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def integrated_expected_improvement_acquisition(gpy_model_mcmc):
return IntegratedHyperParameterAcquisition(gpy_model_mcmc, ExpectedImprovement, 10)
def test_batch_loop_fails_without_gradients_implemented():
parameter_space = ParameterSpace([ContinuousParameter('x', 0, 1)])
model = mock.create_autospec(IModel)
base_acquisition = ExpectedImprovement(model)
batch_size = 10
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
BayesianOptimizationLoop(parameter_space, model, base_acquisition, batch_size)
def expected_improvement_acquisition(gpy_model):
return ExpectedImprovement(gpy_model)
ContinuousParameter('real_param', 0.0, 1.0),
CategoricalParameter('categorical_param', encoding)
x_init = parameter_space.sample_uniform(10)
assert x_init.shape == (10, 4)
assert np.all(np.logical_or(x_init[:, 1:3] == 0.0, x_init[:, 1:3] == 1.0))
y_init = objective(x_init)
gpy_model = GPy.models.GPRegression(x_init, y_init)
model = GPyModelWrapper(gpy_model)
acquisition = ExpectedImprovement(model)
loop = BayesianOptimizationLoop(parameter_space, model, acquisition)
loop.run_loop(objective, 5)
assert len(loop.loop_state.Y) == 15
assert np.all(np.logical_or(loop.loop_state.X[:, 1:3] == 0.0, loop.loop_state.X[:, 1:3] == 1.0))
def test_loop():
n_iterations = 5
x_init = np.random.rand(5, 1)
y_init = np.random.rand(5, 1)
# Make GPy model
gpy_model = GPy.models.GPRegression(x_init, y_init)
model = GPyModelWrapper(gpy_model)
space = ParameterSpace([ContinuousParameter('x', 0, 1)])
acquisition = ExpectedImprovement(model)
# Make loop and collect points
bo = BayesianOptimizationLoop(model=model, space=space, acquisition=acquisition)
bo.run_loop(UserFunctionWrapper(f), FixedIterationsStoppingCondition(n_iterations))
# Check we got the correct number of points
assert bo.loop_state.X.shape[0] == n_iterations + 5
# Check the obtained results
results = bo.get_results()
assert results.minimum_location.shape[0] == 1
assert results.best_found_value_per_iteration.shape[0] == n_iterations + 5
def _acquisition_chooser(self):
""" Select the acquisition function used in the optimization """
if self.acquisition_type is AcquisitionType.EI:
self.acquisition = ExpectedImprovement(self.model)
elif self.acquisition_type is AcquisitionType.PI:
self.acquisition = ProbabilityOfImprovement(self.model)
elif self.acquisition_type is AcquisitionType.NLCB:
self.acquisition = NegativeLowerConfidenceBound(self.model)
Emukit class that implement a loop for building modular Bayesian optimization
:param space: Input space where the optimization is carried out.
:param model: The model that approximates the underlying function
:param acquisition: The acquisition function that will be used to collect new points (default, EI). If batch
size is greater than one, this acquisition must output positive values only.
:param update_interval: Number of iterations between optimization of model hyper-parameters. Defaults to 1.
:param batch_size: How many points to evaluate in one iteration of the optimization loop. Defaults to 1.
self.model = model
if acquisition is None:
acquisition = ExpectedImprovement(model)
model_updaters = FixedIntervalUpdater(model, update_interval)
acquisition_optimizer = AcquisitionOptimizer(space)
if batch_size == 1:
candidate_point_calculator = SequentialPointCalculator(acquisition, acquisition_optimizer)
if not isinstance(model, IDifferentiable):
raise ValueError('Model must implement ' + str(IDifferentiable) +
' for use with Local Penalization batch method.')
log_acquisition = LogAcquisition(acquisition)
candidate_point_calculator = LocalPenalizationPointCalculator(log_acquisition, acquisition_optimizer, model,
space, batch_size)
loop_state = create_loop_state(model.X, model.Y)
if not isinstance(model, IEntropySearchModel):
raise RuntimeError("Model is not supported for Entropy Search")
self.model = model
self.num_representer_points = num_representer_points
self.burn_in_steps = burn_in_steps
if sampler is None:
self.sampler = AffineInvariantEnsembleSampler(space)
self.sampler = sampler
# (unnormalized) density from which to sample the representer points to approximate pmin
if proposal_function is None:
ei = ExpectedImprovement(model)
def prop_func(x):
if len(x.shape) == 1:
x_ = x[None, :]
x_ = x
if space.check_points_in_domain(x_):
return np.log(np.clip(ei.evaluate(x_)[0], 0., np.PINF))
return np.array([np.NINF])
self.proposal_function = prop_func
self.proposal_function = proposal_function
Emukit class that implements a loop for building modular cost sensitive Bayesian optimization.
:param space: Input space where the optimization is carried out.
:param model_objective: The model that approximates the underlying objective function
:param model_cost: The model that approximates the cost of evaluating the objective function
:param acquisition: The acquisition function that will be used to collect new points (default, EI).
:param update_interval: Number of iterations between optimization of model hyper-parameters. Defaults to 1.
if not np.all(np.isclose(model_objective.X, model_cost.X)):
raise ValueError('Emukit currently only supports identical '
'training inputs for the cost and objective model')
if acquisition is None:
expected_improvement = ExpectedImprovement(model_objective)
acquisition = acquisition_per_expected_cost(expected_improvement, model_cost)
model_updater_objective = FixedIntervalUpdater(model_objective, update_interval)
model_updater_cost = FixedIntervalUpdater(model_cost, update_interval, lambda state: state.cost)
acquisition_optimizer = AcquisitionOptimizer(space)
candidate_point_calculator = SequentialPointCalculator(acquisition, acquisition_optimizer)
loop_state = create_loop_state(model_objective.X, model_objective.Y, model_cost.Y)
super(CostSensitiveBayesianOptimizationLoop, self).__init__(candidate_point_calculator,
[model_updater_objective, model_updater_cost],