How to use the gwcs.wcs.WCS function in gwcs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gwcs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github astropy / specutils / specutils / spectra / View on Github external
def tabular_wcs(xarray):

    coordinateframe = cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes=1, axes_type=('SPECTRAL',),
    specframe = cf.SpectralFrame(unit=xarray.unit, axes_order=(0,))
    transform = Tabular1D(np.arange(len(xarray)), xarray.value)

    tabular_gwcs = gwcs.wcs.WCS([(coordinateframe, transform), (specframe, None)])

    return tabular_gwcs
github astropy / specutils / specutils / wcs / View on Github external
def from_array(array):
        Create a new WCS from provided tabular data. This defaults to being
        a GWCS object.
        array = u.Quantity(array)

        coord_frame = cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes=1,
        spec_frame = cf.SpectralFrame(unit=array.unit, axes_order=(0,))
        forward_transform = Tabular1D(np.arange(len(array)), array.value)
        forward_transform.inverse = Tabular1D(array.value, np.arange(len(array)))

        tabular_gwcs = gwcs.wcs.WCS(forward_transform=forward_transform,

        return WCSWrapper(wcs=tabular_gwcs)
github astropy / photutils / photutils / datasets / View on Github external
det2sky = shift_by_crpix | rotation | tan | celestial_rotation = 'linear_transform'

    detector_frame = cf.Frame2D(name='detector', axes_names=('x', 'y'),
                                unit=(u.pix, u.pix))

    if galactic:
        sky_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.Galactic(),
                                      name='galactic', unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        sky_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(),
                                      name='icrs', unit=(u.deg, u.deg))

    pipeline = [(detector_frame, det2sky), (sky_frame, None)]

    return gwcs_wcs.WCS(pipeline)
github spacetelescope / gwcs / gwcs / tags / View on Github external
def from_tree(cls, node, ctx):

        steps = [(x['frame'], x.get('transform')) for x in node['steps']]
        name = node['name']

        return WCS(steps, name=name)
github spacetelescope / gwcs / gwcs / View on Github external
trans = (skyrot | projection)
    projection_x, projection_y = trans(lon, lat)
    poly = supported_poly_types[polynomial_type](degree)
    fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        poly_x = fitter(poly, x, y, projection_x)
        poly_y = fitter(poly, x, y, projection_y)
    transform = models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | poly_x & poly_y | projection.inverse | skyrot.inverse

    skyframe = CelestialFrame(reference_frame=fiducial.frame)
    detector = Frame2D(name="detector")
    pipeline = [(detector, transform),
                (skyframe, None)
    return WCS(pipeline)
github spacetelescope / gwcs / gwcs / tags / View on Github external
SpectralFrame, TemporalFrame, CompositeFrame,
from ..wcs import WCS

_REQUIRES = ['astropy']

__all__ = ["WCSType", "CelestialFrameType", "CompositeFrameType", "FrameType",
           "SpectralFrameType", "StepType", "TemporalFrameType", "StokesFrameType"]

class WCSType(GWCSType):
    name = "wcs"
    requires = _REQUIRES
    types = [WCS]
    version = '1.1.0'

    def from_tree(cls, node, ctx):

        steps = [(x['frame'], x.get('transform')) for x in node['steps']]
        name = node['name']

        return WCS(steps, name=name)

    def to_tree(cls, gwcsobj, ctx):
        def get_frame(frame_name):
            frame = getattr(gwcsobj, frame_name)
            if frame is None:
                return frame_name
github spacetelescope / gwcs / gwcs / View on Github external
if isinstance(forward_transform, Model):
                if output_frame is None:
                    raise CoordinateFrameError("An output_frame must be specified"
                                               "if forward_transform is a model.")

                _input_frame, inp_frame_obj = self._get_frame_name(input_frame)
                _output_frame, outp_frame_obj = self._get_frame_name(output_frame)
                super(WCS, self).__setattr__(_input_frame, inp_frame_obj)
                super(WCS, self).__setattr__(_output_frame, outp_frame_obj)

                self._pipeline = [(input_frame, forward_transform.copy()),
                                  (output_frame, None)]
            elif isinstance(forward_transform, list):
                for item in forward_transform:
                    name, frame_obj = self._get_frame_name(item[0])
                    super(WCS, self).__setattr__(name, frame_obj)
                    #self._pipeline.append((name, item[1]))
                    self._pipeline = forward_transform
                raise TypeError("Expected forward_transform to be a model or a "
                                "(frame, transform) list, got {0}".format(
            # Initialize a WCS without a forward_transform - allows building a WCS programmatically.
            if output_frame is None:
                raise CoordinateFrameError("An output_frame must be specified"
                                           "if forward_transform is None.")
            _input_frame, inp_frame_obj = self._get_frame_name(input_frame)
            _output_frame, outp_frame_obj = self._get_frame_name(output_frame)
            super(WCS, self).__setattr__(_input_frame, inp_frame_obj)
            super(WCS, self).__setattr__(_output_frame, outp_frame_obj)
            self._pipeline = [(_input_frame, None),