Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
:return: total memory as an integer, specifically a number of megabytes
memtotal = None
os_type = get_os_type()
if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_MEMINFO_FP):
_log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Linux via %s", PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
meminfo = read_file(PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
mem_mo = re.match(r'^MemTotal:\s*(\d+)\s*kB', meminfo, re.M)
if mem_mo:
memtotal = int( // 1024
elif os_type == DARWIN:
cmd = "sysctl -n hw.memsize"
_log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
if ec == 0:
memtotal = int(out.strip()) // (1024**2)
if memtotal is None:
memtotal = UNKNOWN
_log.warning("Failed to determine total memory, returning %s", memtotal)
return memtotal
def build_step(self, name=None, buildopts=None):
"""Build toy."""
if buildopts is None:
buildopts = self.cfg['buildopts']
if name is None:
name =
run_cmd('%(prebuildopts)s gcc %(name)s.c -o %(name)s %(buildopts)s' % {
'name': name,
'prebuildopts': self.cfg['prebuildopts'],
'buildopts': buildopts,
# Boost config parameters
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=%s/include" % self.depsdict['Boost'])
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DBoost_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=%s" % self.depsdict['Boost'])
# UFC and Armadillo config params
if 'UFC' in self.depsdict:
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DUFC_DIR=%s" % self.depsdict['UFC'])
if 'Armadillo' in self.depsdict:
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DARMADILLO_DIR:PATH=%s " % self.depsdict['Armadillo'])
# Eigen config params
if 'Eigen' in self.depsdict:
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=%s " % os.path.join(self.depsdict['Eigen'], 'include'))
# specify Python paths
(outtxt, _) = run_cmd("which python", log_all=True)
# Check if the scipy stack includes the interpreter
python_in_scipy ="SciPy-Stack",outtxt)
if python_in_scipy:
python = self.depsdict['SciPy-Stack']
(outtxt, _) = run_cmd("python --version 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}'", log_all=True)
pyver = '.'.join(outtxt.split('.')[:2])
python = self.depsdict['Python']
pyver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[:2])
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH=%s/include/python%s" % (python, pyver))
if pyver.split('.')[0] == '2':
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%s/lib/libpython%s.%s" % (python, pyver, shlib_ext))
self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%s/lib/libpython%sm.%s" % (python, pyver, shlib_ext))
# SuiteSparse config params
finaltxt = finaltxt.replace('SITECFGINCDIR', repl)
self.log.debug("Using %s: %s" % (self.sitecfgfn, finaltxt))
if os.path.exists(self.sitecfgfn):
txt = open(self.sitecfgfn).read()
self.log.debug("Found %s: %s" % (self.sitecfgfn, txt))
config = open(self.sitecfgfn, 'w')
except IOError:
raise EasyBuildError("Creating %s failed", self.sitecfgfn)
# creates log entries for python being used, for debugging
run_cmd("python -V")
run_cmd("which python")
run_cmd("python -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable)'")
# don't add user site directory to sys.path (equivalent to python -s)
# see
env.setvar('PYTHONNOUSERSITE', '1')
run_cmd("python -c 'import sys; print(sys.path)'")
if vendor_regex and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
vendor_id = None
proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
res =
if res:
vendor_id =
if vendor_id in VENDOR_IDS:
vendor = VENDOR_IDS[vendor_id]
_log.debug("Determined CPU vendor on Linux as being '%s' via regex '%s' in %s",
vendor, vendor_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
elif os_type == DARWIN:
cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor"
out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
out = out.strip()
if ec == 0 and out in VENDOR_IDS:
vendor = VENDOR_IDS[out]
_log.debug("Determined CPU vendor on DARWIN as being '%s' via cmd '%s" % (vendor, cmd))
if vendor is None:
vendor = UNKNOWN
_log.warning("Could not determine CPU vendor on %s, returning %s" % (os_type, vendor))
return vendor
def get_avail_core_count():
Returns the number of available CPUs, according to cgroups and taskssets limits
core_cnt = None
os_type = get_os_type()
if os_type == LINUX:
# simple use available sched_getaffinity() function (yields a long, so cast it down to int)
core_cnt = int(sum(sched_getaffinity()))
# BSD-type systems
out, _ = run_cmd('sysctl -n hw.ncpu', force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
if int(out) > 0:
core_cnt = int(out)
except ValueError:
if core_cnt is None:
raise SystemToolsException('Can not determine number of cores on this system')
return core_cnt
def build_boost_variant(self, bjamoptions, paracmd):
"""Build Boost library with specified options for bjam."""
# build with specified options
cmd = "%s ./bjam %s %s %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], bjamoptions, paracmd, self.cfg['buildopts'])
run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
# install built Boost library
cmd = "%s ./bjam %s install %s %s" % (self.cfg['preinstallopts'], bjamoptions, paracmd, self.cfg['installopts'])
run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
# clean up before proceeding with next build
run_cmd("./bjam --clean-all", log_all=True, simple=True)
for pkg_cmd in pkg_cmds:
if which(pkg_cmd):
cmd = ' '.join([pkg_cmd, pkg_cmd_flag.get(pkg_cmd), dep])
found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False,
force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
if found:
if not found:
# fallback for when os-dependency is a binary/library
found = which(dep)
# try locate if it's available
if not found and which('locate'):
cmd = 'locate --regexp "/%s$"' % dep
found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False,
return found
#USE 64 bit index
if self.toolchain.options['i8']:
cflags += " -DINTSIZE64"
if self.cfg['threadedmpi']:
cflags += " -DSCOTCH_PTHREAD"
# actually build
apps = ['scotch', 'ptscotch']
if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('6.0'):
# separate target for esmumps in recent versions
apps.extend(['esmumps', 'ptesmumps'])
for app in apps:
cmd = 'make CCS="%s" CCP="%s" CCD="%s" CFLAGS="%s" %s' % (ccs, ccp, ccd, cflags, app)
run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)