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def test_not_enough_parameters_at_call_time(self):
x = cp.Variable(1)
lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True)
lam2 = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True)
objective = lam * cp.norm(x, 1) + lam2 * cp.sum_squares(x)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective))
layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [lam, lam2], [x]) # noqa: F841
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
'A tensor must be provided for each CVXPY parameter.*'):
def test_entropy_maximization(self):
n, m, p = 5, 3, 2
tmp = np.random.rand(n)
A_np = np.random.randn(m, n)
b_np =
F_np = np.random.randn(p, n)
g_np = + np.random.rand(p)
x = cp.Variable(n)
A = cp.Parameter((m, n))
b = cp.Parameter(m)
F = cp.Parameter((p, n))
g = cp.Parameter(p)
obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.entr(x)) - .01 * cp.sum_squares(x))
constraints = [A * x == b,
F * x <= g]
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b, F, g], [x])
A_tch, b_tch, F_tch, g_tch = map(
lambda x: torch.from_numpy(x).requires_grad_(True), [
A_np, b_np, F_np, g_np])
lambda *x: layer(*x, solver_args={"eps": 1e-12,
"max_iters": 10000}),
def test_proj_psd(self):
n = 10
for _ in range(15):
x = np.random.randn(n, n)
x = x + x.T
x_vec = cone_lib.vec_symm(x)
z = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(z - x))
prob = cp.Problem(objective)
prob.solve(solver="SCS", eps=1e-10)
p = cone_lib.unvec_symm(
cone_lib._proj(x_vec, cone_lib.PSD, dual=False), n)
np.testing.assert_allclose(p, z.value, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
np.testing.assert_allclose(p, cone_lib.unvec_symm(
cone_lib._proj(x_vec, cone_lib.PSD, dual=True), n))
X_tch = torch.from_numpy(X_np)
lam_tch = 0.1 * torch.ones(1, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.double)
a = cp.Variable((n, 1))
X = cp.Parameter((N, n))
lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True)
y = y_np
log_likelihood = cp.sum(
cp.multiply(y, X @ a) -
cp.log_sum_exp(cp.hstack([np.zeros((N, 1)), X @ a]).T, axis=0,
prob = cp.Problem(
cp.Minimize(-log_likelihood + lam * cp.sum_squares(a)))
fit_logreg = CvxpyLayer(prob, [X, lam], [a])
def layer_eps(*x):
return fit_logreg(*x, solver_args={"eps": 1e-12})
def test_not_enough_parameters(self):
x = cp.Variable(1)
lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True)
lam2 = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True)
objective = lam * cp.norm(x, 1) + lam2 * cp.sum_squares(x)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "The layer's parameters.*"):
CvxpyLayer(prob, [lam], [x]) # noqa: F841
def test_simple_batch_socp(self):
n = 5
m = 1
batch_size = 4
P_sqrt = cp.Parameter((n, n), name='P_sqrt')
q = cp.Parameter((n, 1), name='q')
A = cp.Parameter((m, n), name='A')
b = cp.Parameter((m, 1), name='b')
x = cp.Variable((n, 1), name='x')
objective = 0.5 * cp.sum_squares(P_sqrt @ x) + q.T @ x
constraints = [A@x == b, cp.norm(x) <= 1]
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
prob_tch = CvxpyLayer(prob, [P_sqrt, q, A, b], [x])
P_sqrt_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, n, n, requires_grad=True)
q_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, n, 1, requires_grad=True)
A_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, m, n, requires_grad=True)
b_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, m, 1, requires_grad=True)
torch.autograd.gradcheck(prob_tch, (P_sqrt_tch, q_tch, A_tch, b_tch))
phi_p = self.servoing_pol.phi(S_p, A_p, preprocessed=True)
V_p = + self.bias
Q_sample = R + self.gamma * V_p
import cvxpy
theta_var = cvxpy.Variable(self.theta.shape[0])
bias_var = cvxpy.Variable(1)
assert len(phi) == batch_size
scale = 1.0
solved = False
while not solved:
if self.opt_fit_bias:
objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
(1 / 2.) * cvxpy.sum_squares(
(phi * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size)) * theta_var + bias_var * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size) -
((Q_sample + (bias_var - self.bias) * self.gamma) * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size))) +
(self.l2_reg / 2.) * scale * cvxpy.sum_squares(theta_var)) # no regularization on bias
objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
(1 / 2.) * cvxpy.sum_squares(
(phi * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size)) * theta_var + bias_var * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size) -
(Q_sample * np.sqrt(scale / batch_size))) +
(self.l2_reg / 2.) * scale * cvxpy.sum_squares(theta_var)) # no regularization on bias
constraints = [0 <= theta_var] # no constraint on bias
if self.eps is not None:
constraints.append(cvxpy.sum_squares(theta_var - self.theta) <= (len(self.theta) * self.eps))
prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
for solver in [None, cvxpy.GUROBI, cvxpy.CVXOPT]:
def _cvx_fit_linear_parameters(self, data, phi):
fe = cvxpy.Variable(phi.shape[1])
constraints = [cvxpy.sum_entries(fe) == 1,
fe >= 0.011,
fe <= 0.89]
obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.sum_squares(phi * fe - data))
prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
return np.array(fe.value).squeeze()
### setup optimization problem
obj = 0
np.random.seed(self.random_state) # set the seed before initializing the values of w
if self.train_multiple:
w = {}
for k in group_labels:
idx = x_sensitive == k
# setup coefficients and initialize as uniform distribution over [0,1]
w[k] = cp.Variable(d)
w[k].value = np.random.rand(d)
# first term in w is the intercept, so no need to regularize that
obj += cp.sum_squares(w[k][coefficient_idx]) * self.lam[k]
# setup
X_k, y_k = X[idx], y[idx]
if self.sparse_formulation:
XY = np.concatenate((X_k, y_k[:, np.newaxis]), axis = 1)
UY, counts = np.unique(XY, return_counts = True, axis = 0)
pos_idx = np.greater(UY[:, -1], 0)
neg_idx = np.logical_not(pos_idx)
U = UY[:, 0:d]
obj_weights_pos = counts[pos_idx] / float(n)
Z_pos = -U[pos_idx, :]
obj_weights_neg = counts[neg_idx] / float(n)
Z_neg = U[neg_idx, :]