How to use the pyparsing.Group function in pyparsing

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyparsing examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github OpenModelica / OMPython / OMPython / View on Github external
SOME = (Suppress(Keyword("SOME")) + Suppress("(") + omcValue + Suppress(")"))

omcString = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\', multiline=True).setParseAction(convertString)
omcNumber = Combine(Optional('-') + ('0' | Word('123456789', nums)) +
                    Optional('.' + Word(nums)) +
                    Optional(Word('eE', exact=1) + Word(nums + '+-', nums)))

#ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") | Combine("'" + Word(alphanums + "!#$%&()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]^{}|~ ") + "'")
ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") | QuotedString(quoteChar='\'', escChar='\\').setParseAction(convertString2)
fqident = Forward()
fqident << ((ident + "." + fqident) | ident)
omcValues = delimitedList(omcValue)
omcTuple = Group(Suppress('(') + Optional(omcValues) + Suppress(')')).setParseAction(convertTuple)
omcArray = Group(Suppress('{') + Optional(omcValues) + Suppress('}')).setParseAction(convertTuple)
omcValue << (omcString | omcNumber | omcRecord | omcArray | omcTuple | SOME | TRUE | FALSE | NONE | Combine(fqident))
recordMember = delimitedList(Group(ident + Suppress('=') + omcValue))
omcRecord << Group(Suppress('record') + Suppress(fqident) + Dict(recordMember) + Suppress('end') + Suppress(fqident) + Suppress(';')).setParseAction(convertDict)

omcGrammar = Optional(omcValue) + StringEnd()


def parseString(string):
    res = omcGrammar.parseString(string)
    if len(res) == 0:
    return res[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    testdata = """
github sbusard / pynusmv / src / pynusmv / View on Github external
ivar_section = Suppress("IVAR") + _ivar_section_body
ivar_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: InputVariables(t[0]))

_frozenvar_declaration = (identifier + Suppress(":") + _simple_type_specifier
                          + Suppress(";"))
_frozenvar_section_body = OneOrMore(_frozenvar_declaration)
_frozenvar_section_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t:
                                       OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2])))
frozenvar_section = Suppress("FROZENVAR") + _frozenvar_section_body
frozenvar_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: FrozenVariables(t[0]))

_array_expression = Forward()
_array_expression <<= ( Suppress("[") + Group(delimitedList(next_expression))
                        + Suppress("]")
                      | Suppress("[") + Group(delimitedList(_array_expression))
                        + Suppress("]"))
_define = _array_expression | next_expression
_define_declaration = (identifier + Suppress(":=") + _define + Suppress(";"))

def _handle_define_body(s, l, t):
    b = OrderedDict()
    for identifier, body in zip(t[::2], t[1::2]):
        if not isinstance(body, Expression):
            body = ArrayExpr(body)
        b[identifier] = body
    return b
_define_section_body = OneOrMore(_define_declaration)
define_section = Suppress("DEFINE") + _define_section_body
define_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Defines(t[0]))
github freedesktop / spice / python_modules / View on Github external
identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" )
        enumname = Word( alphanums + "_" )

        integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
                    Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int").setParseAction(cvtInt)

        typename = identifier.copy().setParseAction(lambda toks : ptypes.TypeRef(str(toks[0])))

        # This is just normal "types", i.e. not channels or messages
        typeSpec = Forward()

        attributeValue = integer ^ identifier
        attribute = Group(Combine ("@" + identifier) + Optional(lparen + delimitedList(attributeValue) + rparen))
        attributes = Group(ZeroOrMore(attribute))
        arraySizeSpecImage = Group(image_size_ + lparen + integer + comma + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecBytes = Group(bytes_ + lparen + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecCString = Group(cstring_ + lparen + rparen)
        arraySizeSpec = lbrack + Optional(identifier ^ integer ^ arraySizeSpecImage ^ arraySizeSpecBytes ^arraySizeSpecCString, default="") + rbrack
        variableDef = Group(typeSpec + Optional("*", default=None) + identifier + Optional(arraySizeSpec, default=None) + attributes - semi) \

        switchCase = Group(Group(OneOrMore(default_.setParseAction(replaceWith(None)) + colon | Group(case_.suppress() + Optional("!", default="") + identifier) + colon)) + variableDef) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.SwitchCase(toks[0][0], toks[0][1]))
        switchBody = Group(switch_ + lparen + delimitedList(identifier,delim='.', combine=True) + rparen + lbrace + Group(OneOrMore(switchCase)) + rbrace + identifier + attributes - semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.Switch(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4]))
        messageBody = structBody = Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(variableDef | switchBody)  + rbrace)
        structSpec = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))

        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "channel_type"
        typeSpec << ( structSpec ^ int8_ ^ uint8_ ^ int16_ ^ uint16_ ^
                     int32_ ^ uint32_ ^ int64_ ^ uint64_ ^
github shinichi-takii / ddlparse / ddlparse / View on Github external
                            + _LPAR + Group(delimitedList(Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE) + Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE)))("constraint_columns") + _RPAR
                            + Optional(Suppress(_REFERENCES)
                                + Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE) + Word(alphanums + "_")("references_table") + Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE)
                                + _LPAR + Group(delimitedList(Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE) + Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE)))("references_columns") + _RPAR
                    Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE) + Word(alphanums + "_")("name") + Optional(_SUPPRESS_QUOTE)
                    + Group(
                            Word(alphanums + "_")
                            + Optional(CaselessKeyword("WITHOUT TIME ZONE") ^ CaselessKeyword("WITH TIME ZONE") ^ CaselessKeyword("PRECISION") ^ CaselessKeyword("VARYING"))
                        + Optional(_LPAR + Regex(r"[\d\*]+\s*,*\s*\d*")("length") + Optional(_CHAR_SEMANTICS | _BYTE_SEMANTICS)("semantics") + _RPAR)
                        + Optional(_TYPE_UNSIGNED)("unsigned")
                        + Optional(_TYPE_ZEROFILL)("zerofill")
                    + Optional(Word(r"\[\]"))("array_brackets")
                    + Optional(Regex(_COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, re.IGNORECASE))("constraint")

    _DDL_PARSE_EXPR = Forward()
github scylladb / scylla / View on Github external
comma = pp.Literal(",")
    lparen = pp.Literal("(")
    rparen = pp.Literal(")")
    lbrack = pp.Literal("[")
    rbrack = pp.Literal("]")
    mins = pp.Literal("-")
    struct = pp.Keyword('struct')
    template = pp.Keyword('template')
    final = pp.Keyword('final')("final")
    stub = pp.Keyword('stub')("stub")
    with_colon = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_" + ":")
    btype = with_colon
    type = pp.Forward()
    nestedParens = pp.nestedExpr('<', '>')

    tmpl = pp.Group(btype("template_name") + langle.suppress() + pp.Group(pp.delimitedList(type)) + rangle.suppress())
    type << (tmpl | btype)
    enum_lit = pp.Keyword('enum')
    enum_class = pp.Group(enum_lit + cls)
    ns = pp.Keyword("namespace")

    enum_init = equals.suppress() + pp.Optional(mins) + number
    enum_value = pp.Group(identifier + pp.Optional(enum_init))
    enum_values = pp.Group(lbrace + pp.delimitedList(enum_value) + pp.Optional(comma) + rbrace)
    content = pp.Forward()

    member_name = pp.Combine(pp.Group(identifier + pp.Optional(lparen + rparen)))
    attrib = pp.Group(lbrack.suppress() + lbrack.suppress() + pp.SkipTo(']') + rbrack.suppress() + rbrack.suppress())
    opt_attribute = pp.Optional(attrib)("attribute")
    namespace = pp.Group(ns("type") + identifier("name") + lbrace + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(content))("content") + rbrace)
    enum = pp.Group(enum_class("type") + identifier("name") + colon.suppress() + identifier("underline_type") + enum_values("enum_values") + pp.Optional(semi).suppress())
    default_value = equals.suppress() + pp.SkipTo(';')
github SteveDoyle2 / pyNastran / pyNastran / converters / dev / vrml / View on Github external
list_open = pp.Literal('[').suppress()
list_close = pp.Literal(']').suppress()
dict_open = pp.Literal('{').suppress()
dict_close = pp.Literal('}').suppress()

color_datai = pp.Group(pfloat * 3)
ambient_intensity = pp.Literal('ambientIntensity') + pfloat
diffuse_color = pp.Literal('diffuseColor') + color_datai
specular_color = pp.Literal('specularColor') + color_datai
transparency = pp.Literal('transparency') + pfloat
shininess = pp.Literal('shininess') + pfloat
material_values = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(
    ambient_intensity | diffuse_color | specular_color |
    transparency | shininess))
material = (
    pword + pp.Literal('Material') +
    dict_open +
    material_values +
    ambientIntensity 0.210
    diffuseColor 0.596 0.667 0.686
    specularColor 0.500 0.500 0.500
    transparency 0.000
    shininess 0.600

github Erotemic / ubelt / ubelt / View on Github external
def combine_nested(opener, closer, content, name=None):
        opener, closer, content = '(', ')', nest_body
        ret1 = pp.Forward()
        group = pp.Group(opener + pp.ZeroOrMore(content) + closer)
        ret2 = ret1 << group
        ret3 = ret2
        if name is not None:
            ret3 = ret2.setResultsName(name)
        return ret3
github pyparsing / pyparsing / examples / View on Github external
udpInstance = Group(
            Group(identifier + Optional(range | subscrRef))
            + LPAR
            + Group(delimitedList(expr))
            + RPAR
        udpInstantiation = Group(
            - Optional(driveStrength)
            + Optional(delay)
            + delimitedList(udpInstance)
            + SEMI

        parameterValueAssignment = Group(
            Literal("#") + LPAR + Group(delimitedList(expr)) + RPAR
        namedPortConnection = Group(DOT + identifier + LPAR + expr + RPAR).setName(
        )  # .setDebug()
        assert r".\abc (abc )" == namedPortConnection
        modulePortConnection = expr | empty
        # ~ moduleInstance = Group( Group ( identifier + Optional(range) ) +
        # ~ ( delimitedList( modulePortConnection ) |
        # ~ delimitedList( namedPortConnection ) ) )
        inst_args = Group(
            + (delimitedList(namedPortConnection) | delimitedList(modulePortConnection))
            + RPAR
        moduleInstance = Group(Group(identifier + Optional(range)) + inst_args).setName(
github nil0x42 / phpsploit / deps / pyparsing-2.0.2 / examples / View on Github external
almprop = Group(ALMPROP + ZeroOrMore(proptype) + COLON + propval)
evtprop = Group(EVTPROP + ZeroOrMore(proptype) + COLON + propval).suppress() \
   | "CATEGORIES" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("categories") \
   | "CLASS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("class") \
   | "DESCRIPTION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("description") \
   | "DTSTART" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("begin") \
   | "DTEND" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("end") \
   | "LOCATION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("location") \
   | "PRIORITY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("priority") \
   | "STATUS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("status") \
   | "SUMMARY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("summary") \
   | "URL" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("url") \

calprops = Group(OneOrMore(calprop)).suppress()
evtprops = Group(OneOrMore(evtprop))
almprops = Group(OneOrMore(almprop)).suppress()

alarm      = BEGIN + ALARM + almprops + END + ALARM
event      = BEGIN + EVENT + evtprops + Optional(alarm) + END + EVENT
events     = Group(OneOrMore(event))
calendar   = BEGIN + CALENDAR + calprops + ZeroOrMore(event) + END + CALENDAR
calendars  =   OneOrMore(calendar)


def gotEvent(s,loc,toks):
   for event in toks:
      print (event['summary'], "from", event["begin"], "to", event["end"])

github mozilla / moz-sql-parser / moz_sql_parser / View on Github external
Optional(LIMIT.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) + expr("limit")) +
        Optional(OFFSET.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) + expr("offset"))

ordered_sql << Group(
        unordered_sql +
        ZeroOrMore((UNION_ALL | UNION) + unordered_sql)
    )("union"))("from") +
    Optional(ORDER_BY.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) + delimitedList(Group(sortColumn))("orderby").setName("orderby")) +
    Optional(LIMIT.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) + expr("limit")) +
    Optional(OFFSET.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) + expr("offset"))

statement = Group(Group(Optional(
    WITH.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) +
            ident("name").setDebugActions(*debug) +
            AS.suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) +
            Literal("(").suppress().setDebugActions(*debug) +
            ordered_sql("value").setDebugActions(*debug) +
))("with") + ordered_sql("query")).addParseAction(to_with_clause)

SQLParser = statement

oracleSqlComment = Literal("--") + restOfLine