How to use the multiqc.config.read_count_prefix function in multiqc

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github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / featureCounts / View on Github external
def featurecounts_stats_table(self):
        """ Take the parsed stats from the featureCounts report and add them to the
        basic stats table at the top of the report """

        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['percent_assigned'] = {
            'title': '% Assigned',
            'description': '% Assigned reads',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'RdYlGn'
        headers['Assigned'] = {
            'title': '{} Assigned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Assigned reads ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuBu',
            'modify': lambda x: float(x) * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.featurecounts_data, headers)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / rsem / View on Github external
def rsem_stats_table(self):
        """ Take the parsed stats from the rsem report and add them to the
        basic stats table at the top of the report """
        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['alignable_percent'] = {
            'title': '% Alignable'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': '% Alignable reads'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'YlGn'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.rsem_mapped_data, headers)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / interop / View on Github external
'min': 0,
            'max': 100,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'OrRd'
        headers['Prephased'] = {
            'title': 'Prephased (%)',
            'description': 'The value used by RTA for the percentage of molecules in a cluster for which sequencing falls behind (phasing) or jumps ahead (prephasing) the current cycle within a read.',
            'format': '{:.,2f}',
            'min': 0,
            'max': 100,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'OrRd'
        headers['Reads'] = {
            'title': '{} Reads'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'The number of clusters ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'shared_key': 'read_count',
            'modify': lambda x: (x*1000000.0) * config.read_count_multiplier, # number is already in millions
        headers['Reads PF'] = {
            'title': '{} PF Reads'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'The number of passing filter clusters ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'shared_key': 'read_count',
            'modify': lambda x: (x*1000000.0) * config.read_count_multiplier, # number is already in millions
        headers['Cycles Error'] = {
            'title': 'Cycles Error',
            'description': 'The number of cycles that have been error-rated using PhiX, starting at cycle 1.',
            'format': '{:.,0f}',
        headers['Yield'] = {
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / samtools / View on Github external
'max': 100,
                'suffix': '%',
                'scale': 'OrRd',
                'format': '{:,.2f}',
                'modify': lambda x: x * 100.0
            stats_headers['non-primary_alignments'] = {
                'title': '{} Non-Primary'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
                'description': 'Non-primary alignments ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
                'min': 0,
                'scale': 'PuBu',
                'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
                'shared_key': 'read_count'
            stats_headers['reads_mapped'] = {
                'title': '{} Reads Mapped'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
                'description': 'Reads Mapped in the bam file ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
                'min': 0,
                'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
                'shared_key': 'read_count'
            stats_headers['reads_mapped_percent'] = {
                'title': '% Mapped',
                'description': '% Mapped Reads',
                'max': 100,
                'min': 0,
                'suffix': '%',
                'scale': 'RdYlGn'
            stats_headers['raw_total_sequences'] = {
                'title': '{} Total seqs'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
                'description': 'Total sequences in the bam file ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / samtools / View on Github external
log.debug("Duplicate sample name found! Overwriting: {}".format(f['s_name']))
                self.add_data_source(f, section='flagstat')
                self.samtools_flagstat[f['s_name']] = parsed_data

        # Filter to strip out ignored sample names
        self.samtools_flagstat = self.ignore_samples(self.samtools_flagstat)

        if len(self.samtools_flagstat) > 0:

            # Write parsed report data to a file (restructure first)
            self.write_data_file(self.samtools_flagstat, 'multiqc_samtools_flagstat')

            # General Stats Table
            flagstats_headers = dict()
            flagstats_headers['mapped_passed'] = {
                'title': '{} Reads Mapped'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
                'description': 'Reads Mapped in the bam file ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
                'min': 0,
                'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
                'shared_key': 'read_count',
                'placement' : 100.0
            self.general_stats_addcols(self.samtools_flagstat, flagstats_headers, 'Samtools Flagstat')

            # Make dot plot of counts
            keys = OrderedDict()
            reads = {
                'min': 0,
                'modify': lambda x: float(x) / 1000000.0,
                'suffix': 'M reads',
                'decimalPlaces': 2,
                'shared_key': 'read_count'
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / tophat / View on Github external
def tophat_general_stats_table(self):
        """ Take the parsed stats from the Tophat report and add it to the
        basic stats table at the top of the report """

        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['overall_aligned_percent'] = {
            'title': '% Aligned',
            'description': 'overall read mapping rate',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'YlGn'
        headers['aligned_not_multimapped_discordant'] = {
            'title': '{} Aligned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Aligned reads, not multimapped or discordant ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuRd',
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.tophat_data, headers)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / sargasso / View on Github external
def sargasso_stats_table(self):
        """ Take the parsed stats from the sargasso report and add them to the
        basic stats table at the top of the report """

        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['sargasso_percent_assigned'] = {
            'title': '% Assigned',
            'description': 'Sargasso % Assigned reads',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'RdYlGn'
        headers['Assigned-Reads'] = {
            'title': '{} Assigned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Sargasso Assigned reads ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuBu',
            'modify': lambda x: float(x) * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.sargasso_data, headers)
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / bismark / View on Github external
'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'RdYlGn-rev',
        headers['dedup']['dedup_reads'] = {
            'title': '{} Unique'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Deduplicated Alignments ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'Greens',
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count',
            'hidden': True
        headers['alignment']['aligned_reads'] = {
            'title': '{} Aligned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Total Aligned Sequences ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuRd',
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count',
            'hidden': True
        headers['alignment']['percent_aligned'] = {
            'title': '% Aligned',
            'description': 'Percent Aligned Sequences',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'YlGn'
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / picard / View on Github external
'title': h.replace("_", " ").lower().capitalize(),
                'description' : DESC[h] if h in DESC else None,
                'scale': 'RdYlGn',
                'min': 0,
                'namespace': 'HsMetrics'
                if h.find("READS") > -1:
                        'shared_key': "read_count",
                        'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier
                    this['title'] = "{} {}".format(config.read_count_prefix, this['title'])
                elif h.find("BASES") > -1:
                    this.update({'shared_key': 'base_count',
                                 'modify': lambda x: x * config.base_count_multiplier})
                    this['title'] = "{} {}".format(config.read_count_prefix, this['title'])
                    this.update({'hidden': True})
                header.update({h : this})
    return OrderedDict(sorted(header.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]['title']))
github ewels / MultiQC / multiqc / modules / hicup / View on Github external
'description': 'Valid Pairs ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuRd',
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        headers['Percentage_Valid'] = {
            'title': '% Valid',
            'description': 'Percent Valid Pairs',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'YlGn'
        headers['Paired_Read_1'] = {
            'title': '{} Pairs Aligned'.format(config.read_count_prefix),
            'description': 'Paired Alignments ({})'.format(config.read_count_desc),
            'min': 0,
            'scale': 'PuRd',
            'modify': lambda x: x * config.read_count_multiplier,
            'shared_key': 'read_count'
        headers['Percentage_Mapped'] = {
            'title': '% Aligned',
            'description': 'Percentage of Paired Alignments',
            'max': 100,
            'min': 0,
            'suffix': '%',
            'scale': 'YlGn'
        self.general_stats_addcols(self.hicup_data, headers, 'HiCUP')