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runs the infomap community detection algorithm numTrials times, and returns the "agreement" between the runs
graph: a networkx graph
numTrials: number of runs of the infomap algorithm
setSimilarityThreshold,voteThreshold: see findAgreementBetween
returns a dictionary mapping node->[list of communities node belongs to]
if returnFullHistogram is set to True, then voteThreshold will be ignored and a list of tuples will be returned
in the form, for every community, (community representative, number of trials that 'voted' for this community)
A 'representative' will be chosen for each community, and it will be the set that is present in the return value.
It is the one which has the highest similarity to all the other sets in it's super-class
runs = [findBestPartition(graph,partitionOnly=False) for t in xrange(numTrials)]
trials = [c[1].values() for c in runs]
agree = findAgreementBetween(trials,setSimilarityThreshold=setSimilarityThreshold,voteThreshold=voteThreshold,returnFullHistogram=returnFullHistogram)
if returnFullHistogram:
return agree
partition = {}
for cet in xrange(len(agree)):
for node in agree[cet]:
if node not in partition:
partition[node] = []
return partition