How to use the art._baseclass.ArtBaseClass function in art

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few art examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ak15199 / rop / art / View on Github external
from ._baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from math import sqrt

from opc.hue import hsvToRgb

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Slow transition of hues across the display"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.base = 0

    def start(self, matrix):

    def refresh(self, matrix):
        self.base += 4
        h = matrix.height - 1

        for x in range(matrix.width):
            hue = (self.base+32*x) / (sqrt(matrix.numpix) * 64.0)
            for y in range(matrix.height):
github ak15199 / rop / art / baseclasses / View on Github external
from .. _baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from opc.matrix import OPCMatrix

from art.utils.diamondsquare import DiamondSquareAlgorithm


class DiamondSquare(ArtBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, matrix, generate, maxticks=DFLTTICKS, interpolate=True):
        self.diamond = DiamondSquareAlgorithm(matrix.width, matrix.height)
        self.matrix = OPCMatrix(matrix.width, matrix.height, None)

        self.generate = generate
        self.ticks = 0
        self.maxticks = maxticks
        self.interpolate = interpolate

    def start(self, matrix):

    def refresh(self, matrix):
        # ticks allow us to keep track of how much time has passed
        # since the last generation. This gives us opportunity for
github ak15199 / rop / art / baseclasses / View on Github external
from .. _baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from math import fmod
from random import random

from opc.hue import hsvToRgb

class Bilinear(ArtBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.cornerValueDeltas = [
            self._delta(), self._delta(), self._delta(), self._delta(),

        self.cornerValues = [
            .1, .2, .3, .4,

    def _delta(self):
        return 0.001 + random() * 0.007

    def start(self, matrix):
github ak15199 / rop / art / baseclasses / View on Github external
from .. _baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from opc.text import OPCText, typeface_bbc

class ScrollText(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Scroll text across the display"

    fg = None
    bg = None

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.config = config
        self.thisMessage = self._getText()
        self.nextMessage = self._getText()

        self.typeface = OPCText(typeface_bbc)
        self.base = 0

    def _initText(self):
github ak15199 / rop / art / baseclasses / View on Github external
from .. _baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from random import random, uniform

from opc.matrix import HQ

from .. utils.pen import Pen

PENS = 4
SIZE = 6

class Blobs(ArtBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        with HQ(matrix):
            self.pens = []
            for i in range(PENS):
                dx = 1 if (i/2) % 2 == 0 else -1
                dy = 1 if i % 2 == 0 else -1
                pen = Pen(
                    matrix.width, matrix.height,
                    matrix.width/4 + random()*matrix.width/2,
                    matrix.height/4 + random()*matrix.height/2,
                    dx=dx, dy=dy, radius=matrix.smallest/SIZE,
                    huedelta=uniform(0.005, 0.001),
                pen.setBumpStrategy(pen.reverse, x=True, y=True)
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if self.y > self.mid:
            return False

        if self.x-1 <= value <= self.x+1:
            return True

        return False

    def next(self, matrix):
        matrix.drawPixel(self.x, self.y, self.color)

        self.y += 1
        return self.y < matrix.height

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Pixels floating upwards with a trail"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.count = matrix.width/3
        self.color = getColorGen(step=0.015, hue=random())
        self.y = matrix.height

    def start(self, matrix):
        self.instances = []

    def _vote(self, matrix):
        while True:
            value = randint(0, matrix.width-1)
            if any([ for instance in self.instances]):
github ak15199 / rop / art / View on Github external
def add(self, matrix, x, y):
        x0, y0 = self.points[self.head]

        matrix.drawPixel(x0, y0, BLACK)
        self.points[self.head] = (x, y)

        self.head = (self.head + 1) % self.length

DELTA_AMP = 0.09
DELTA_ANG = 0.033
DELTA_HUE = 0.006

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Color cascade (needs tuning for > 32x32)"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.hue = 0
        self.ang = 0
        self.amp = 0
        self.mult = 1+sqrt(matrix.numpix/32)/90
        self.train = ClearTrain(TRAIN_LEN)

    def start(self, matrix):

    def refresh(self, matrix):
        # this relies on the fact that the pixels we seed get multiplied and
        # overfow the uint8 in intresting ways
github ak15199 / rop / art / View on Github external = random()*0.5+0.2 

    def refresh(self, matrix):
        self.x +=
        self.y +=

        c1 = self.x/16
        c2 = self.y/8
        c3 = (self.x+self.y)/16
        c4 = np.sqrt((self.x*self.x)+(self.y*self.y))/8

        channel = np.sum(np.sin(c) for c in (c1, c2, c3, c4))
        return np.fmod(np.fabs(1+channel/2), 1.0)

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Plasma by RGB channel"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        with HQ(matrix):
            self.channels = [Channel(matrix) for channel in range(3)]

    def start(self, matrix):

    def refresh(self, matrix):

        channels = [255*channel.refresh(matrix) for channel in self.channels]

        for y in range(matrix.height):
            for x in range(matrix.width):
github ak15199 / rop / art / View on Github external
from ._baseclass import ArtBaseClass

from opc.nphue import h_to_rgb
import numpy as np

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Classic plasma (almost)"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        ones = np.ones(matrix.numpix).reshape((matrix.height, matrix.width))
        self.x = ones*np.arange(matrix.width)
        self.y = np.flipud(np.rot90(np.rot90(ones)*np.arange(matrix.height)))

        self.base = 128000

    def start(self, matrix):

    def _dist(self, a, b, c, d):
        return np.sqrt((c-a)*(c-a)+(d-b)*(d-b))
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def move(self):
        self.x += self.h
        self.y += self.v

        # take into account bouncing off top or bottom while the
        # ball is in flight
        if self.y <= 0:
            self.v = abs(self.v)
        elif self.y >= self.height-1:
            self.v = -abs(self.v)

    def display(self, matrix):
        matrix.drawPixel(self.x, self.y, rgb["white"])

class Art(ArtBaseClass):

    description = "Automated pong"

    def __init__(self, matrix, config):
        self.ball = Ball(matrix.width, matrix.height) = Net()

        self.players = {}
        for left in [True, False]:
            self.players[left] = Player(matrix.width, matrix.height, left)


    def start(self, matrix):