How to use the hub.Error function in hub

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hub examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __str__(self):
        return self.description

class APIError(Error, _API.Error):
    def __init__(self, code, name, description):
        _API.Error.__init__(self, code, name, description)

class NotSubscribed(Error):
    DESC = """\
Backups are not yet enabled for your TurnKey Hub account. Log
into the Hub and go to the "Backups" section for instructions."""

    def __init__(self, desc=DESC):
        Error.__init__(self, desc)

class InvalidBackupError(Error):

class API(_API):
    def request(self, method, url, attrs={}, headers={}):
            return _API.request(self, method, url, attrs, headers)
        except self.Error, e:
            if == "BackupRecord.NotFound":
                raise InvalidBackupError(e.description)

            if in ("BackupAccount.NotSubscribed",
                raise NotSubscribed()

            raise APIError(e.code,, e.description)
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def __init__(self, apikey):
        apikey = str(apikey)
        self.encoded = apikey

        padded = "A" * (20 - len(apikey)) + apikey
            uid, secret = struct.unpack("!L8s", base64.b32decode(padded + "=" * 4))
        except TypeError:
            raise Error("Invalid characters in API-KEY")

        self.uid = uid
        self.secret = secret
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    def get_sub_apikey(cls, apikey):
        """Check that APIKey is valid and return subkey"""
        apikey = APIKey(apikey)
        user = dummydb.get_user(apikey.uid)

        if not user or user.apikey != apikey:
            raise Error("invalid APIKey: %s" % apikey)

        return apikey.subkey(cls.SUBKEY_NS)
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if isinstance(subcls, type) and issubclass(subcls, BaseCredentials))

        creds_type = d.get('type')

        kwargs = d.copy()
            del kwargs['type']
        except KeyError:

        # implicit devpay if no type (backwards compat with existing registry)
        if not creds_type:
            return cls.DevPay(**kwargs)

        if creds_type not in creds_types:
            raise Error('unknown credentials type "%s"' % creds_type)

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passphrase = get_passphrase()

    key = keypacket.fmt(registry.secret, passphrase)
    hbr = registry.hbr

    # after we setup a backup record
    # only save key to registry if update_key works
    if hbr:
            hb.update_key(hbr.backup_id, key)
            registry.key = key

            print ("Updated" if passphrase else "Removed") + \
                    " passphrase - uploaded key to Hub."

        except hub.Error:
        registry.key = key
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except KeyError:

        # implicit devpay if no type (backwards compat with existing registry)
        if not creds_type:
            return cls.DevPay(**kwargs)

        if creds_type not in creds_types:
            raise Error('unknown credentials type "%s"' % creds_type)


class Backups:
    API_URL = os.getenv('TKLBAM_APIURL', '')
    Error = Error
    class NotInitialized(Error):

    def __init__(self, subkey=None):
        if subkey is None:
            raise self.NotInitialized("no APIKEY - tklbam not linked to the Hub")

        self.subkey = subkey
        self.api = API()

    def _api(self, method, uri, attrs={}):
        headers = { 'subkey': str(self.subkey) }
        return self.api.request(method, self.API_URL + uri, attrs, headers)

    def get_sub_apikey(cls, apikey):
        response = API().request('GET', cls.API_URL + 'subkey/', {'apikey': apikey})
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def get_new_profile(self, profile_id, profile_timestamp):
        Gets a profile for  that is newer than .

        If there's a new profile, returns a DummyProfileArchive instance.
        Otherwise returns None.

        Raises an exception if no profile exists for profile_id.

        if not self.user.credentials:
            raise NotSubscribed()

        archive = dummydb.get_profile(profile_id)
        if not archive:
            raise Error(404, 'BackupArchive.NotFound', 'Backup profile archive not found: ' + profile_id)

        archive_timestamp = int(os.stat(archive).st_mtime)
        if profile_timestamp and profile_timestamp >= archive_timestamp:
            return None

        return DummyProfileArchive(profile_id, archive, archive_timestamp)
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def __init__(self, desc=DESC):
        Error.__init__(self, desc)
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dummydb = _DummyDB("/var/tmp/tklbam/dummyhub")

class DummyProfileArchive(ProfileArchive):
    def __del__(self):

class Backups:
    # For simplicity's sake this implements a dummy version of both
    # client-side and server-side operations.
    # When translating to a real implementation the interface should remain
    # but the implementation will change completely as only client-side
    # operations remain.

    Error = Error
    class NotInitialized(Error):

    SUBKEY_NS = "tklbam"

    def get_sub_apikey(cls, apikey):
        """Check that APIKey is valid and return subkey"""
        apikey = APIKey(apikey)
        user = dummydb.get_user(apikey.uid)

        if not user or user.apikey != apikey:
            raise Error("invalid APIKey: %s" % apikey)

        return apikey.subkey(cls.SUBKEY_NS)

    def __init__(self, subkey):
github turnkeylinux / tklbam / View on Github external
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime

import executil
from pycurl_wrapper import API as _API
from utils import AttrDict

class Error(Exception):
    def __init__(self, description, *args):
        Exception.__init__(self, description, *args)
        self.description = description

    def __str__(self):
        return self.description

class APIError(Error, _API.Error):
    def __init__(self, code, name, description):
        _API.Error.__init__(self, code, name, description)

class NotSubscribed(Error):
    DESC = """\
Backups are not yet enabled for your TurnKey Hub account. Log
into the Hub and go to the "Backups" section for instructions."""

    def __init__(self, desc=DESC):
        Error.__init__(self, desc)

class InvalidBackupError(Error):

class API(_API):
    def request(self, method, url, attrs={}, headers={}):