Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
# generate planet c orbital parameters
# at 2 au, and starts on the opposite side of the star relative to b
c_params = [2, 0, 0, np.pi, 0, 0.5]
mass_c = 0.002 # Msun
mtot_c = m0 + mass_b + mass_c
mtot_b = m0 + mass_b
period_b = np.sqrt(b_params[0]**3/mtot_b)
period_c = np.sqrt(c_params[0]**3/mtot_c)
epochs = np.linspace(0, period_c*365.25, 20) + tau_ref_epoch # the full period of c, MJD
# comptue Keplerian orbit of b
ra_model_b, dec_model_b, vz_model = kepler.calc_orbit(epochs, b_params[0], b_params[1], b_params[2], b_params[3], b_params[4], b_params[5], plx, mtot_b, mass_for_Kamp=m0, tau_ref_epoch=tau_ref_epoch)
# comptue Keplerian orbit of c
ra_model_c, dec_model_c, vz_model_c = kepler.calc_orbit(epochs, c_params[0], c_params[1], c_params[2], c_params[3], c_params[4], c_params[5], plx, mtot_c, tau_ref_epoch=tau_ref_epoch)
# perturb b due to c
ra_model_b_orig = np.copy(ra_model_b)
dec_model_b_orig = np.copy(dec_model_b)
# the sign is positive b/c of 2 negative signs cancelling.
ra_model_b += mass_c/m0 * ra_model_c
dec_model_b += mass_c/m0 * dec_model_c
# perturb b due to c
ra_model_c += mass_b/m0 * ra_model_b_orig
dec_model_c += mass_b/m0 * dec_model_b_orig
# generate some fake measurements to fit to. Make it with b first
# test orbit plot generation
samples =
sma = samples[:, 0]
ecc = samples[:, 1]
inc = samples[:, 2]
argp = samples[:, 3]
lan = samples[:, 4]
tau = samples[:, 5]
plx = samples[:, 6]
mtot = samples[:, 7]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot)
sep, pa = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec)
sep_sar, pa_sar = np.median(sep[s.epoch_idx]), np.median(pa[s.epoch_idx])
# test to make sure sep and pa scaled to scale-and-rotate epoch
assert sep_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant1'], abs=sar_epoch['quant1_err'])
assert pa_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant2'], abs=sar_epoch['quant2_err'])
ecc = samples[:, 1]
inc = samples[:, 2]
argp = samples[:, 3]
lan = samples[:, 4]
tau = samples[:, 5]
plx = samples[:, 6]
if self.system.fit_secondary_mass:
gamma = samples[:, 7]
sigma = samples[:, 8]
m0 = samples[:, -1]
m1 = samples[:, -2]
mtot = m0 + m1
mtot = samples[:, 7]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot)
sep, pa = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec)
sep_sar, pa_sar = np.median(sep[s.epoch_idx]), np.median(pa[s.epoch_idx])
# test to make sure sep and pa scaled to scale-and-rotate epoch
assert sep_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant1'], abs=sar_epoch['quant1_err'])
assert pa_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant2'], abs=sar_epoch['quant2_err'])
def test_orbit_e03_array():
Test orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit() with a standard orbit with ecc = 0.3 and an array of keplerian input
# sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot
sma = np.array([10,10,10])
ecc = np.array([0.3,0.3,0.3])
inc = np.array([3,3,3])
argp = np.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
lan = np.array([1.5,1.5,1.5])
tau = np.array([0.3,0.3,0.3])
plx = np.array([50,50,50])
mtot = np.array([1.5,1.5,1.5])
epochs = np.array([1000, 1101.4])
raoffs, deoffs, vzs = kepler.calc_orbit(epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot)
true_raoff = np.array([[ 152.86786, 152.86786, 152.86786],
[ 180.39408, 180.39408, 180.39408]])
true_deoff = np.array([[-462.91038,-462.91038,-462.91038],
[-442.0127, -442.0127, -442.0127]])
true_vz = np.array([[.86448656, .86448656, .86448656],
[.97591289, .97591289, .97591289]])
for ii in range(0,3):
for meas, truth in zip(raoffs[:, ii], true_raoff[:,ii]):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=threshold)
for meas, truth in zip(deoffs[:, ii], true_deoff[:, ii]):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=threshold)
for meas, truth in zip(vzs[:, ii], true_vz[:, ii]):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=1e-8)
def test_orbit_e99():
Test a highly eccentric orbit (ecc=0.99). Again validate against James Graham's orbit code
# sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot
orbital_params = np.array([10, 0.99, 3, 0.5, 1.5, 0.3, 50, 1.5])
epochs = np.array([1000, 1101.4])
raoffs, deoffs, vzs = kepler.calc_orbit(epochs, orbital_params[0], orbital_params[1], orbital_params[2], orbital_params[3],
orbital_params[4], orbital_params[5], orbital_params[6], orbital_params[7])
true_raoff = [-589.45575, -571.48432]
true_deoff = [-447.32217, -437.68456]
true_vz = [.39208876, .42041953]
for meas, truth in zip(raoffs, true_raoff):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=threshold)
for meas, truth in zip(deoffs, true_deoff):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=threshold)
for meas, truth in zip(vzs, true_vz):
assert truth == pytest.approx(meas, abs=1e-8)
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
input_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'HD4747.csv')
# perform scale-and-rotate
myDriver = orbitize.driver.Driver(input_file, 'OFTI',
1, 0.84, 53.1836,
mass_err=0.04, plx_err=0.1264,
system_kwargs={'fit_secondary_mass': True, 'tau_ref_epoch': 0}
s = myDriver.sampler
samples = s.prepare_samples(10)
if myDriver.system.fit_secondary_mass:
sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, gamma, sigma, m1, m0 = [samp for samp in samples]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(
s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot=m1 + m0,
v_star = vc*-(m1/m0)
sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot = [samp for samp in samples]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot)
sep, pa = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec)
sep_sar, pa_sar = np.median(sep[s.epoch_idx]), np.median(pa[s.epoch_idx])
rv_sar = np.median(v_star[s.epoch_rv_idx[1]])
# test to make sure sep and pa scaled to scale-and-rotate epoch
sar_epoch = s.system.data_table[np.where(
s.system.data_table['quant_type'] == 'seppa')][s.epoch_idx]
def test_systeminit():
Test that initializing a ``System`` class produces a list of ``Prior``
objects of the correct length when:
- parallax and total mass are fixed
- parallax and total mass errors are given
- parallax is fixed, total mass error is given
- parallax error is given, total mass error is fixed
Test that the different types of data are parsed correctly
when initializing a ``System`` object.
testdir = orbitize.DATADIR
input_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'test_val.csv')
data_table = read_input.read_file(input_file)
# Manually set 'object' column of data table
data_table['object'] = 1
data_table['object'][1] = 2
plx_mass_errs2lens = {
(0., 0.): 14,
(1., 1.): 14,
(0., 1.): 14,
(1., 0.): 14
for plx_e, mass_e in plx_mass_errs2lens.keys():
testSystem_priors = system.System(
2, data_table, 10., 10., plx_err=plx_e, mass_err=mass_e
period_c = np.sqrt(c_params[0]**3/mtot)
period_b = np.sqrt(b_params[0]**3/mtot)
epochs = np.linspace(0, period_c*365.25, 100) + tau_ref_epoch # the full period of c, MJD
ra_model, dec_model, vz_model = kepler.calc_orbit(epochs, b_params[0], b_params[1], b_params[2], b_params[3], b_params[4], b_params[5], plx, mtot, tau_ref_epoch=tau_ref_epoch)
# generate some fake measurements just to feed into to test bookkeeping
# just make a 1 planet fit for now
t = table.Table([epochs, np.ones(epochs.shape, dtype=int), ra_model, np.zeros(ra_model.shape), dec_model, np.zeros(dec_model.shape)],
names=["epoch", "object" ,"raoff", "raoff_err","decoff","decoff_err"])
filename = os.path.join(orbitize.DATADIR, "multiplanet_fake_1planettest.csv")
t.write(filename, overwrite=True)
# create the orbitize system and generate model predictions using the standard 1 body model for b, and the 2 body model for b and c
astrom_dat = read_input.read_file(filename)
sys_1body = system.System(1, astrom_dat, m0, plx, tau_ref_epoch=tau_ref_epoch, fit_secondary_mass=True)
sys_2body = system.System(2, astrom_dat, m0, plx, tau_ref_epoch=tau_ref_epoch, fit_secondary_mass=True)
# model predictions for the 1 body case
# we had put one measurements of planet b in the data table, so compute_model only does planet b measurements
params = np.append(b_params, [plx, mass_b, m0])
radec_1body, _ = sys_1body.compute_model(params)
ra_1body = radec_1body[:, 0]
dec_1body = radec_1body[:, 1]
# model predictions for the 2 body case
# still only generates predictions of b's location, but including the perturbation for c
params = np.append(b_params, np.append(c_params, [plx, mass_b, mass_c, m0]))
radec_2body, _ = sys_2body.compute_model(params)
ra_2body = radec_2body[:, 0]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import orbitize.sampler as sampler
import orbitize.driver
import orbitize.priors as priors
from orbitize.lnlike import chi2_lnlike
from orbitize.kepler import calc_orbit
import orbitize.system
import pdb
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
input_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'HD4747.csv')
# perform scale-and-rotate
myDriver = orbitize.driver.Driver(input_file, 'OFTI',
1, 0.84, 53.1836,
mass_err=0.04, plx_err=0.1264,
system_kwargs={'fit_secondary_mass': True, 'tau_ref_epoch': 0}
s = myDriver.sampler
samples = s.prepare_samples(10)
if myDriver.system.fit_secondary_mass:
sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, gamma, sigma, m1, m0 = [samp for samp in samples]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(
s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot=m1 + m0,
v_star = vc*-(m1/m0)
sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot = [samp for samp in samples]
def test_scale_and_rotate():
# perform scale-and-rotate
myDriver = orbitize.driver.Driver(input_file, 'OFTI',
1, 1.22, 56.95, mass_err=0.08, plx_err=0.26)
s = myDriver.sampler
samples = s.prepare_samples(100)
sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot = [samp for samp in samples]
ra, dec, vc = orbitize.kepler.calc_orbit(s.epochs, sma, ecc, inc, argp, lan, tau, plx, mtot)
sep, pa = orbitize.system.radec2seppa(ra, dec)
sep_sar, pa_sar = np.median(sep[s.epoch_idx]), np.median(pa[s.epoch_idx])
# test to make sure sep and pa scaled to scale-and-rotate epoch
sar_epoch = s.system.data_table[s.epoch_idx]
assert sep_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant1'], abs=sar_epoch['quant1_err'])
assert pa_sar == pytest.approx(sar_epoch['quant2'], abs=sar_epoch['quant2_err'])