How to use the itkwidgets.widget_line_profiler.LineProfiler function in itkwidgets

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range 0-5.

    plotter : 'plotly', 'bqplot', or 'ipympl', optional
        Plotting library to use. If not defined, use plotly if available,
        otherwise bqplot if available, otherwise ipympl.

    comparisons: dict, optional
        A dictionary whose keys are legend labels and whose values are other
        images whose intensities to plot over the same line.

    viewer_kwargs : optional
        Keyword arguments for the viewer. See help(itkwidgets.view).


    profiler = LineProfiler(image=image, order=order, **viewer_kwargs)

    if not plotter:
            import plotly.graph_objs as go
            plotter = 'plotly'
        except ImportError:
    if not plotter:
            import bqplot
            plotter = 'bqplot'
        except ImportError:
    if not plotter:
        plotter = 'ipympl'
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def __init__(self, image, order, **kwargs):
        self.image = image
        self.order = order
        if 'point1' not in kwargs or 'point2' not in kwargs:
            self._select_initial_points = True
            # Default to z-plane mode instead of the 3D volume if we need to
            # select points
            if 'mode' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['mode'] = 'z'
        if 'ui_collapsed' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['ui_collapsed'] = True
        super(LineProfiler, self).__init__(**kwargs)