How to use the pycsw.core.etree.etree.QName function in pycsw

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def response_csw2sru(self, element, environ):
        """transform a CSW response into an SRU response"""

        response_name = etree.QName(element).localname
        if response_name == 'Capabilities':  # explain
            node = etree.Element(util.nspath_eval('sru:explainResponse', self.namespaces), nsmap=self.namespaces)

            etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('sru:version', self.namespaces)).text = self.sru_version

            record = etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('sru:record', self.namespaces))

            etree.SubElement(record, util.nspath_eval('sru:recordPacking', self.namespaces)).text = 'XML'
            etree.SubElement(record, util.nspath_eval('sru:recordSchema', self.namespaces)).text = ''

            recorddata = etree.SubElement(record, util.nspath_eval('sru:recordData', self.namespaces))

            explain = etree.SubElement(recorddata, util.nspath_eval('zr:explain', self.namespaces))

            serverinfo = etree.SubElement(explain, util.nspath_eval('zr:serverInfo', self.namespaces), protocol='SRU', version=self.sru_version, transport='http', method='GET POST SOAP')
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parser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema, resolve_entities=False)
                if hasattr(self.parent, 'soap') and self.parent.soap:
                # validate the body of the SOAP request
                    doc = etree.fromstring(etree.tostring(doc), parser)
                else:  # validate the request normally
                    doc = etree.fromstring(postdata, parser)
                LOGGER.debug('Request is valid XML')
            else:  # parse Transaction without validation
                doc = etree.fromstring(postdata, self.parent.context.parser)
        except Exception as err:
            errortext = \
            'Exception: the document is not valid.\nError: %s' % str(err)
            return errortext

        request['request'] = etree.QName(doc).localname
        LOGGER.debug('Request operation %s specified.', request['request'])
        tmp = doc.find('.').attrib.get('service')
        if tmp is not None:
            request['service'] = tmp

        tmp = doc.find('.').attrib.get('version')
        if tmp is not None:
            request['version'] = tmp

        tmp = doc.find('.//%s' % util.nspath_eval('ows20:Version',

        if tmp is not None:
            request['version'] = tmp.text

        tmp = doc.find('.').attrib.get('updateSequence')
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def _csw3_2_os(self):
        """CSW 3.0.0 Capabilities to OpenSearch Description"""

        response_name = etree.QName(self.exml).localname
        if response_name == 'GetRecordsResponse':

            startindex = int(self.exml.xpath('//@nextRecord')[0]) - int(
            if startindex < 1:
                startindex = 1

            node = etree.Element(util.nspath_eval('atom:feed',
                       self.context.namespaces), nsmap=self.namespaces)
            etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:id',
                       self.context.namespaces)).text = self.cfg.get('server', 'url')
            etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:title',
                       self.context.namespaces)).text = self.cfg.get('metadata:main',
            author = etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:author', self.context.namespaces))
            etree.SubElement(author, util.nspath_eval('atom:name', self.context.namespaces)).text = self.cfg.get('metadata:main',
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def _csw2_2_os(self):
        """CSW 2.0.2 Capabilities to OpenSearch Description"""

        operation_name = etree.QName(self.exml).localname
        if operation_name == 'GetRecordsResponse':

            startindex = int(self.exml.xpath('//@nextRecord')[0]) - int(
            if startindex < 1:
                startindex = 1

            node = etree.Element(util.nspath_eval('atom:feed',
                       self.context.namespaces), nsmap=self.namespaces)
            etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:id',
                       self.context.namespaces)).text = self.cfg.get('server', 'url')
            etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:title',
                       self.context.namespaces)).text = self.cfg.get('metadata:main',
            #etree.SubElement(node, util.nspath_eval('atom:updated',
            #  self.context.namespaces)).text = self.exml.xpath('//@timestamp')[0]
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def _get_comparison_operator(element):
    """return the SQL operator based on Filter query"""

    element_name = etree.QName(element).localname
    return MODEL['ComparisonOperators']['ogc:%s' % element_name]['opvalue']
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LOGGER.debug('Scanning for spatial property name')

    if property_name is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Missing ogc:PropertyName in spatial filter')
    if (property_name.text.find('BoundingBox') == -1 and
            property_name.text.find('Envelope') == -1):
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid ogc:PropertyName in spatial filter: %s' %

    geometry = gml3.Geometry(element, nsmap)

    #make decision to apply spatial ranking to results

    spatial_predicate = etree.QName(element).localname.lower()

    LOGGER.debug('Spatial predicate: %s', spatial_predicate)

    if dbtype == 'mysql':  # adjust spatial query for MySQL
        LOGGER.debug('Adjusting spatial query for MySQL')
        if spatial_predicate == 'bbox':
            spatial_predicate = 'intersects'

        if spatial_predicate == 'beyond':
            spatial_query = "ifnull(distance(geomfromtext(%s), \
            geomfromtext('%s')) > convert(%s, signed),false)" % \
                (geomattr, geometry.wkt, distance)
        elif spatial_predicate == 'dwithin':
            spatial_query = "ifnull(distance(geomfromtext(%s), \
            geomfromtext('%s')) <= convert(%s, signed),false)" % \
                (geomattr, geometry.wkt, distance)
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                                       child, dbtype, nsmap), boolean_false))
                queries.append("%s = %s" %
                                   child, dbtype, nsmap), boolean_true))

        elif child.tag == util.nspath_eval('ogc:FeatureId', nsmap):
            LOGGER.debug('ogc:FeatureId filter detected')
            queries.append("%s = %s" % (queryables['pycsw:Identifier'], assign_param()))
        else:  # comparison operator
            LOGGER.debug('Comparison operator processing')
            child_tag_name = etree.QName(child).localname
            tagname = ' %s ' % child_tag_name.lower()
            if tagname in [' or ', ' and ']:  # this is a nested binary logic query
                LOGGER.debug('Nested binary logic detected; operator=%s', tagname)
                for child2 in child.xpath('child::*'):
                queries.append('(%s)' % tagname.join(queries_nested))

    where = boq.join(queries) if (boq is not None and boq != ' not ') \
        else queries[0]

    return where, values
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LOGGER.debug('Scanning for spatial property name')

    if property_name is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Missing ogc:PropertyName in spatial filter')
    if (property_name.text.find('BoundingBox') == -1 and
            property_name.text.find('Envelope') == -1):
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid ogc:PropertyName in spatial filter: %s' %

    geometry = gml3.Geometry(element, nsmap)

    #make decision to apply spatial ranking to results

    spatial_predicate = etree.QName(element).localname.lower()

    LOGGER.debug('Spatial predicate: %s', spatial_predicate)

    if dbtype == 'mysql':  # adjust spatial query for MySQL
        LOGGER.debug('Adjusting spatial query for MySQL')
        if spatial_predicate == 'bbox':
            spatial_predicate = 'intersects'

        if spatial_predicate == 'beyond':
            spatial_query = "ifnull(distance(geomfromtext(%s), \
            geomfromtext('%s')) > convert(%s, signed),false)" % \
                (geomattr, geometry.wkt, distance)
        elif spatial_predicate == 'dwithin':
            spatial_query = "ifnull(distance(geomfromtext(%s), \
            geomfromtext('%s')) <= convert(%s, signed),false)" % \
                (geomattr, geometry.wkt, distance)