How to use the etlhelper.exceptions.ETLHelperExtractError function in etlhelper

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""""Fetching rows")
    logger.debug(f"Fetching:\n\n{select_query}\n\nwith parameters:\n\n"

    helper = DB_HELPER_FACTORY.from_conn(conn)
    with helper.cursor(conn) as cursor:
        # Run query
            cursor.execute(select_query, parameters)
        except helper.sql_exceptions as exc:
            # Even though we haven't modified data, we have to rollback to
            # clear the failed transaction before any others can be started.
            msg = f"SQL query raised an error.\n\n{select_query}\n\n{exc}\n"
            raise ETLHelperExtractError(msg)

        # Set row factory
        create_row = row_factory(cursor)

        # Parse results
        first_pass = True
        while True:
            rows = cursor.fetchmany(CHUNKSIZE)

            # No more rows to process
            if not rows:
                if first_pass:
                    msg = "No rows returned"
                    if cursor.rowcount == -1:
                        # SQLite3 drive doesn't support row count (always -1)