How to use the merlin.core.analysistask.AnalysisTask function in merlin

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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from typing import Dict
import h5py
import tables

from storm_analysis.sa_library import datareader
import merlin
from merlin.core import analysistask
from import dataorganization
from import codebook

TaskOrName = Union[analysistask.AnalysisTask, str]

class DataSet(object):

    def __init__(self, dataDirectoryName: str,
                 dataHome: str=None, analysisHome: str=None):
        """Create a dataset for the specified raw data.

            dataDirectoryName: the relative directory to the raw data
            dataHome: the base path to the data. The data is expected
                    to be in dataHome/dataDirectoryName. If dataHome
                    is not specified, DATA_HOME is read from the
                    .env file.
            analysisHome: the base path for storing analysis results. Analysis
                    results for this DataSet will be stored in
github emanuega / MERlin / merlin / analysis / View on Github external
spatialTree, count, idToNum = spatialfeature.construct_tree(
                cells, spatialTree, count, idToNum)

        graph = nx.Graph()
        cells = self.segmentTask.get_feature_database()\
        cells = spatialfeature.simple_clean_cells(cells)
        graph = spatialfeature.construct_graph(graph, cells,
                                               spatialTree, fragmentIndex,
                                               allFOVs, fovBoxes)

            graph, 'cleaned_cells', self, fragmentIndex)

class CombineCleanedBoundaries(analysistask.AnalysisTask):
    A task to construct a network graph where each cell is a node, and overlaps
    are represented by edges. This graph is then refined to assign cells to the
    fov they are closest to (in terms of centroid). This graph is then refined
    to eliminate overlapping cells to leave a single cell occupying a given

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

        self.cleaningTask = self.dataSet.load_analysis_task(

    def get_estimated_memory(self):
        # TODO - refine estimate
github emanuega / MERlin / merlin / analysis / View on Github external
import numpy as np
import cv2
from typing import Tuple

from merlin.core import analysistask

ExtentTuple = Tuple[float, float, float, float]

class GenerateMosaic(analysistask.AnalysisTask):

    An analysis task that generates mosaic images by compiling different
    field of views.

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

        if 'microns_per_pixel' not in self.parameters:
            self.parameters['microns_per_pixel'] = 3
        if 'fov_crop_width' not in self.parameters:
            self.parameters['fov_crop_width'] = 0
        if 'separate_files' not in self.parameters:
            self.parameters['separate_files'] = False
        if 'draw_fov_labels' not in self.parameters:
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def get_analysis_subdirectory(
            self, analysisTask: TaskOrName, subdirectory: str = None,
            create: bool = True) -> str:
        analysisTask can either be the class or a string containing the
        class name.

        create - Flag indicating if the analysis subdirectory should be
            created if it does not already exist.
        if isinstance(analysisTask, analysistask.AnalysisTask):
            analysisName = analysisTask.get_analysis_name()
            analysisName = analysisTask

        if subdirectory is None:
            subdirectoryPath = os.sep.join(
                    [self.analysisPath, analysisName])
            subdirectoryPath = os.sep.join(
                    [self.analysisPath, analysisName, subdirectory])

        if create:
            os.makedirs(subdirectoryPath, exist_ok=True)

        return subdirectoryPath
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def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)
        self.coreCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    def set_core_count(self, coreCount):
        """Set the number of parallel processes this analysis task is
        allowed to use.
        self.coreCount = coreCount

    def is_parallel(self):
        return True 

class ParallelAnalysisTask(AnalysisTask):

    # TODO - this can be restructured so that AnalysisTask is instead a subclass
    # of ParallelAnalysisTask where fragment count is set to 1. This could
    # help remove some of the redundant code

    An abstract class for analysis that can be run in multiple parts 
    independently. Subclasses should implement the analysis to perform in 
    the run_analysis() function

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

    def run(self, fragmentIndex: int=None, overwrite=True) -> None:
        """Run the specified index of this analysis task.
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return not self.dataSet.is_analysis_idle(self)

    def get_analysis_name(self):
        """Get the name for this AnalysisTask.

            the name of this AnalysisTask
        return self.analysisName

    def is_parallel(self):
        """Determine if this analysis task uses multiple cores."""
        return False

class InternallyParallelAnalysisTask(AnalysisTask):

    An abstract class for analysis that can only be run in one part,
    but can internally be sped up using multiple processes. Subclasses
    should implement the analysis to perform in the run_analysis() function.

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)
        self.coreCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    def set_core_count(self, coreCount):
        """Set the number of parallel processes this analysis task is
        allowed to use.
        self.coreCount = coreCount
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def _run_analysis(self, fragmentIndex):
        decodeTask = self.dataSet.load_analysis_task(
        areaThreshold = self.parameters['area_threshold']
        intensityThreshold = self.parameters['intensity_threshold']
        distanceThreshold = self.parameters['distance_threshold']
        barcodeDB = self.get_barcode_database()
        currentBC = decodeTask.get_barcode_database() \
            .get_filtered_barcodes(areaThreshold, intensityThreshold,
        currentBC = self.remove_z_duplicate_barcodes(currentBC)
        barcodeDB.write_barcodes(currentBC, fov=fragmentIndex)

class GenerateAdaptiveThreshold(analysistask.AnalysisTask):

    An analysis task that generates a three-dimension mean intenisty,
    area, minimum distance histogram for barcodes as they are decoded.

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

        if 'tolerance' not in self.parameters:
            self.parameters['tolerance'] = 0.001
        # ensure decode_task is specified
        decodeTask = self.parameters['decode_task']

    def fragment_count(self):
        return len(self.dataSet.get_fovs())
github emanuega / MERlin / merlin / analysis / View on Github external
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from merlin.core import dataset
from merlin.util import spatialfeature
from merlin.core import analysistask

class CombineOutputs(analysistask.AnalysisTask):
    # TODO would this be easier if volume normalize, calculate counts, and
    # log_x_plus_1 were parameters specific to each task? could set this up
    # in the parameters up front with task: {name: x, param1: ...}

    An analysis task to combine the outputs of various export tasks into
    a single file, using the output of the segment export task to align all
    outputs in final file

    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

        # ensure segment_export_task is specified
        segmentExportTask = self.parameters['segment_export_task']
github emanuega / MERlin / merlin / metaanalysis / View on Github external
sc.pp.regress_out(aData, self.parameters['regression_keywords'])

        sc.pp.scale(aData, max_value=4)

        if self.parameters['use_PCs']:
            aData = self._select_significant_PCs(aData)

        aData = self._compute_neighbors(aData, kValue)

        clusterMin = self.parameters['cluster_min_size']
        clusteringAlgorithm = self.parameters['clustering_algorithm']
        self._cluster(aData, resolution, clusterMin=clusterMin,
                      clusteringAlgorithm=clusteringAlgorithm, i=i)

class ClusterStabilityAnalysis(analysistask.AnalysisTask):
    A metaanalysis task that determines the stability of clusters based on
    the proportion of cells originally assigned to a given cluster that
    remain clustered when a random subest of the data is reclustered

    def __init__(self, metaDataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(metaDataSet, parameters, analysisName)

        self.metaDataSet = metaDataSet

    def get_estimated_memory(self):
        return 10000

    def get_estimated_time(self):
        return 100
github emanuega / MERlin / merlin / analysis / View on Github external
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple
from typing import List
from shapely import geometry

from merlin.core import analysistask

class GlobalAlignment(analysistask.AnalysisTask):

    An abstract analysis task that determines the relative position of
    different field of views relative to each other in order to construct
    a global alignment.
    def __init__(self, dataSet, parameters=None, analysisName=None):
        super().__init__(dataSet, parameters, analysisName)

    def fov_coordinates_to_global(
            self, fov: int, fovCoordinates: Tuple[float, float]) \
            -> Tuple[float, float]:
        """Calculates the global coordinates based on the local coordinates
        in the specified field of view.