How to use the archinfo.arch_soot.SootArgument function in archinfo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few archinfo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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this_ref = self.state.memory.load(this_ref_base, none_if_missing=True)
            this_ref_type = this_ref.type if this_ref is not None else None
            args += [SootArgument(this_ref, this_ref_type, is_this_ref=True)]

        # translate function arguments
        for arg in self.expr.args:
            if "Constant" in arg.__class__.__name__:
                # argument is a constant
                # => translate the expr to get the value
                arg_value = self._translate_expr(arg).expr
                # argument is a variable
                # => load value from memory
                arg_value = self.state.memory.load(self._translate_value(arg),
            args += [SootArgument(arg_value, arg.type)]

        return args
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def _setup_native_callsite(cls, state, native_addr, java_method, args, ret_addr, ret_var):
        # Step 1: setup java callsite, but w/o storing arguments in memory
        cls.setup_callsite(state, None, ret_addr, ret_var)

        # Step 2: add JNI specific arguments to *args list

        # get JNI environment pointer
        jni_env = SootArgument(state.project.simos.jni_env, "JNIEnv")

        # get reference to the current object or class
        if args and args[0].is_this_ref:
            # instance method call
            # => pass 'this' reference to native code
            ref = args.pop(0)
            # static method call
            # => pass 'class' reference to native code
            class_ = state.javavm_classloader.get_class(java_method.class_name, init_class=True)
            ref = SootArgument(class_, "Class")

        # add to args
        final_args = [jni_env, ref] + args

        # Step 3: create native invoke state
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# Step 2: add JNI specific arguments to *args list

        # get JNI environment pointer
        jni_env = SootArgument(state.project.simos.jni_env, "JNIEnv")

        # get reference to the current object or class
        if args and args[0].is_this_ref:
            # instance method call
            # => pass 'this' reference to native code
            ref = args.pop(0)
            # static method call
            # => pass 'class' reference to native code
            class_ = state.javavm_classloader.get_class(java_method.class_name, init_class=True)
            ref = SootArgument(class_, "Class")

        # add to args
        final_args = [jni_env, ref] + args

        # Step 3: create native invoke state
        return state.project.simos.state_call(native_addr, *final_args,
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def _setup_java_args(self, arg_values, method_id, this_ref=None):
        args = []

        # if available, add 'this' reference
        if this_ref:
            args += [ SootArgument(this_ref, this_ref.type, is_this_ref=True) ]

        # function arguments
        for arg_value_, arg_type in zip(arg_values, method_id.params):
            if arg_type in ArchSoot.primitive_types:
                # argument has a primitive integral type
                # => cast native value to java type
                arg_value = self.project.simos.cast_primitive(self.state,

                # argument has a relative type
                # => lookup java object
                arg_value = self.state.jni_references.lookup(arg_value_)
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def state_entry(self, args=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Create an entry state.

        :param args: List of SootArgument values (optional).
        state = self.state_blank(**kwargs)
        # for the Java main method `public static main(String[] args)`,
        # we add symbolic cmdline arguments
        if not args and == 'main' and \
                        state.addr.method.params[0] == 'java.lang.String[]':
            cmd_line_args = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(state, "java.lang.String", BVS('argc', 32))
            args = [SootArgument(cmd_line_args, "java.lang.String[]")]
            # for referencing the Java array, we need to know the array reference
            # => saves it in the globals dict
            state.globals['cmd_line_args'] = cmd_line_args
        # setup arguments
        SimEngineSoot.setup_arguments(state, args)
        return state
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native_arg_values = []
            for arg in args:
                if arg.type in ArchSoot.primitive_types or \
                   arg.type == "JNIEnv":
                    # the value of primitive types and the JNIEnv pointer
                    # are just getting copied into the native memory
                    native_arg_value = arg.value
                    if self.arch.bits == 32 and arg.type == "long":
                        # On 32 bit architecture, long values (w/ 64 bit) are copied
                        # as two 32 bit integer
                        # TODO is this correct?
                        upper = native_arg_value.get_bytes(0, 4)
                        lower = native_arg_value.get_bytes(4, 4)
                        idx = args.index(arg)
                        args = args[:idx] \
                               + (SootArgument(upper, 'int'), SootArgument(lower, 'int')) \
                               + args[idx+1:]
                        native_arg_values += [upper, lower]
                    # argument has a relative type
                    # => map Java reference to an opaque reference, which the native code
                    #    can use to access the Java object through the JNI interface
                    native_arg_value = state.jni_references.create_new_reference(obj=arg.value)
                native_arg_values += [native_arg_value]

            # setup native return type
            ret_type = kwargs.pop('ret_type')
            native_ret_type = self.get_native_type(ret_type)

            # setup function prototype, so the SimCC know how to init the callsite
            arg_types = [self.get_native_type(arg.type) for arg in args]
github angr / angr-doc / examples / java_androidnative1 / View on Github external
if not os.path.exists(sdk_path):
        print("cannot run test_apk_loading since there is no Android SDK folder")

    apk_location = os.path.join(file_dir, "androidnative1.apk")
    loading_opts = {'android_sdk': sdk_path,
                    'entry_point': 'com.angr.nativetest1.MainActivity.onCreate',
                    'entry_point_params': ('android.os.Bundle', ),
                    'supported_jni_archs': ['x86']}
    project = angr.Project(apk_location, main_opts=loading_opts)
    project.hook(SootMethodDescriptor(class_name="java.lang.String", name="valueOf", params=('int',)).address(), Dummy_String_valueOf())

    blank_state = project.factory.blank_state()
    a1 = SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(blank_state, 'com.angr.androidnative1.MainActivity')
    a2 = SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(blank_state, 'android.os.Bundle', symbolic = True)
    args = [SootArgument(arg, arg.type) for arg in [a1, a2]]
    entry = project.factory.entry_state(args = args)
    simgr = project.factory.simgr(entry)

    int_result = simgr.deadended[0].solver.eval(result)
    assert int_result == 221