How to use the nbconvert.RSTExporter function in nbconvert

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nbconvert examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github spatialaudio / nbsphinx / src / View on Github external
/* indent single paragraph */
div.admonition {
    text-indent: 20px;
/* don't indent multiple paragraphs */
div.admonition > p {
    text-indent: 0;
/* remove excessive padding */
div.admonition.inline-title p.admonition-title {
    padding-left: .2em;

class Exporter(nbconvert.RSTExporter):
    """Convert Jupyter notebooks to reStructuredText.

    Uses nbconvert to convert Jupyter notebooks to a reStructuredText
    string with custom reST directives for input and output cells.

    Notebooks without output cells are automatically executed before


    def __init__(self, execute='auto', kernel_name='', execute_arguments=[],
                 allow_errors=False, timeout=30, codecell_lexer='none'):
        """Initialize the Exporter."""

        # NB: The following stateful Jinja filters are a hack until
        # template-based processing is dropped
github pavlin-policar / openTSNE / View on Github external
def run(self):
        import nbconvert
        from os.path import join

        exporter = nbconvert.RSTExporter()
        writer = nbconvert.writers.FilesWriter()

        files = [
            join("examples", "01_simple_usage.ipynb"),
            join("examples", "02_advanced_usage.ipynb"),
            join("examples", "03_preserving_global_structure.ipynb"),
            join("examples", "04_large_data_sets.ipynb"),
        target_dir = join("docs", "source", "examples")

        for fname in files:
            self.announce(f"Converting {fname}...")
            directory, nb_name = fname.split("/")
            nb_name, _ = nb_name.split(".")
            body, resources = exporter.from_file(fname)
            writer.build_directory = join(target_dir, nb_name)
github Chilipp / sphinx-nbexamples / sphinx_nbexamples / View on Github external
def create_rst(self, nb, in_dir, odir):
        """Create the rst file from the notebook node"""
        exporter = nbconvert.RSTExporter()
        raw_rst, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
        # remove ipython magics
        rst_content = ''
        i0 = 0
        m = None
        # HACK: we insert the bokeh style sheets here as well, since for some
        # themes (e.g. the sphinx_rtd_theme) it is not sufficient to include
        # the style sheets only via app.add_stylesheet
        bokeh_str = ''
        if 'bokeh' in raw_rst and self.insert_bokeh:
            bokeh_str += self.BOKEH_TEMPLATE.format(
        if 'bokeh' in raw_rst and self.insert_bokeh_widgets:
            bokeh_str += self.BOKEH_WIDGETS_TEMPLATE.format(
        for m in code_blocks.finditer(raw_rst):
github matplotlib / mpl-probscale / docs / tutorial / View on Github external
def convert(nbfile):
    basename, _ = os.path.splitext(nbfile)

    meta = {'metadata': {'path': '.'}}
    with open(nbfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as nbf:
        nbdata =, as_version=4, encoding='utf-8')

    runner = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='probscale')
    runner.preprocess(nbdata, meta)

    img_folder = basename + '_files'
    body_raw, images = RSTExporter().from_notebook_node(nbdata)
    body_final = body_raw.replace('.. image:: ', '.. image:: {}/'.format(img_folder))

    with open(basename + '.rst', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as rst_out:

    for img_name, img_data in images['outputs'].items():
        img_path = os.path.join(img_folder, img_name)
        with open(img_path, 'wb') as img:
github d2l-ai / d2l-book / d2lbook / View on Github external
def convert_notebook(nb: notebooknode.NotebookNode, resources: Dict[str, str]):
    nb = _process_nb(nb)
    writer = nbconvert.RSTExporter()
    body, resources = writer.from_notebook_node(nb, resources)
    body = _process_rst(body)
    return body, resources
github bwohlberg / sporco / docs / source / View on Github external
    Convert notebook object `ntbk` to rst document at `rpth`, in
    directory `rdir`.  Parameter `cr` is a CrossReferenceLookup

    # Parent directory of file rpth
    rdir = os.path.dirname(rpth)
    # File basename
    rb = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(rpth)[0])

    # Pre-process notebook prior to conversion to rst
    if cr is not None:
        preprocess_notebook(ntbk, cr)
    # Convert notebook to rst
    rex = RSTExporter()
    rsttxt, rstres = rex.from_notebook_node(ntbk)
    # Replace `` with ` in sphinx cross-references
    rsttxt = re.sub(r':([^:]+):``(.*?)``', r':\1:`\2`', rsttxt)
    # Insert a cross-reference target at top of file
    reflbl = '.. _examples_' + os.path.basename(rdir) + '_' + \
             rb.replace('-', '_') + ':\n\n'
    rsttxt = reflbl + rsttxt
    # Write the converted rst to disk
    write_notebook_rst(rsttxt, rstres, rb, rdir)