Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
# This ensures that the OrderedDict doesn't get out of order.
for Tgt in self.Targets:
self.ObjDict[] = None
# Loop through the targets and compute the objective function for ones that are finished.
while len(Need2Evaluate) > 0:
for Tgt in Need2Evaluate:
if Tgt.wq_complete():
# List of functions that I can call.
Funcs = [Tgt.get_X, Tgt.get_G, Tgt.get_H]
# Call the appropriate function
Ans = Funcs[Order](mvals, customdir=customdir)
# Print out the qualitative indicators
if verbose:
# Note that no matter which order of function we call, we still increment the objective / gradient / Hessian the same way.
if not in_fd():
self.ObjDict[] = {'w' : Tgt.weight/self.WTot , 'x' : Ans['X']}
for i in range(3):
Objective[Letters[i]] += Ans[Letters[i]]*Tgt.weight/self.WTot
wq = getWorkQueue()
if wq is not None:
for Tgt in self.Targets:
# The first call is always done at the midpoint.
Tgt.bSave = True
# List of functions that I can call.
Funcs = [Tgt.get_X, Tgt.get_G, Tgt.get_H]
wq = getWorkQueue()
if wq is not None:
for Tgt in self.Targets:
# The first call is always done at the midpoint.
Tgt.bSave = True
# List of functions that I can call.
Funcs = [Tgt.get_X, Tgt.get_G, Tgt.get_H]
# Call the appropriate function
Ans = Funcs[Order](mvals, customdir=customdir)
# Print out the qualitative indicators
if verbose:
# Note that no matter which order of function we call, we still increment the objective / gradient / Hessian the same way.
if not in_fd():
self.ObjDict[] = {'w' : Tgt.weight/self.WTot , 'x' : Ans['X']}
for i in range(3):
Objective[Letters[i]] += Ans[Letters[i]]*Tgt.weight/self.WTot
# The target has evaluated at least once.
for Tgt in self.Targets:
Tgt.evaluated = True
# Safeguard to make sure we don't have exact zeros on Hessian diagonal
for i in range(
if Objective['H'][i,i] == 0.0:
Objective['H'][i,i] = 1.0
return Objective
if AHess:
d2VdqM2 = np.zeros(dVdqM.shape)
for p, vsd in dddVdqPdVS2.items():
d2VdqM2[p,:] += flat(vsd[i] * col(new_charges(mvals)))
H += np.array(P * 2 * (dVdqM * dVdqM.T + d2VdqM2 * col(desp))) / self.nesp
# Redundant but we keep it anyway
D /= Z
X /= Z
X /= D
G /= Z
G /= D
H /= Z
H /= D
Q /= Z
Q /= D
if not in_fd():
self.esp_err = np.sqrt(X)
self.esp_ref = np.sqrt(Q)
self.esp_err_pct = self.esp_err / self.esp_ref
# Following is the restraint part
# RESP hyperbola "strength" parameter; 0.0005 is weak, 0.001 is strong
# RESP hyperbola "tightness" parameter; don't need to change this
a = self.resp_a
b = self.resp_b
q = new_charges(mvals)
R = a*np.sum((q**2 + b**2)**0.5 - b)
dR = a*q*(q**2 + b**2)**-0.5
ddR = a*b**2*(q**2 + b**2)**-1.5
self.respterm = R
X += R
if AGrad:
diff_bond = ((vref_bonds - vtar_bonds) * scale_bond).tolist() if n_bonds > 0 else []
# objective contribution from angles
vtar_angles = v_ic['angles']
diff_angle = (periodic_diff(vref_angles, vtar_angles, 360) * scale_angle).tolist() if n_angles > 0 else []
# objective contribution from dihedrals
vtar_dihedrals = v_ic['dihedrals']
diff_dihedral = (periodic_diff(vref_dihedrals, vtar_dihedrals, 360) * scale_dihedral).tolist() if n_dihedrals > 0 else []
# objective contribution from improper dihedrals
vtar_impropers = v_ic['impropers']
diff_improper = (periodic_diff(vref_impropers, vtar_impropers, 360) * scale_improper).tolist() if n_impropers > 0 else []
# combine objective values into a big result list
sys_obj_list = diff_bond + diff_angle + diff_dihedral + diff_improper
# extend the result v_obj_list by individual terms in this system
v_obj_list += sys_obj_list
# save print string
if not in_fd():
# For printing, we group the RMSD by type
rmsd_bond = compute_rmsd(vref_bonds, vtar_bonds)
rmsd_angle = compute_rmsd(vref_angles, vtar_angles, v_periodic=360)
rmsd_dihedral = compute_rmsd(vref_dihedrals, vtar_dihedrals, v_periodic=360)
rmsd_improper = compute_rmsd(vref_impropers, vtar_impropers, v_periodic=360)
obj_total = sum(v**2 for v in sys_obj_list)
self.PrintDict[sysname] = "% 9.3f % 7.2f % 9.3f % 7.2f % 9.3f % 7.2f % 9.3f % 7.2f %17.3f" % (rmsd_bond, \
bond_denom, rmsd_angle, angle_denom, rmsd_dihedral, dihedral_denom, rmsd_improper, improper_denom, obj_total)
return np.array(v_obj_list, dtype=float)
calc_momvals = self.unpack_moments(calc_moments)
D = calc_momvals - ref_momvals
dV = np.zeros((,len(calc_momvals)))
if AGrad or AHess:
for p in self.pgrad:
dV[p,:], _ = f12d3p(fdwrap(get_momvals, mvals, p), h = self.h, f0 = calc_momvals)
Answer['X'] =,D)
for p in self.pgrad:
Answer['G'][p] = 2*, dV[p,:])
for q in self.pgrad:
Answer['H'][p,q] = 2*[p,:], dV[q,:])
if not in_fd():
self.calc_moments = calc_moments
self.objective = Answer['X']
return Answer
dNfrac = MBP * dN_M / qN_M + QBP * dN_Q / qN_Q
dT = MBP * dT_M / Z + QBP * dT_Q / Y
qT = MBP * qT_M / Z + QBP * qT_Q / Y
dTfrac = MBP * dT_M / qT_M + QBP * dT_Q / qT_Q
# if cv:
# dNfrac = MBP * sqrt(mean(array([SPiXi[i,i]/QQ_M[i,i] for i in range(1+3*self.fitatoms, 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf))]))) + \
# QBP * sqrt(mean(array([SRiXi[i,i]/QQ_Q[i,i] for i in range(1+3*self.fitatoms, 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf))])))
# dTfrac = MBP * sqrt(mean(array([SPiXi[i,i]/QQ_M[i,i] for i in range(1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf), 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf+self.ntq))]))) + \
# QBP * sqrt(mean(array([SRiXi[i,i]/QQ_Q[i,i] for i in range(1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf), 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf+self.ntq))])))
# else:
# dNfrac = MBP * sqrt(mean(array([SPiXi[i]/QQ_M[i] for i in range(1+3*self.fitatoms, 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf)) if abs(QQ_M[i]) > 1e-3]))) + \
# QBP * sqrt(mean(array([SRiXi[i]/QQ_Q[i] for i in range(1+3*self.fitatoms, 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf)) if abs(QQ_Q[i]) > 1e-3])))
# dTfrac = MBP * sqrt(mean(array([SPiXi[i]/QQ_M[i] for i in range(1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf), 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf+self.ntq)) if abs(QQ_M[i]) > 1e-3]))) + \
# QBP * sqrt(mean(array([SRiXi[i]/QQ_Q[i] for i in range(1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf), 1+3*(self.fitatoms+self.nnf+self.ntq)) if abs(QQ_Q[i]) > 1e-3])))
# Save values to qualitative indicator if not inside finite difference code.
if not in_fd():
self.e_ref = MBP * sqrt(QQ_M[0]/Z - Q0_M[0]**2/Z/Z) + QBP * sqrt((QQ_Q[0]/Y - Q0_Q[0]**2/Y/Y))
self.e_err = dE
self.e_err_pct = dEfrac
if self.force:
self.f_ref = qF
self.f_err = dF
self.f_err_pct = dFfrac
if self.use_nft:
self.nf_ref = qN
self.nf_err = dN
self.nf_err_pct = dNfrac
self.tq_ref = qT
self.tq_err = dT
self.tq_err_pct = dTfrac
pvals = self.FF.make(mvals) # Write a force field that isn't perturbed by finite differences.
if cv:
dVdqM[p,:] += flat(vsd[i] * col(getqatoms(mvals)))
G += flat(P * 2 * dVdqM * col(desp)) / self.nesp
if AHess:
d2VdqM2 = zeros(dVdqM.shape, dtype=float)
for p, vsd in dddVdqPdVS2.items():
d2VdqM2[p,:] += flat(vsd[i] * col(getqatoms(mvals)))
H += array(P * 2 * (dVdqM * dVdqM.T + d2VdqM2 * col(desp))) / self.nesp
# Redundant but we keep it anyway
D /= Z
X /= Z
X /= D
G /= Z
G /= D
H /= Z
H /= D
if not in_fd():
self.esp_err = sqrt(X)
# Following is the restraint part
# RESP hyperbola "strength" parameter; 0.0005 is weak, 0.001 is strong
# RESP hyperbola "tightness" parameter; don't need to change this
a = self.resp_a
b = self.resp_b
q = getqatoms(mvals)
R = a*sum((q**2 + b**2)**0.5 - b)
dR = a*q*(q**2 + b**2)**-0.5
ddR = a*b**2*(q**2 + b**2)**-1.5
self.respterm = R
X += R
if AGrad:
G += flat(dqPdqM.T * col(dR))
if AHess:
H += diag(flat(dqPdqM.T * col(ddR)))
if wq != None:
# Since the calculations are submitted as 3-point finite difference, this part of the code
# actually only reads from half of the completed calculations.
grad[p] = f1d2p(fdwrap(reader, mvals, p, h=self.h), h = self.h, f0 = x)
grad[p] = f1d2p(fdwrap(self.driver, mvals, p, d=d), h = self.h, f0 = x)
self.objd[d] = x
self.gradd[d] = grad
self.hdiagd[d] = hdiag
X += x
G += grad
#H += np.diag(hdiag)
H += hess
if not in_fd():
self.objective = X
self.objvals = self.objd
# print self.objd
# print self.gradd
# print self.hdiagd
if float('Inf') in pvals:
return {'X' : 1e10, 'G' : G, 'H' : H}
return {'X' : X, 'G' : G, 'H' : H}
plot_interaction_qm_vs_mm(qm_data, mm_data, title="Interaction Energy "
# Do the finite difference derivative.
if AGrad or AHess:
for p in self.pgrad:
dV[p,:], _ = f12d3p(fdwrap(callM, mvals, p), h = self.h, f0 = emm)
# Create the force field one last time.
pvals = self.FF.make(mvals)
Answer['X'] =*D/self.divisor,D/self.divisor)
for p in self.pgrad:
Answer['G'][p] = 2**D/self.divisor, dV[p,:]/self.divisor)
for q in self.pgrad:
Answer['H'][p,q] = 2**dV[p,:]/self.divisor, dV[q,:]/self.divisor)
if not in_fd():
self.emm = emm
self.objective = Answer['X']
## QYD: try to clean up OpenMM engine.simulation objects to free up GPU memory
if == 'openmm':
if hasattr(self.engine, 'simulation'): del self.engine.simulation
if hasattr(self.engine, 'A'): del self.engine.A
if hasattr(self.engine, 'B'): del self.engine.B
return Answer
def compute(mvals_):
# This function has automatically assigned variable names from the interaction master file
# Thus, all variable names in here are protected using an underscore.
VectorD_ = []
for sys_ in self.sys_opts:
Energy_, RMSD_ = self.system_driver(sys_)
# Energies are stored in a dictionary.
EnergyDict[sys_] = Energy_
RMSDNrm_ = RMSD_ / self.rmsd_denom
w_ = self.sys_opts[sys_]['rmsd_weight'] if 'rmsd_weight' in self.sys_opts[sys_] else 1.0
if not in_fd() and RMSD_ != 0.0:
self.RMSDDict[sys_] = "% 9.3f % 12.5f" % (RMSD_, w_*RMSDNrm_**2)
VectorE_ = []
for inter_ in self.inter_opts:
def encloseInDictionary(matchobj):
return 'EnergyDict["' +'"]'
# Here we need to evaluate a mathematical expression of the stored variables in EnergyDict.
# We start by enclosing every variable in EnergyDict[""] and then calling eval on it.
evalExpr = re.sub('[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*', encloseInDictionary, self.inter_opts[inter_]['equation'])
Calculated_ = eval(evalExpr)
Reference_ = self.inter_opts[inter_]['reference_physical']
Delta_ = Calculated_ - Reference_
Denom_ = self.energy_denom
if self.cauchy:
Divisor_ = np.sqrt(Denom_**2 + Reference_**2)
elif self.attenuate:
if Reference_ < Denom_: