How to use the zope.interface.implementer function in Zope

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Zope examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github collective / collective.nitf / src / collective / nitf / portlets / View on Github external
from import base
from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletDataProvider
from zope.interface import implementer

import logging
import warnings


class ILatestSectionableNITFPortlet(IPortletDataProvider):

class Assignment(base.Assignment):

class Renderer(base.Renderer):

    def render(self):
        msg = (
            'Use of portlet "Latest Sectionable NITF" is deprecated; '
            'remove assignment manually from {0}'.format(self.context))
        warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)

class AddForm(base.AddForm):
github crossbario / autobahn-testsuite / autobahntestsuite / autobahntestsuite / wampcase / View on Github external
self.result.log.append((ts, self.peerIndex, sessionId, msg.encode('utf8')))
      return ts

   def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
      reason = str(reason.value)
      self.log("Client connection lost: %s" % reason)

   def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
      reason = str(reason.value)
      self.log("Client connection failed: %s" % reason)

class WampCase:

   factory = None
   index = None
   description = None
   expectation = None
   params = None

   def __init__(self, testee, spec):
      self.testee = testee
      self.spec = spec

      self._uriSuffix = '#' + str(random.randint(0, 1000000))

      if self.testee.options.has_key('rtt'):
github terencehonles / mailman / src / mailman / handlers / View on Github external
Get filename extension. Caution: some virus don't put filename
    in 'Content-Disposition' header.
    fext = ''
    filename = m.get_filename('') or m.get_param('name', '')
    if filename:
        fext = splitext(oneline(filename,'utf-8'))[1]
        if len(fext) > 1:
            fext = fext[1:]
            fext = ''
    return fext

class MIMEDelete:
    """Filter the MIME content of messages."""

    name = 'mime-delete'
    description = _('Filter the MIME content of messages.')

    def process(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
        # Short-circuits
        if not mlist.filter_content:
        if msgdata.get('isdigest'):
        process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
github twisted / tubes / tubes / View on Github external
print("pausing", drain)
        return _AggregatePause(subPauses)

    def stopFlow(self):
        Stop the flow of all founts flowing into L{_InDrain}s for this L{In}.
        for drain in self._in._drains:

class _AggregatePause(object):
    A pause which aggregates several other pauses.

    def __init__(self, subPauses):
        Createe an L{_AggregatePause} for other pauses.
        self._subPauses = subPauses

    def unpause(self):
        Un-pause all pauses composed within this L{_AggregatePause}.
github ploneintranet / ploneintranet / src / ploneintranet / userprofile / View on Github external
def record_last_sync(context):
    context.last_sync = datetime.utcnow()

def get_last_sync(context):
    return getattr(aq_base(context), 'last_sync', None)

class IUserProfileManager(Interface):
    """Sync properties for a user profile

class UserPropertyManager(object):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context
        self.property_mapping = api.portal.get_registry_record(

    def turn_properties_plugin_on(self):
        """ Turn on properties plugin if deactivated. Returns state.
        plugins = api.portal.get_tool(name='acl_users').plugins
        plugin_id = api.portal.get_registry_record(PRI_EXT_USERS_KEY)
        if not plugin_id or not getattr(plugins, plugin_id, None):

        if plugin_id not in \
github spotify / gordon-gcp / src / gordon_gcp / plugins / janitor / View on Github external
'api_version': self.config.get('api_version', 'v1'),
            'auth_client': auth_client,
            'default_zone_prefix': self.config.get('default_zone_prefix', '')
        return gdns.GDNSClient(**kwargs)

    def build_reconciler(self):
        auth_client = self._init_auth()
        dns_client = self._init_client(auth_client)
        return GDNSReconciler(
            self.config, self.metrics, dns_client, self.rrset_channel,
            self.changes_channel, **self.kwargs)

class GDNSReconciler:
    """Validate current records in DNS against desired source of truth.

    :class:`.GDNSReconciler` will create a change message for the
    configured publisher client plugin to consume if there is a
    discrepancy between records in Google Cloud DNS and the desired

    Once validation is done, the Reconciler will emit a ``None`` message
    to the ``changes_channel`` queue, signalling a Publisher client
    (e.g. :class:`.GPubsubPublisher`) to publish the
    message to a pub/sub to which `Gordon `_ subscribes.

        config (dict): Google Cloud DNS-related configuration.
github plone / plone.dexterity / plone / dexterity / View on Github external
import logging
import os.path
import plone.dexterity.schema
import six

class DexterityFTIModificationDescription(object):

    def __init__(self, attribute, oldValue):
        self.attribute = attribute
        self.oldValue = oldValue

class DexterityFTI(base.DynamicViewTypeInformation):
    """A Dexterity FTI

    meta_type = "Dexterity FTI"

    behaviors_type = 'ulines'
    if six.PY2:
        behaviors_type = 'lines'

    _properties = base.DynamicViewTypeInformation._properties + (
            'id': 'add_permission',
            'type': 'selection',
            'select_variable': 'possiblePermissionIds',
            'mode': 'w',
github twisted / twisted / src / twisted / trial / _dist / View on Github external
Set the stream used to log output from tests.
        self._testStream = stream

class LocalWorkerAddress(object):
    A L{IAddress} implementation meant to provide stub addresses for
    L{ITransport.getPeer} and L{ITransport.getHost}.

class LocalWorkerTransport(object):
    A stub transport implementation used to support L{AMP} over a
    L{ProcessProtocol} transport.

    def __init__(self, transport):
        self._transport = transport

    def write(self, data):
        Forward data to transport.
        self._transport.writeToChild(_WORKER_AMP_STDIN, data)
github certbot / certbot / certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy / certbot_dns_dnsmadeeasy / _internal / View on Github external
import logging

from lexicon.providers import dnsmadeeasy
import zope.interface

from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot.plugins import dns_common
from certbot.plugins import dns_common_lexicon

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class Authenticator(dns_common.DNSAuthenticator):
    """DNS Authenticator for DNS Made Easy

    This Authenticator uses the DNS Made Easy API to fulfill a dns-01 challenge.

    description = ('Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record (if you are using DNS Made Easy for '
    ttl = 60

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.credentials = None

github plone / Products.CMFPlone / Products / CMFPlone / controlpanel / bbb / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IMaintenanceSchema
from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IPloneSiteRoot
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.interface import implementer

class MaintenanceControlPanelAdapter(object):


    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context
        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        self.maintenance_settings = registry.forInterface(
            IMaintenanceSchema, prefix="plone")

    def get_days(self):
        return self.maintenance_settings.days

    def set_days(self, value):
        self.maintenance_settings.days = value