How to use the cvpysdk.subclient.Subclient function in cvpysdk

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    **content**     --  returns the content of the Exchange Database subclient


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ...subclient import Subclient
from ...exception import SDKException
from ...job import Job

class ExchangeDatabaseSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from the Subclient Base class,
        to perform operations specific to an Exchange Database Subclient."""

    def _get_subclient_properties(self):
        """Gets the subclient  related properties of Exchange Database subclient.."""
        super(ExchangeDatabaseSubclient, self)._get_subclient_properties()

        self._content = self._subclient_properties.get('content', [])
        self._exchange_db_subclient_prop = self._subclient_properties.get(
            'exchangeDBSubClientProp', {}

    def _get_subclient_properties_json(self):
        """Returns the JSON with the properties for the Subclient, that can be used for a POST
        request to update the properties of the Subclient.
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CaseMangerSubclient:  Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing an Exchange Mailbox
Agent subclient, and to perform operations on that subclient.


    __new__()   --  Method to create object based on the backupset name


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from cvpysdk.subclient import Subclient
from cvpysdk.exception import SDKException

class CaseSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing an Case Manger subclient,
        and to perform operations on that subclient.


    def _case_definition_request(self, defination_json):
        """Runs the case defination ass API to add definition for case

                defination_json    (dict)  -- request json sent as payload

                (str, str):
                    str  -  error code received in the response

                    str  -  error message received
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from enum import Enum
import copy
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getmembers, isclass, isabstract

import xmltodict
from past.builtins import basestring

from cvpysdk.plan import Plans
from ..exception import SDKException
from ..subclient import Subclient
from ..constants import VSAObjects

class VirtualServerSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a virtual server subclient,
        and to perform operations on that subclient."""

    def __new__(cls, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        """Decides which instance object needs to be created"""
        instance_name = backupset_object._instance_object.instance_name
        instance_name = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_]+', '', instance_name.replace(" ", "_"))

            subclient_module = import_module("cvpysdk.subclients.virtualserver.{}".format(instance_name))
        except ImportError:
            subclient_module = import_module("cvpysdk.subclients.virtualserver.null")

        classes = getmembers(subclient_module, lambda m: isclass(m) and not isabstract(m))

        for name, _class in classes:
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Note: GoogleSubclient class is used for OneDrive subclient too.


    __new__()   --  Method to create object based on specific cloud apps instance type


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ..subclient import Subclient
from ..exception import SDKException

class CloudAppsSubclient(Subclient):
    """Class for representing a subclient of the Cloud Apps agent."""

    def __new__(cls, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        from .cloudapps.salesforce_subclient import SalesforceSubclient
        from .cloudapps.google_subclient import GoogleSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_storage_subclient import CloudStorageSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_database_subclient import CloudDatabaseSubclient

        instance_types = {
            1: GoogleSubclient,
            2: GoogleSubclient,
            3: SalesforceSubclient,
            4: CloudDatabaseSubclient, # Amazon RDS Subclient
            5: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AmazonS3 Subclient
            6: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AzureBlob Subclient
            7: GoogleSubclient,  # OneDrive Subclient. GoogleSuclient class is used for OneDrive too
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associate_site_collections_and_webs()-- associates the specified site collections/webs

    restore_in_place()                  --  runs a in-place restore job on the specified Sharepoint pseudo client


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from base64 import b64encode
from ..subclient import Subclient
from ..exception import SDKException
from ..constants import SQLDefines
from ..constants import SharepointDefines

class SharepointSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a Sharepoint subclient,
        and to perform operations on that subclient."""

    def _get_subclient_properties(self):
        """Gets the subclient related properties of the Sharepoint subclient.

        super(SharepointSubclient, self)._get_subclient_properties()

        self._sharepoint_subclient_prop = self._subclient_properties.get('sharepointsubclientprop', {})
        self._content = self._subclient_properties.get('content', {})

    def _get_subclient_properties_json(self):
        """get the all subclient related properties of this subclient.

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self.client_id = generic_entity_obj._agent_object._client_object.client_id
            self.agent_id = generic_entity_obj._agent_object.agent_id
            self.instance_id = generic_entity_obj.instance_id
            self.entity_type = "instanceId"
            self.entity_id = self.instance_id
            self.entity_details["entity_level"] = self.entity_type[:-2]
        elif isinstance(generic_entity_obj, Backupset):
            self.client_id = generic_entity_obj._instance_object._agent_object. \
            self.agent_id = generic_entity_obj._instance_object._agent_object.agent_id
            self.instance_id = generic_entity_obj._instance_object.instance_id
            self.backupset_id = generic_entity_obj.backupset_id
            self.entity_type = "backupsetId"
            self.entity_id = self.backupset_id
            self.entity_details["entity_level"] = self.entity_type[:-2]
        elif isinstance(generic_entity_obj, Subclient):
            self.client_id = generic_entity_obj._backupset_object._instance_object. \
            self.agent_id = generic_entity_obj._backupset_object. \
            self.instance_id = generic_entity_obj._backupset_object._instance_object.instance_id
            self.backupset_id = generic_entity_obj._backupset_object.backupset_id
            self.subclient_id = generic_entity_obj.subclient_id
            self.entity_type = "subclientId"
            self.entity_id = self.subclient_id
            self.entity_details["entity_level"] = self.entity_type[:-2]
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', "Invalid instance passed")

        self.entity_details.update({"clientGroupId": self.clientgroup_id,
                                    "clientId": self.client_id,
                                    "applicationId": self.agent_id,
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VMInstanceSubclient:   Derived class from Subclient Base
                                class,representing a VMInstance Subclien


        subclient_id)           --  initialize object of vminstance subclient class,
                                    associated with the VirtualServer subclient

from ..subclient import Subclient

class VMInstanceSubclient(Subclient):
    Derived class from Subclient Base class.
    This represents a VMInstance virtual server subclient

    def __init__(self, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        Initialize the Instance object for the given Virtual Server instance.

               backupset_object    (object)  --  instance of the Backupset class

               subclient_name   (str)        --  subclient name

               subclient     (int)           --  subclient id
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update_dict   (dict)  --  The changes which are need to make

        dict  --  modified source dictionary with updated values

    for key, value in update_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict) and value:
            source[key] = _nested_dict(source.get(key, {}), value)
            source[key] = value
    return source

class FileSystemSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a file system subclient,
        and to perform operations on that subclient.

    def _get_subclient_properties(self):
        """Gets the subclient  related properties of File System subclient.

        super(FileSystemSubclient, self)._get_subclient_properties()

        if 'impersonateUser' in self._subclient_properties:
            self._impersonateUser = self._subclient_properties['impersonateUser']

        if 'fsSubClientProp' in self._subclient_properties:
            self._fsSubClientProp = self._subclient_properties['fsSubClientProp']
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def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        """Returns the persistent attributes"""
        if attribute in self._restore_methods:
            return getattr(self._backupset_object, attribute)
        if attribute in self._restore_options_json:
            return getattr(self._backupset_object, attribute)

        return super(Subclient, self).__getattribute__(attribute)
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**is_proxy_enabled**                --  Returns True if proxy is enabled in the subclient

    **is_failover_to_production**       --  Returns the isFailOverToProduction flag of the subclient

    **content**                         --  Returns the appropriate content from
    the Subclient relevant to the user


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ..subclient import Subclient
from ..exception import SDKException

class MYSQLSubclient(Subclient):
    """Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a MYSQL subclient,
        and to perform operations on that subclient."""

    def __init__(self, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        """Initialise the Subclient object.

                backupset_object (object)  --  instance of the Backupset class

                subclient_name   (str)     --  name of the subclient

                subclient_id     (str)     --  id of the subclient
                    default: None

                object - instance of the MYSQLSubclient class