How to use the andriller.utils function in andriller

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few andriller examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github den4uk / andriller / andriller / View on Github external
def set_prog(self, obj, n, total):
        if obj:
            done_ = n / total * 100
            rem_ = utils.human_time((total - n) // self.rate)
            obj.set(f'{done_:,.2f} % \t{rem_} reamining')
github den4uk / andriller / andriller / View on Github external
def get_hash(key: str) -> bytes:
        if not key or not utils.is_hex(key) or not (len(key) in [40, 72]):
            raise PasswordCrackError('Must enter HASH value.')
        return binascii.unhexlify(key[:40])
github den4uk / andriller / andriller / View on Github external
def main(self):

        artefacts_of_interest = ['Text', 'title', 'url', 'thumbnail', 'alt_text',
            'FileName', 'Title', 'URL', 'ThumbnailURL', 'ActionBody', 'Image']

        table = 'messages'
        kw = {'where': {'!token': 1}, 'order_by': 'msg_date'}
        for i in self.sql_table_as_dict(table, **kw):
            i['sender'] = self.get_part(i)
            i['x_sender'] = f"{i['sender'].get('number','')} ({i['sender'].get('name','')})"
            i['recipients'] = self.get_convo(i)
            i['x_recipients'] = '\n'.join(f"{r.get('number','')} ({r.get('name','')})" for r in i['recipients'])
            i['msg_info'] = json.loads(i['msg_info'])
            if i['msg_info']:
                i['media'] = utils.get_koi(i['msg_info'], artefacts_of_interest)
            i['send_type'] = 'Outgoing' if i['send_type'] else 'Incoming'
            i['msg_date'] = self.unix_to_time_ms(i['msg_date'])