How to use the bpython.lazyre.LazyReCompile function in bpython

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bpython examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    # TODO allow for as's
    tokens = line.split()
    if not ("from" in tokens or "import" in tokens):
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_from_re.finditer(line)
    for m in matches:
        if (m.start(1) < cursor_offset and m.end(1) >= cursor_offset) or (
            m.start(2) < cursor_offset and m.end(2) >= cursor_offset
            return LinePart(m.start(1), m.end(1),
    return None

current_from_import_import_re_1 = LazyReCompile(r"from\s([\w0-9_.]*)\s+import")
current_from_import_import_re_2 = LazyReCompile(r"([\w0-9_]+)")
current_from_import_import_re_3 = LazyReCompile(r"[,][ ]([\w0-9_]*)")

def current_from_import_import(cursor_offset, line):
    """If in from import completion, the word after import being completed

    returns None if cursor not in or just after one of these words
    baseline =
    if baseline is None:
        return None
    match1 =[baseline.end() :])
    if match1 is None:
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_import_re_3.finditer(line[baseline.end() :])
    for m in chain((match1,), matches):
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parts of an import: from (module) import (name1, name2)
    # TODO allow for as's
    tokens = line.split()
    if not ("from" in tokens or "import" in tokens):
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_from_re.finditer(line)
    for m in matches:
        if (m.start(1) < cursor_offset and m.end(1) >= cursor_offset) or (
            m.start(2) < cursor_offset and m.end(2) >= cursor_offset
            return LinePart(m.start(1), m.end(1),
    return None

current_from_import_import_re_1 = LazyReCompile(r"from\s([\w0-9_.]*)\s+import")
current_from_import_import_re_2 = LazyReCompile(r"([\w0-9_]+)")
current_from_import_import_re_3 = LazyReCompile(r"[,][ ]([\w0-9_]*)")

def current_from_import_import(cursor_offset, line):
    """If in from import completion, the word after import being completed

    returns None if cursor not in or just after one of these words
    baseline =
    if baseline is None:
        return None
    match1 =[baseline.end() :])
    if match1 is None:
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_import_re_3.finditer(line[baseline.end() :])
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# TODO allow for as's
    tokens = line.split()
    if not ("from" in tokens or "import" in tokens):
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_from_re.finditer(line)
    for m in matches:
        if (m.start(1) < cursor_offset and m.end(1) >= cursor_offset) or (
            m.start(2) < cursor_offset and m.end(2) >= cursor_offset
            return LinePart(m.start(1), m.end(1),
    return None

current_from_import_import_re_1 = LazyReCompile(r"from\s([\w0-9_.]*)\s+import")
current_from_import_import_re_2 = LazyReCompile(r"([\w0-9_]+)")
current_from_import_import_re_3 = LazyReCompile(r"[,][ ]([\w0-9_]*)")

def current_from_import_import(cursor_offset, line):
    """If in from import completion, the word after import being completed

    returns None if cursor not in or just after one of these words
    baseline =
    if baseline is None:
        return None
    match1 =[baseline.end() :])
    if match1 is None:
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_import_re_3.finditer(line[baseline.end() :])
    for m in chain((match1,), matches):
        start = baseline.end() + m.start(1)
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# encoding: utf-8

"""Tools for preparing code to be run in the REPL (removing blank lines,

from bpython.lazyre import LazyReCompile

# TODO specifically catch IndentationErrors instead of any syntax errors

indent_empty_lines_re = LazyReCompile(r"\s*")
tabs_to_spaces_re = LazyReCompile(r"^\t+")

def indent_empty_lines(s, compiler):
    """Indents blank lines that would otherwise cause early compilation

    Only really works if starting on a new line"""
    lines = s.split("\n")
    ends_with_newline = False
    if lines and not lines[-1]:
        ends_with_newline = True
    result_lines = []

    for p_line, line, n_line in zip([""] + lines[:-1], lines, lines[1:] + [""]):
        if len(line) == 0:
            p_indent = indent_empty_lines_re.match(p_line).group()
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self.last_command = self.time() - self.start
        self.running_time += self.last_command
        return False

    def reset_timer(self):
        self.running_time = 0.0
        self.last_command = 0.0

    def estimate(self):
        return self.running_time - self.last_command

class Interpreter(code.InteractiveInterpreter, object):
    """Source code interpreter for use in bpython."""

    bpython_input_re = LazyReCompile(r"")

    def __init__(self, locals=None, encoding=None):

        The optional 'locals' argument specifies the dictionary in which code
        will be executed; it defaults to a newly created dictionary with key
        "__name__" set to "__main__".

        The syntaxerror callback can be set at any time and will be called
        on a caught syntax error. The purpose for this in bpython is so that
        the repl can be instantiated after the interpreter (which it
        necessarily must be with the current factoring) and then an exception
        callback can be added to the Interpreter instance afterwards - more
        specifically, this is so that autoindentation does not occur after a
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if not annotations:
        annotations = None

    return [

get_encoding_line_re = LazyReCompile(r"^.*coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+).*$")

def get_encoding(obj):
    """Try to obtain encoding information of the source of an object."""
    for line in inspect.findsource(obj)[0][:2]:
        m =
        if m:
    return "ascii"

def get_encoding_comment(source):
    """Returns encoding line without the newline, or None is not found"""
    for line in source.splitlines()[:2]:
        m =
        if m:
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# front_white = len(line[:cursor_offset]) - \
        #     len(line[:cursor_offset].lstrip())
        to_delete = ((cursor_offset - 1) % INDENT) + 1
        return (
            cursor_offset - to_delete,
            line[: cursor_offset - to_delete] + line[cursor_offset:],
    return (cursor_offset - 1, line[: cursor_offset - 1] + line[cursor_offset:])

def delete_from_cursor_back(cursor_offset, line):
    return 0, line[cursor_offset:]

delete_rest_of_word_re = LazyReCompile(r"\w\b")

@edit_keys.on("")  # option-d
def delete_rest_of_word(cursor_offset, line):
    m =[cursor_offset:])
    if not m:
        return cursor_offset, line, ""
    return (
        line[:cursor_offset] + line[m.start() + cursor_offset + 1 :],
        line[cursor_offset : m.start() + cursor_offset + 1],

delete_word_to_cursor_re = LazyReCompile(r"\s\S")
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if baseline is None:
        return None
    match1 =[baseline.end() :])
    if match1 is None:
        return None
    matches = current_from_import_import_re_3.finditer(line[baseline.end() :])
    for m in chain((match1,), matches):
        start = baseline.end() + m.start(1)
        end = baseline.end() + m.end(1)
        if start < cursor_offset and end >= cursor_offset:
            return LinePart(start, end,
    return None

current_import_re_1 = LazyReCompile(r"import")
current_import_re_2 = LazyReCompile(r"([\w0-9_.]+)")
current_import_re_3 = LazyReCompile(r"[,][ ]([\w0-9_.]*)")

def current_import(cursor_offset, line):
    # TODO allow for multiple as's
    baseline =
    if baseline is None:
        return None
    match1 =[baseline.end() :])
    if match1 is None:
        return None
    matches = current_import_re_3.finditer(line[baseline.end() :])
    for m in chain((match1,), matches):
        start = baseline.end() + m.start(1)
        end = baseline.end() + m.end(1)
        if start < cursor_offset and end >= cursor_offset:
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src = inspect.getsourcelines(f)
    except (IOError, IndexError):
        # IndexError is raised in inspect.findsource(), can happen in
        # some situations. See issue #94.
    signature = "".join(src[0])
    kwparsed = parsekeywordpairs(signature)

    for i, (key, value) in enumerate(zip(keys, values)):
        if len(repr(value)) != len(kwparsed[key]):
            values[i] = _Repr(kwparsed[key])

    argspec[3] = values

getpydocspec_re = LazyReCompile(r"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\((.*?)\)")

def getpydocspec(f, func):
        argspec = pydoc.getdoc(f)
    except NameError:
        return None

    s =
    if s is None:
        return None

    if not hasattr(f, "__name__") or s.groups()[0] != f.__name__:
        return None

    args = list()
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if m.start(1) <= cursor_offset and m.end(1) >= cursor_offset:
            return LinePart(m.start(1), m.end(1),
    return None

def current_dotted_attribute(cursor_offset, line):
    """The dotted attribute-object pair before the cursor"""
    match = current_word(cursor_offset, line)
    if match is None:
        return None
    start, end, word = match
    if "." in word[1:]:
        return LinePart(start, end, word)

current_expression_attribute_re = LazyReCompile(

def current_expression_attribute(cursor_offset, line):
    """If after a dot, the attribute being completed"""
    # TODO replace with more general current_expression_attribute
    matches = current_expression_attribute_re.finditer(line)
    for m in matches:
        if m.start(1) <= cursor_offset and m.end(1) >= cursor_offset:
            return LinePart(m.start(1), m.end(1),
    return None