How to use the hachoir.parser.misc.word_doc.FCLCB function in hachoir

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yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfphe", "Paragraph heights (PHE) PLC (only for Complex files)")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfglsy", "Glossary string table")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfglsy", "Glossary PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfhdd", "Header (HDD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteChpx", "Character property bin table PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbtePapx", "Paragraph property bin table PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfsea", "Private Use PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfffn", "Font information STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldMom", "Main document field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdr", "Header subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldFtn", "Footnote subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldAtn", "Annotation subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldMcr", "No longer used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfbkmk", "Bookmark names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfbkf", "Bookmark begin position (BKF) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfbkl", "Bookmark end position (BKL) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Cmds", "Macro commands")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcmcr", "No longer used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfmcr", "No longer used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PrDrvr", "Printer Driver information")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PrEnvPort", "Printer environment for Portrait mode")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PrEnvLand", "Printer environment for Landscape mode")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Wss", "Window Save State")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Dop", "Document Property data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfAssoc", "Associated strings STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Clx", "Complex file information")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfpgdFtn", "Not used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "AutosaveSource", "Original filename for Autosave purposes")
        yield FCLCB(self, "GrpXstAtnOwners", "String Group for Annotation Owner Names")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfAtnbkmk", "Annotation subdocument bookmark names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcdoaMom", "No longer used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcdoaHdr", "No longer used")
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yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxTxt", "Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldTxbx", "Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfhdrtxbxTxt", "Header Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdrTxbx", "Header Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "StwUser", "Macro User storage")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbttmbd", "Embedded TrueType Font Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Unused")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcocx", "OCX data PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteLvc", "Character property bin table PLC")
        if self['../fMac'].value:
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yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcocx", "OCX data PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteLvc", "Character property bin table PLC")
        if self['../fMac'].value:
            yield TimestampMac32(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
            yield Int32(self, "padding[]")
            yield TimestampWin64(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcflvc", "LVC PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcasumy", "Autosummary PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfgram", "Grammar check PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbListNames", "List names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfUssr", "Undo/Versioning data")
        while self.current_size < self.size:
            yield FCLCB(self, "unknown[]")
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yield FCLCB(self, "SttbAutoCaption", "Auto Caption Title STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfwkb", "WKB PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfspl", "Spell Check State PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxTxt", "Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldTxbx", "Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfhdrtxbxTxt", "Header Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdrTxbx", "Header Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "StwUser", "Macro User storage")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbttmbd", "Embedded TrueType Font Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Unused")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
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yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcocx", "OCX data PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteLvc", "Character property bin table PLC")
        if self['../fMac'].value:
            yield TimestampMac32(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
            yield Int32(self, "padding[]")
            yield TimestampWin64(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcflvc", "LVC PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcasumy", "Autosummary PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfgram", "Grammar check PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbListNames", "List names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfUssr", "Undo/Versioning data")
        while self.current_size < self.size:
            yield FCLCB(self, "unknown[]")
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yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfendRef", "Endnote Reference (FRD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfendTxt", "Endnote Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldEdn", "Endnote subdocument field position (FLD) PLC)")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfpgdEdn", "not used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DggInfo", "Office Art Object Table Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfRMark", "Editor Author Abbreviations STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbCaption", "Caption Title STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbAutoCaption", "Auto Caption Title STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfwkb", "WKB PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfspl", "Spell Check State PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxTxt", "Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldTxbx", "Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfhdrtxbxTxt", "Header Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdrTxbx", "Header Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "StwUser", "Macro User storage")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbttmbd", "Embedded TrueType Font Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Unused")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
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yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcocx", "OCX data PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteLvc", "Character property bin table PLC")
        if self['../fMac'].value:
            yield TimestampMac32(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
            yield Int32(self, "padding[]")
            yield TimestampWin64(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcflvc", "LVC PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcasumy", "Autosummary PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfgram", "Grammar check PLC")
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yield FCLCB(self, "Unused")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Usp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Uskf", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcRgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcupcUsp", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbGlsyStyle", "Glossary entry style names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plgosl", "Grammar options PL")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcocx", "OCX data PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteLvc", "Character property bin table PLC")
        if self['../fMac'].value:
            yield TimestampMac32(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
            yield Int32(self, "padding[]")
            yield TimestampWin64(self, "ftModified", "Date last modified")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcflvc", "LVC PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcasumy", "Autosummary PLC")
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def createFields(self):
        yield UInt16(self, "cfclcb", "Count of fields in the array of FC/LCB pairs")
        self._size = self['cfclcb'].value * 64 + 16

        yield FCLCB(self, "StshfOrig", "Original STSH allocation")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Stshf", "Current STSH allocation")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffndRef", "Footnote reference (FRD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffndTxt", "Footnote text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfandRef", "Annotation reference (ATRD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfandTxt", "Annotation text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfsed", "Section descriptor (SED) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcpad", "No longer used; used to be Plcfpgd (Page descriptor PLC)")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfphe", "Paragraph heights (PHE) PLC (only for Complex files)")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfglsy", "Glossary string table")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfglsy", "Glossary PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfhdd", "Header (HDD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbteChpx", "Character property bin table PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfbtePapx", "Paragraph property bin table PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfsea", "Private Use PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfffn", "Font information STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldMom", "Main document field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdr", "Header subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldFtn", "Footnote subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldAtn", "Annotation subdocument field position (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldMcr", "No longer used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbfbkmk", "Bookmark names STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfbkf", "Bookmark begin position (BKF) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfbkl", "Bookmark end position (BKL) PLC")
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yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfendTxt", "Endnote Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldEdn", "Endnote subdocument field position (FLD) PLC)")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfpgdEdn", "not used")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DggInfo", "Office Art Object Table Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfRMark", "Editor Author Abbreviations STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbCaption", "Caption Title STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbAutoCaption", "Auto Caption Title STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfwkb", "WKB PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Plcfspl", "Spell Check State PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxTxt", "Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldTxbx", "Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfhdrtxbxTxt", "Header Text Box Text PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcffldHdrTxbx", "Header Text Box Reference (FLD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "StwUser", "Macro User storage")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Sttbttmbd", "Embedded TrueType Font Data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Unused")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdMother", "Main text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdMother", "Main text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdFtn", "Footnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdFtn", "Footnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PgdEdn", "Endnote text page descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "BkdEdn", "Endnote text break descriptors PLF")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbfIntlFld", "Field keywords STTB")
        yield FCLCB(self, "RouteSlip", "Mailer Routing Slip")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbSavedBy", "STTB of names of users who have saved the document")
        yield FCLCB(self, "SttbFnm", "STTB of filenames of documents referenced by this one")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcfLst", "List Format information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlfLfo", "List Format Override information PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxBkd", "Main document textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "PlcftxbxHdrBkd", "Header subdocument textbox break table (BKD) PLC")
        yield FCLCB(self, "DocUndo", "Undo/Versioning data")
        yield FCLCB(self, "Rgbuse", "Undo/Versioning data")