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with open(file_name, "r") as mapcheck_file:
m_chk = "\n".join(mapcheck_file.readlines())
m_chk = m_chk.split("Dose Interpolated")[-1]
m_chk = m_chk.split("\n")[2:]
temp = [r for r in csv.reader(m_chk, delimiter="\t") if "Xcm" in r]
x_coord = np.array(temp[0][2:]).astype(float)
y_coord, dose = np.array([]), np.array([])
for line in csv.reader(m_chk, delimiter="\t"):
if len(line) > 1:
line = [float(r) for r in line]
y_coord = np.insert(y_coord, 0, float(line[0]))
dose = np.append(dose, line[2:])
except ValueError:
dose = np.array(dose).flatten().astype(float)
dose.shape = (len(x_coord), len(y_coord))
return Mapcheck(x_coord, y_coord, dose)
def minimising_function(optimiser_input):
x_shift, y_shift, rotation_angle = optimiser_input
rotated = shapely.affinity.rotate(
initial_ellipse, rotation_angle, use_radians=True
translated = shapely.affinity.translate(rotated, xoff=x_shift, yoff=y_shift)
disjoint_area = (
translated.difference(insert).area + insert.difference(translated).area
return disjoint_area / 400
x0 = np.append(np.squeeze(insert.centroid.coords), np.pi / 4)
niter = 10
T = insert.area / 40000
stepsize = 3
niter_success = 2
output = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(
x_shift, y_shift, rotation_angle = output.x
def create_dvh(structure, dcm_struct, dcm_dose):
structure_dose_values = find_dose_within_structure(structure, dcm_struct, dcm_dose)
hist = np.histogram(structure_dose_values, 100)
freq = hist[0]
bin_edge = hist[1]
bin_mid = (bin_edge[1::] + bin_edge[:-1:]) / 2
cumulative = np.cumsum(freq[::-1])
cumulative = cumulative[::-1]
bin_mid = np.append([0], bin_mid)
cumulative = np.append(cumulative[0], cumulative)
percent_cumulative = cumulative / cumulative[0] * 100
plt.plot(bin_mid, percent_cumulative, label=structure)
plt.xlabel("Dose (Gy)")
plt.ylabel("Relative Volume (%)")
adjusted_x_data = np.append(x_data, x_test)
adjusted_y_data = np.append(y_data, y_test)
bbox = [
initial_model = scipy.interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(
x_data, y_data, z_data, bbox=bbox, kx=2, ky=1
).ev(x_test, y_test)
pos_adjusted_z_data = np.append(z_data, initial_model + deviation)
neg_adjusted_z_data = np.append(z_data, initial_model - deviation)
pos_adjusted_model = scipy.interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(
adjusted_x_data, adjusted_y_data, pos_adjusted_z_data, kx=2, ky=1
).ev(x_test, y_test)
neg_adjusted_model = scipy.interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(
adjusted_x_data, adjusted_y_data, neg_adjusted_z_data, kx=2, ky=1
).ev(x_test, y_test)
deformability_from_pos_adjustment = (pos_adjusted_model - initial_model) / deviation
deformability_from_neg_adjustment = (initial_model - neg_adjusted_model) / deviation
deformability = np.max(
[deformability_from_pos_adjustment, deformability_from_neg_adjustment]
if maxstack2 / maxstack1 > 1.5: # It is a Y field folder
if ky == 0:
yfield = volume[:, :, slice]
yfield = yfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
yfield = np.append(yfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
ky = ky + 1
elif maxstack2 / maxstack1 < 0.5: # It is a X field folder
if kx == 0:
xfield = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = xfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = np.append(xfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
kx = kx + 1
else: # It is a field rotation folder
if krot == 0:
rotfield = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = rotfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = np.append(rotfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
krot = krot + 1
return xfield, yfield, rotfield
ky = ky + 1
elif maxstack2 / maxstack1 < 0.9: # It is a X field folder
if kx == 0:
xfield = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = xfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = np.append(xfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
kx = kx + 1
else: # It is a field rotation folder
if krot == 0:
rotfield = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = rotfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = np.append(rotfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
krot = krot + 1
min_val = np.amin(volume)
volume = volume - min_val
volume = volume / (np.amax(volume))
kx = 0
ky = 0
krot = 0
for slice in range(0, volume.shape[2]):
stack1 = np.sum(
np.shape(volume)[0] / 2
- np.amin([np.shape(volume)[0], np.shape(volume)[1]]) / 2
) : int(
if maxstack2 / maxstack1 > 1.1: # It is a Y field folder
if ky == 0:
yfield = volume[:, :, slice]
yfield = yfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
yfield = np.append(yfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
ky = ky + 1
elif maxstack2 / maxstack1 < 0.9: # It is a X field folder
if kx == 0:
xfield = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = xfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = np.append(xfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
kx = kx + 1
else: # It is a field rotation folder
if krot == 0:
rotfield = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = rotfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = np.append(rotfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
krot = krot + 1
min_val = np.amin(volume)
volume = volume - min_val
volume = volume / (np.amax(volume))
kx = 0
ky = 0
def _from_pandas(cls: Type[DeliveryGeneric], table) -> DeliveryGeneric:
raw_monitor_units = table["Step Dose/Actual Value (Mu)"]
diff = np.append([0], np.diff(raw_monitor_units))
diff[diff < 0] = 0
monitor_units = np.cumsum(diff)
gantry = table[GANTRY_NAME]
collimator = table[COLLIMATOR_NAME]
y1_bank = [table[name] for name in Y1_LEAF_BANK_NAMES]
y2_bank = [table[name] for name in Y2_LEAF_BANK_NAMES]
mlc = [y1_bank, y2_bank]
mlc = np.swapaxes(mlc, 0, 2)
jaw = [table[name] for name in JAW_NAMES]
jaw = np.swapaxes(jaw, 0, 1)
ky = ky + 1
elif maxstack2 / maxstack1 < 0.5: # It is a X field folder
if kx == 0:
xfield = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = xfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
xfield = np.append(xfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
kx = kx + 1
else: # It is a field rotation folder
if krot == 0:
rotfield = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = rotfield[:, :, np.newaxis]
volappend = volume[:, :, slice]
rotfield = np.append(rotfield, volappend[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=2)
krot = krot + 1
return xfield, yfield, rotfield
def angle_dd2dcm(angle):
diff = np.append(np.diff(angle), 0)
movement = (np.empty_like(angle)).astype(str)
movement[diff > 0] = "CW"
movement[diff < 0] = "CC"
movement[diff == 0] = "NONE"
converted_angle = np.array(angle, copy=False)
converted_angle[converted_angle < 0] = converted_angle[converted_angle < 0] + 360
converted_angle = converted_angle.astype(str).tolist()
return converted_angle, movement