How to use the function in control

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few control examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github python-control / python-control / control / View on Github external
for w, wname, n in zip((w1, w2, w3),
                                         ('w1', 'w2', 'w3'),
                                         (ny, nu, ny))]

    if not isinstance(g, StateSpace):
        g = ss(g)

    #       w         u
    #  z1 [ w1   |   -w1*g  ]
    #  z2 [ 0    |    w2    ]
    #  z3 [ 0    |    w3*g  ]
    #     [------+--------- ]
    #  v  [ I    |    -g    ]

    # error summer: inputs are -y and r=w
    Ie = ss([], [], [], np.eye(ny))
    # control: needed to "distribute" control input
    Iu = ss([], [], [], np.eye(nu))

    sysall = append(w1, w2, w3, Ie, g, Iu)

    niw1 = w1.inputs
    niw2 = w2.inputs
    niw3 = w3.inputs

    now1 = w1.outputs
    now2 = w2.outputs
    now3 = w3.outputs

    q = np.zeros((niw1 + niw2 + niw3 + ny + nu, 2))
    q[:, 0] = np.arange(1, q.shape[0] + 1)
github calcmogul / frccontrol / frccontrol / View on Github external
motor -- instance of DcBrushedMotor
    num_motors -- number of motors driving the mechanism
    J -- flywheel moment of inertia in kg-m^2
    G -- gear ratio from motor to flywheel

    StateSpace instance containing continuous model
    motor = gearbox(motor, num_motors)

    A = np.array([[-(G ** 2) * motor.Kt / (motor.Kv * motor.R * J)]])
    B = np.array([[G * motor.Kt / (motor.R * J)]])
    C = np.array([[1]])
    D = np.array([[0]])

    return, B, C, D)
github python-control / python-control / examples / View on Github external
def synth(wb1, wb2):
    """synth(wb1,wb2) -> k,gamma
    wb1: S weighting frequency
    wb2: KS weighting frequency
    k: controller
    gamma: H-infinity norm of 'design', that is, of evaluation system
    with loop closed through design
    g = plant()
    wu = ss([], [], [], np.eye(2))
    wp1 = ss(weighting(wb=wb1, m=1.5, a=1e-4))
    wp2 = ss(weighting(wb=wb2, m=1.5, a=1e-4))
    wp = wp1.append(wp2)
    k, _, info = mixsyn(g, wp, wu)
    return k, info[0]
github robertobucher / pysimCoder / toolbox / supsictrl / src / View on Github external
sys: controller
    poles : poles for the anti-windup filter

    sys_in, sys_fbk: controller in input and feedback part
    sys =
    Ts = sys.dt
    den_old = sp.poly(la.eigvals(sys.A))
    sys =
    den = sp.poly(poles)
    tmp =,den,sys.dt)
    sys_in = tmp*sys
    sys_in = sys_in.minreal()
    sys_in =
    sys_fbk = 1-tmp
    sys_fbk  =  sys_fbk.minreal()
    sys_fbk  =
    return sys_in, sys_fbk
github wpilibsuite / frc-characterization / frc_characterization / drive_characterization / View on Github external
def _calcGainsVel(kv, ka, qv, effort, period, velocity_delay):

    # If acceleration for velocity control requires no effort, the feedback
    # control gains approach zero. We special-case it here because numerical
    # instabilities arise in LQR otherwise.
    if ka < 1e-7:
        return 0, 0

    A = np.array([[-kv / ka]])
    B = np.array([[1 / ka]])
    C = np.array([[1]])
    D = np.array([[0]])
    sys =, B, C, D)
    dsys = sys.sample(period)

    # Assign Q and R matrices according to Bryson's rule [1]. The elements
    # of q and r are tunable by the user.
    # [1] 'Bryson's rule' in
    q = [qv]  # units/s acceptable error
    r = [effort]  # V acceptable actuation effort
    Q = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(q))
    R = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(r))
    K = frccnt.lqr(dsys, Q, R)

    if velocity_delay > 0:
        # This corrects the gain to compensate for measurement delay, which
        # can be quite large as a result of filtering for some motor
github wpilibsuite / frc-characterization / elevator_characterization / View on Github external
def _calcGains(kv, ka, qp, qv, effort, period):

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -kv / ka]])
    B = np.array([[0], [1 / ka]])
    C = np.array([[1, 0]])
    D = np.array([[0]])
    sys =, B, C, D)
    dsys = sys.sample(period)

    # Assign Q and R matrices according to Bryson's rule [1]. The elements
    # of q and r are tunable by the user.
    # [1] "Bryson's rule" in
    q = [qp, qv]  # units and units/s acceptable errors
    r = [effort]  # V acceptable actuation effort
    Q = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(q))
    R = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(r))
    K = frccnt.lqr(dsys, Q, R)

    kp = K[0, 0]
    kd = K[0, 1]
github wpilibsuite / frc-characterization / frc_characterization / elevator_characterization / View on Github external
A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -kv / ka]])
        B = np.array([[0], [1 / ka]])
        C = np.array([[1, 0]])
        D = np.array([[0]])

        q = [qp, qv]  # units and units/s acceptable errors
        r = [effort]  # V acceptable actuation effort
        A = np.array([[0]])
        B = np.array([[1]])
        C = np.array([[1]])
        D = np.array([[0]])

        q = [qp]  # units acceptable error
        r = [qv]  # units/s acceptable error
    sys =, B, C, D)
    dsys = sys.sample(period)

    # Assign Q and R matrices according to Bryson's rule [1]. The elements
    # of q and r are tunable by the user.
    # [1] 'Bryson's rule' in
    Q = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(q))
    R = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(r))
    K = frccnt.lqr(dsys, Q, R)

    if position_delay > 0:
        # This corrects the gain to compensate for measurement delay, which
        # can be quite large as a result of filtering for some motor
        # controller and sensor combinations. Note that this will result in
        # an overly conservative (i.e. non-optimal) gain, because we need to
github wpilibsuite / frc-characterization / arm_characterization / View on Github external
def _calcGains(kv, ka, qp, qv, effort, period):

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -kv / ka]])
    B = np.array([[0], [1 / ka]])
    C = np.array([[1, 0]])
    D = np.array([[0]])
    sys =, B, C, D)
    dsys = sys.sample(period)

    # Assign Q and R matrices according to Bryson's rule [1]. The elements
    # of q and r are tunable by the user.
    # [1] "Bryson's rule" in
    q = [qp, qv]  # units and units/s acceptable errors
    r = [effort]  # V acceptable actuation effort
    Q = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(q))
    R = np.diag(1.0 / np.square(r))
    K = frccnt.lqr(dsys, Q, R)

    kp = K[0, 0]
    kd = K[0, 1]
github python-control / python-control / examples / View on Github external
def plant():
    """plant() -> g
    g - LTI object; 2x2 plant with a RHP zero, at s=0.5.
    den = [0.2, 1.2, 1]
    gtf = tf([[[1], [1]],
              [[2, 1], [2]]],
             [[den, den],
              [den, den]])
    return ss(gtf)