How to use the aicsimageio.exceptions.InconsistentShapeError function in aicsimageio

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        # Get image dims indicies
        lif = LifFile(filename=img)
        image_dim_indices = LifReader._dims_shape(lif=lif)

        # Catch inconsistent scene dimension sizes
        if len(image_dim_indices) > 1:
            # Choose the provided scene
                image_dim_indices = image_dim_indices[S]
                    f"File contains variable dimensions per scene, "
                    f"selected scene: {S} for data retrieval."
            except IndexError:
                raise exceptions.InconsistentShapeError(
                    f"The LIF image provided has variable dimensions per scene. "
                    f"Please provide a valid index to the 'S' parameter to create a "
                    f"dask array for the index provided. "
                    f"Provided scene index: {S}. Scene index range: "
            # If the list is length one that means that all the scenes in the image
            # have the same dimensions
            # Just select the first dictionary in the list
            image_dim_indices = image_dim_indices[0]

        # Uppercase dimensions provided to chunk by dims
        chunk_by_dims = [d.upper() for d in chunk_by_dims]

        # Always add Y and X dims to chunk by dims because that is how LIF files work
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# Catch inconsistent scene dimension sizes
            if len(image_dim_indices) > 1:
                # Choose the provided scene
                    f"File contains variable dimensions per scene, "
                    f"selected scene: {self.specific_s_index} for data retrieval."

                # Get the specific scene
                if self.specific_s_index < len(image_dim_indices):
                    data, _ = czi.read_image(
                        **{Dimensions.Scene: self.specific_s_index}
                    raise exceptions.InconsistentShapeError(
                        f"The CZI image provided has variable dimensions per scene. "
                        f"Please provide a valid index to the 'S' parameter to create "
                        f"a dask array for the index provided. "
                        f"Provided scene index: {self.specific_s_index}. "
                        f"Scene index range: 0-{len(image_dim_indices)}."

                # If the list is length one that means that all the scenes in the image
                # have the same dimensions
                # Read all data in the image
                data, _ = czi.read_image()

                # A really bad way to close any connection to the CZI object
                czi._bytes = None
                czi.reader = None
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The dimension order as a string.
        # Get image dims indicies
        image_dim_indices = czi.dims_shape()

        # Catch inconsistent scene dimension sizes
        if len(image_dim_indices) > 1:
            # Choose the provided scene
                image_dim_indices = image_dim_indices[S]
                    f"File contains variable dimensions per scene, "
                    f"selected scene: {S} for data retrieval."
            except IndexError:
                raise exceptions.InconsistentShapeError(
                    f"The CZI image provided has variable dimensions per scene. "
                    f"Please provide a valid index to the 'S' parameter to create a "
                    f"dask array for the index provided. "
                    f"Provided scene index: {S}. "
                    f"Scene index range: 0-{len(image_dim_indices)}."
            # If the list is length one that means that all the scenes in the image
            # have the same dimensions
            # Just select the first dictionary in the list
            image_dim_indices = image_dim_indices[0]

        # Uppercase dimensions provided to chunk by dims
        chunk_by_dims = [d.upper() for d in chunk_by_dims]

        # Always add Y and X dims to chunk by dims because that is how CZI files work