            expanded = MacroHelper.expand(line)
            is_comment = SpecContent.get_comment_span(line, section)[0] != len(line)
            if not expanded or not line or is_comment or not [p for p in parsed if p == expanded.rstrip()]:
            tag_name, tag_index, next_source_index, next_patch_index = cls._sanitize_tag(tag, next_source_index,
            result.append(Tag(section_index, section, i, tag_name, (0, len(line)), True, tag_index))

        return result, next_source_index, next_patch_index
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def get_release_number(self) -> str:
        Removed in rebasehelper=0.20.0
        release = self.header.release
        dist = MacroHelper.expand("%{dist}")
        if dist:
            release = release.replace(dist, "")
        return re.sub(r"([0-9.]*[0-9]+).*", r"\1", release)