Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
elif mode == 'wstone':
board.input_mode = 'wstone'
elif mode == 'estone':
board.input_mode = 'estone'
def on_board_to_play(self,*args):
toplay = self.board_to_play
if toplay == 'w' and self.bplay_button.state == 'down':
self.wplay_button.state = 'down'
self.bplay_button.state = 'normal'
elif toplay == 'b' and self.wplay_button.state == 'down':
self.bplay_button.state = 'down'
self.wplay_button.state = 'normal'
class CommentInput(BoxLayout):
board = ObjectProperty(None)
popup = ObjectProperty(None)
comment = StringProperty('')
class SaveQuery(BoxLayout):
collections_list = ObjectProperty(None,allownone=True)
board = ObjectProperty(None,allownone=True)
sgf_model = ObjectProperty(None,allownone=True)
def get_collectioninfo_from_dir(row_index,dirn):
sgfs = glob(dirn + '/*.sgf')
colname = dirn.split('/')[-1]
return {'colname': colname, 'coldir': dirn, 'numentries': len(sgfs)}
class MySpinnerOption(SpinnerOption):
def on_drive_selected(self, *args):
""" Changes the current drive letter in Windows OS.
selected_drive = args[0].text
except IndexError:
self.filechooser.path = selected_drive
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring,PyArgumentList
class SaveDialog(BoxLayout):
""" 'Save File' popup dialog.
save = ObjectProperty(None)
cancel = ObjectProperty(None)
file_types = ListProperty(['*.*'])
text_input = ObjectProperty(None)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SaveDialog, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.filechooser.path = './'
def create_drives(self):
""" Creates the Drive list in Windows OS.
for i in get_win_drives():
btn = DarkButton(text=i)
class Particle(object):
x, y, rotation, current_time = 0, 0, 0, 0
scale, total_time = 1.0, 1.0
color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
color_delta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
start_x, start_y, velocity_x, velocity_y = 0, 0, 0, 0
radial_acceleration, tangent_acceleration = 0, 0
emit_radius, emit_radius_delta = 0, 0
emit_rotation, emit_rotation_delta = 0, 0
rotation_delta, scale_delta = 0, 0
class ParticleSystem(Widget):
max_num_particles = NumericProperty(200)
life_span = NumericProperty(2)
texture = ObjectProperty(None)
life_span_variance = NumericProperty(0)
start_size = NumericProperty(16)
start_size_variance = NumericProperty(0)
end_size = NumericProperty(16)
end_size_variance = NumericProperty(0)
emit_angle = NumericProperty(0)
emit_angle_variance = NumericProperty(0)
start_rotation = NumericProperty(0)
start_rotation_variance = NumericProperty(0)
end_rotation = NumericProperty(0)
end_rotation_variance = NumericProperty(0)
emitter_x_variance = NumericProperty(100)
emitter_y_variance = NumericProperty(100)
gravity_x = NumericProperty(0)
gravity_y = NumericProperty(0)
speed = NumericProperty(0)
class Ball(Widget):
velocity_x = NumericProperty(0)
velocity_y = NumericProperty(0)
h = NumericProperty(0)
velocity = ReferenceListProperty(velocity_x, velocity_y)
def move(self):
self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos
class PyobjusGame(Widget):
ball = ObjectProperty(None)
screen = ObjectProperty(autoclass('UIScreen').mainScreen())
accelerometer = Accelerometer()
sensitivity = ObjectProperty(50)
br_slider = ObjectProperty(None)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PyobjusGame, self).__init__()
def __dealloc__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# self.bridge.stopAccelerometer()
super(PyobjusGame, self).__dealloc__()
def reset_ball_pos(self):
self.ball.pos = self.width / 2, self.height / 2
class EffectWidget(RelativeLayout):
Widget with the ability to apply a series of graphical effects to
its children. See the module documentation for more information on
setting effects and creating your own.
background_color = ListProperty((0, 0, 0, 0))
'''This defines the background color to be used for the fbo in the
:attr:`background_color` is a :class:`ListProperty` defaults to
(0, 0, 0, 0)
texture = ObjectProperty(None)
'''The output texture of the final :class:`` after
all effects have been applied.
texture is an :class:`` and defaults
to None.
effects = ListProperty([])
'''List of all the effects to be applied. These should all be
instances or subclasses of :class:`EffectBase`.
effects is a :class:`ListProperty` and defaults to [].
fbo_list = ListProperty([])
'''(internal) List of all the fbos that are being used to apply
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import (StringProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, DictProperty,
BooleanProperty, ObjectProperty)
from kivy.clock import Clock
import math
class GameSystem(Widget):
system_id = StringProperty('default_id')
updateable = BooleanProperty(False)
renderable = BooleanProperty(False)
paused = BooleanProperty(False)
active = BooleanProperty(True)
gameworld = ObjectProperty(None)
viewport = StringProperty('default_gameview')
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(GameSystem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.entity_ids = list()
def update(self, dt):
def draw_entity(self, entity_id):
def generate_component_data(self, entity_component_dict):
#this is the load function
return entity_component_dict
def _deserialize(self, **kwargs):
for key, data in kwargs.items():
obj = getattr(self, key)
class RTLSDRScannerApp(App):
def build(self):
return RootWidget()
def on_action_button_release(self, btn):
Action.trigger_by_name(btn.action, self)
class PlotContainer(FloatLayout, JSONMixin):
spectrum_graph = ObjectProperty(None)
def add_plot(self, **kwargs):
fn = kwargs.pop('filename', None)
if fn is not None:
kwargs.setdefault('name', os.path.basename(fn))
plot = self.spectrum_graph.add_plot(**kwargs)
return plot
def _serialize(self):
d = {'spectrum_graph':self.spectrum_graph._serialize()}
return d
def _deserialize(self, **kwargs):
data = kwargs.get('spectrum_graph')
class MessageDialog(BoxLayout):
message = StringProperty()
class InfoPopup(BoxLayout):
cancel = ObjectProperty(None)
class MouseOverLabel(Button):
class RevConcDialog(BoxLayout):
cancel = ObjectProperty(None)
class InputList(BoxLayout):
cancel = ObjectProperty(None)
class BookmarkLabel(Label):
class SideLabel(Label):
class PathLabel(Label):
class PathText(AutoCompTextInput):