How to use the jsonargparse.ParserError function in jsonargparse

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsonargparse examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def error(self, message):
        """Logs error message if a logger is set, calls the error handler and raises a ParserError."""
        if self._error_handler is not None:
            with redirect_stderr(self._stderr):
                self._error_handler(self, message)
        raise ParserError(message)
github omni-us / jsonargparse / View on Github external
if isinstance(v, list) and any([isinstance(x, SimpleNamespace) for x in v]):
                cfg_dict[k] = [namespace_to_dict(x) for x in v]
            elif isinstance(v, SimpleNamespace):
                cfg_dict[k] = vars(v)  # type: ignore
            elif not (v is None and k in cfg_dict):
                cfg_dict[k] = v
            kdict = cfg_dict
            for num, kk in enumerate(ksplit[:len(ksplit)-1]):
                if kk not in kdict or kdict[kk] is None:
                    kdict[kk] = {}  # type: ignore
                elif not isinstance(kdict[kk], dict):
                    raise ParserError('Conflicting namespace base: '+'.'.join(ksplit[:num+1]))
                kdict = kdict[kk]  # type: ignore
            if ksplit[-1] in kdict and kdict[ksplit[-1]] is not None:
                raise ParserError('Conflicting namespace base: '+k)
            if isinstance(v, list) and any([isinstance(x, SimpleNamespace) for x in v]):
                kdict[ksplit[-1]] = [namespace_to_dict(x) for x in v]
            elif not (v is None and ksplit[-1] in kdict):
                kdict[ksplit[-1]] = v
    return cfg_dict
github omni-us / jsonargparse / View on Github external
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        """Adds sub-command dest and parses sub-command arguments."""
        subcommand = values[0]
        arg_strings = values[1:]

        # set the parser name
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, subcommand)

        # parse arguments
        if subcommand in self._name_parser_map:
            subparser = self._name_parser_map[subcommand]
            subnamespace, unk = subparser._parse_known_args(arg_strings)
            if unk:
                raise ParserError('Unrecognized arguments: %s' % ' '.join(unk))
            for key, value in vars(subnamespace).items():
                setattr(namespace, subcommand+'.'+key, value)
github omni-us / jsonargparse / View on Github external
        ext_vars, ext_codes = self.split_ext_vars(ext_vars)
        fpath = None
        fname = 'snippet'
        snippet = jsonnet
            fpath = Path(jsonnet, mode=config_read_mode)
            fname = jsonnet(absolute=False) if isinstance(jsonnet, Path) else jsonnet
            snippet = fpath.get_content()
            values = yaml.safe_load(_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet(fname, snippet, ext_vars=ext_vars, ext_codes=ext_codes))
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ParserError('Problems evaluating jsonnet "'+fname+'" :: '+str(ex))
        if self._validator is not None:
        if with_meta and isinstance(values, dict) and fpath is not None:
            values['__path__'] = fpath
        return dict_to_namespace(values)
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# Get sub-command parser
        subcommand = None
        if action.dest in cfg_dict and cfg_dict[action.dest] is not None:
            subcommand = cfg_dict[action.dest]
            #for key in action._name_parser_map.keys():
            for key in action.choices.keys():
                if any([v.startswith(key+'.') for v in cfg_dict.keys()]):
                    subcommand = key
            cfg_dict[action.dest] = subcommand

        if subcommand in action._name_parser_map:
            subparser = action._name_parser_map[subcommand]
            raise ParserError('Unknown sub-commad '+subcommand+' (choices: '+', '.join(action.choices)+')')

        # merge environment variable values and default values
        subnamespace = None
        if env:
            subnamespace = subparser.parse_env(defaults=defaults, nested=False, _skip_check=True)
        elif defaults:
            subnamespace = subparser.get_defaults(nested=False)

        if subnamespace is not None:
            for key, value in vars(subnamespace).items():
                key = subcommand+'.'+key
                if key not in cfg_dict:
                    cfg_dict[key] = value
github omni-us / jsonargparse / View on Github external
            namespace, args = super()._parse_known_args(args, SimpleNamespace())
            if len(args) > 0:
                for action in self._actions:
                    if isinstance(action, ActionParser):
                        ns, args = action._parser._parse_known_args(args)
                        for key, val in vars(ns).items():
                            setattr(namespace, key, val)
                        if len(args) == 0:
            if hasattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR):
                args.extend(getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR))
                delattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR)
            return namespace, args
        except (ArgumentError, ParserError):
            err = sys.exc_info()[1]