How to use the evo.core.trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D function in evo

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github MichaelGrupp / evo / test / View on Github external
def fake_trajectory(length, timestamp_distance, start_time=0.):
    return PoseTrajectory3D(
        poses_se3=random_se3_list(length), timestamps=fake_timestamps(
            length, timestamp_distance, start_time))
github MichaelGrupp / evo / test / View on Github external
def test_alignment_degenerate_case(self):
        length = 100
        poses = [lie.random_se3()] * length
        traj_1 = PoseTrajectory3D(
            timestamps=helpers.fake_timestamps(length, 1, 0.0))
        traj_2 = copy.deepcopy(traj_1)
        self.assertNotEqual(traj_1, traj_2)

        with self.assertRaises(GeometryException):
            trajectory.align_trajectory(traj_1, traj_2)

        with self.assertRaises(GeometryException):
            trajectory.align_trajectory(traj_1, traj_2, correct_scale=True)
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / core / View on Github external
def merge(trajectories):
    Merges multiple trajectories into a single, timestamp-sorted one.
    :param trajectories: list of PoseTrajectory3D objects
    :return: merged PoseTrajectory3D
    merged_stamps = np.concatenate([t.timestamps for t in trajectories])
    merged_xyz = np.concatenate([t.positions_xyz for t in trajectories])
    merged_quat = np.concatenate(
        [t.orientations_quat_wxyz for t in trajectories])
    order = merged_stamps.argsort()
    merged_stamps = merged_stamps[order]
    merged_xyz = merged_xyz[order]
    merged_quat = merged_quat[order]
    return PoseTrajectory3D(merged_xyz, merged_quat, merged_stamps)
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / core / View on Github external
def get_statistics(self):
        :return: dictionary with some statistics of the trajectory
        stats = super(PoseTrajectory3D, self).get_statistics()
        speeds = [
            calc_speed(self.positions_xyz[i], self.positions_xyz[i + 1],
                       self.timestamps[i], self.timestamps[i + 1])
            for i in range(len(self.positions_xyz) - 1)
        vmax = max(speeds)
        vmin = min(speeds)
        vmean = np.mean(speeds)
            "v_max (m/s)": vmax,
            "v_min (m/s)": vmin,
            "v_avg (m/s)": vmean,
            "v_max (km/h)": vmax * 3.6,
            "v_min (km/h)": vmin * 3.6,
            "v_avg (km/h)": vmean * 3.6
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / tools / View on Github external
get_xyz_quat = _get_xyz_quat_from_pose_or_odometry_msg

    stamps, xyz, quat = [], [], []
    for topic, msg, _ in bag_handle.read_messages(topic):
        # Use the header timestamps (converted to seconds).
        t = msg.header.stamp
        stamps.append(t.secs + (t.nsecs * 1e-9))
        xyz_t, quat_t = get_xyz_quat(msg)
    logger.debug("Loaded {} {} messages of topic: {}".format(
        len(stamps), msg_type, topic))
    generator = bag_handle.read_messages(topic)
    _, first_msg, _ = next(generator)
    frame_id = first_msg.header.frame_id
    return PoseTrajectory3D(xyz, quat, stamps, meta={"frame_id": frame_id})
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / tools / View on Github external
def write_tum_trajectory_file(file_path, traj, confirm_overwrite=False):
    :param file_path: desired text file for trajectory (string or handle)
    :param traj: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D
    :param confirm_overwrite: whether to require user interaction
           to overwrite existing files
    if isinstance(file_path, str) and confirm_overwrite:
        if not user.check_and_confirm_overwrite(file_path):
    if not isinstance(traj, PoseTrajectory3D):
        raise FileInterfaceException(
            "trajectory must be a PoseTrajectory3D object")
    stamps = traj.timestamps
    xyz = traj.positions_xyz
    # shift -1 column -> w in back column
    quat = np.roll(traj.orientations_quat_wxyz, -1, axis=1)
    mat = np.column_stack((stamps, xyz, quat))
    np.savetxt(file_path, mat, delimiter=" ")
    if isinstance(file_path, str):"Trajectory saved to: " + file_path)
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / core / View on Github external
def associate_trajectories(traj_1, traj_2, max_diff=0.01, offset_2=0.0,
                           first_name="first trajectory",
                           snd_name="second trajectory"):
    Synchronizes two trajectories by matching their timestamps.
    :param traj_1: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D object of first trajectory
    :param traj_2: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D object of second trajectory
    :param max_diff: max. allowed absolute time difference for associating
    :param offset_2: optional time offset of second trajectory
    :param first_name: name of first trajectory for verbose logging
    :param snd_name: name of second trajectory for verbose/debug logging
    :return: traj_1, traj_2 (synchronized)
    if not isinstance(traj_1, PoseTrajectory3D) \
        or not isinstance(traj_2, PoseTrajectory3D):
        raise SyncException("trajectories must be PoseTrajectory3D objects")

    snd_longer = len(traj_2.timestamps) > len(traj_1.timestamps)
    traj_long = copy.deepcopy(traj_2) if snd_longer else copy.deepcopy(traj_1)
    traj_short = copy.deepcopy(traj_1) if snd_longer else copy.deepcopy(traj_2)
    max_pairs = len(traj_short.timestamps)

    # First, match the timestamps of the shorter trajectory to the longer one.
    matching_indices = matching_time_indices(
        traj_short.timestamps, traj_long.timestamps, max_diff,
        offset_2 if snd_longer else -offset_2)

    # Next, reversely match the reduced long trajectory to the shorter one.
    matching_indices = matching_time_indices(
        traj_long.timestamps, traj_short.timestamps, max_diff,
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / View on Github external
plot_collection = plot.PlotCollection("evo_traj - trajectory plot")
        fig_xyz, axarr_xyz = plt.subplots(3, sharex="col", figsize=tuple(
        fig_rpy, axarr_rpy = plt.subplots(3, sharex="col", figsize=tuple(
        fig_traj = plt.figure(figsize=tuple(SETTINGS.plot_figsize))

        plot_mode = plot.PlotMode[args.plot_mode]
        ax_traj = plot.prepare_axis(fig_traj, plot_mode)

        # for x-axis alignment starting from 0 with --plot_relative_time
        start_time = None

        if args.ref:
            if isinstance(ref_traj, trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D) \
                    and args.plot_relative_time:
                start_time = ref_traj.timestamps[0]

            short_traj_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.ref))[0]
            if SETTINGS.plot_usetex:
                short_traj_name = short_traj_name.replace("_", "\\_")
            plot.traj(ax_traj, plot_mode, ref_traj,
            plot.draw_coordinate_axes(ax_traj, ref_traj, plot_mode,
                axarr_xyz, ref_traj, style=SETTINGS.plot_reference_linestyle,
                color=SETTINGS.plot_reference_color, label=short_traj_name,
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / View on Github external
elif only_scale:
        title += "\n(scale corrected)"
    elif align_origin:
        title += "\n(with origin alignment)"
        title += "\n(not aligned)"

    ape_result = ape_metric.get_result(ref_name, est_name)["title"] = title


    ape_result.add_trajectory(ref_name, traj_ref)
    ape_result.add_trajectory(est_name, traj_est)
    if isinstance(traj_est, trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D):
        seconds_from_start = [
            t - traj_est.timestamps[0] for t in traj_est.timestamps
        ape_result.add_np_array("seconds_from_start", seconds_from_start)
        ape_result.add_np_array("timestamps", traj_est.timestamps)

    return ape_result
github MichaelGrupp / evo / evo / tools / View on Github external
error_msg = ("TUM trajectory files must have 8 entries per row "
                 "and no trailing delimiter at the end of the rows (space)")
    if len(raw_mat) > 0 and len(raw_mat[0]) != 8:
        raise FileInterfaceException(error_msg)
        mat = np.array(raw_mat).astype(float)
    except ValueError:
        raise FileInterfaceException(error_msg)
    stamps = mat[:, 0]  # n x 1
    xyz = mat[:, 1:4]  # n x 3
    quat = mat[:, 4:]  # n x 4
    quat = np.roll(quat, 1, axis=1)  # shift 1 column -> w in front column
    if not hasattr(file_path, 'read'):  # if not file handle
        logger.debug("Loaded {} stamps and poses from: {}".format(
            len(stamps), file_path))
    return PoseTrajectory3D(xyz, quat, stamps)