Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def submit(self):
pagestart = time()
lhcbGroup = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
if lhcbGroup == "visitor":
c.result = {"success":"false","error":"You are not authorised"}
return c.result
RPC = getRPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator")
result = self.__request()
result = RPC.getPilotMonitorWeb(result,globalSort,pageNumber,numberOfJobs)
if result["OK"]:
result = result["Value"]
if result.has_key("TotalRecords") and result["TotalRecords"] > 0:
if result.has_key("ParameterNames") and result.has_key("Records"):
if len(result["ParameterNames"]) > 0:
if len(result["Records"]) > 0:
c.result = []
jobs = result["Records"]
head = result["ParameterNames"]
headLength = len(head)
def submit( self ):
Returns flatten list of components (services, agents) installed on hosts
returned by getHosts function
DN = getUserDN()
group = getSelectedGroup()
callback = list()
request = self.request()
if not 'Hostname' in request:
return { "success" : "false" , "error" : "Name of the host is absent" }
host = request[ 'Hostname' ]
client = SystemAdministratorClient( host , None , delegatedDN=DN ,
delegatedGroup=group )
result = client.getOverallStatus()
gLogger.debug( "Result of getOverallStatus(): %s" % result )
if not result[ "OK" ]:
return { "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }
overall = result[ "Value" ]
def showHostErrors( self ):
DN = getUserDN()
group = getSelectedGroup()
if not "host" in request.params:
return { "success" : "false" , "error" : "Name of the host is missing or not defined" }
host = str( request.params[ "host" ] )
client = SystemAdministratorClient( host , None , delegatedDN=DN , delegatedGroup=group )
result = client.checkComponentLog( "*" )
gLogger.debug( result )
if not result[ "OK" ]:
return { "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }
result = result[ "Value" ]
callback = list()
for key, value in result.items():
system, component = key.split( "/" )
def submit(self):
pagestart = time()
RPC = getRPCClient("WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring")
user = str(credentials.getUsername())
userDN = str(credentials.getUserDN())
group = str(credentials.getSelectedGroup())
result = RPC.getOwners()
haveJobsToDisplay = False
if result["OK"]:
resultEligible = self.__getEligibleOwners( userDN, group )
if resultEligible['OK']:
for own in resultEligible['Value']:
if own in result["Value"]:
# There is something to display probably
haveJobsToDisplay = True
if not haveJobsToDisplay:
c.result = {"success":"false","error":"You don't have any jobs eligible to display"}
return c.result
c.result = {"success":"false","error":"Failed to evaluate eligible users"}
return c.result
def __getSelectionData(self):
callback = {}
group = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
user = str(credentials.getUsername())
if len(request.params) > 0:
tmp = {}
for i in request.params:
tmp[i] = str(request.params[i])
callback["extra"] = tmp
if callback["extra"].has_key("prod"):
callback["extra"]["prod"] = callback["extra"]["prod"].zfill(8)
if callback["extra"]["prod"] == "00000000":
callback["extra"]["prod"] = """ - ",callback["extra"])
if user == "Anonymous":
callback["prod"] = [["Insufficient rights"]]
RPC = getRPCClient("WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring")
result = RPC.getProductionIds()
def __request(self):
gLogger.always("!!! PARAMS: ",str(request.params))
req = {}
group = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
user = str(credentials.getUsername())
global pageNumber
global numberOfJobs
global globalSort
if request.params.has_key("limit") and len(request.params["limit"]) > 0:
numberOfJobs = int(request.params["limit"])
if request.params.has_key("start") and len(request.params["start"]) > 0:
pageNumber = int(request.params["start"])
pageNumber = 0
numberOfJobs = 25
pageNumber = 0
if request.params.has_key("id") and len(request.params["id"]) > 0:
testString = str(request.params["id"])
testString = testString.strip(';, ')
def __prepareArgs( kwargs ):
if ( 'static' not in kwargs or not kwargs[ 'static' ] ) and credentials.getUserDN():
kwargs[ 'delegatedGroup' ] = str( credentials.getSelectedGroup() )
kwargs[ 'delegatedDN' ] = str( credentials.getUserDN() )
kwargs[ 'useCertificates' ] = True
kwargs[ 'setup' ] = credentials.getSelectedSetup()
return kwargs
def __request(self):
req = {}
lhcbGroup = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
lhcbUser = str(credentials.getUsername())
global pageNumber
global numberOfJobs
global globalSort
if request.params.has_key("limit") and len(request.params["limit"]) > 0:
numberOfJobs = int(request.params["limit"])
if request.params.has_key("start") and len(request.params["start"]) > 0:
pageNumber = int(request.params["start"])
pageNumber = 0
numberOfJobs = 25
pageNumber = 0
if request.params.has_key("prod") and len(request.params["prod"]) > 0:
if str(request.params["prod"]) != "All":
req["Production"] = str(request.params["prod"])
def display(self):
lhcbGroup = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
if lhcbGroup == "visitor":
return render("/login.mako") = self.__getSelectionData()
if not"extra"):["extra"] = {}
userName = credentials.getUsername()
path = "/lhcb/user/" + userName[0] + "/" + userName
path = str(path)
if lhcbGroup == "lhcb":["extra"]["dir"] = path
elif lhcbGroup == "lhcb_user":["extra"]["dir"] = path
else:["extra"]["dir"] = "/lhcb/data/2010"
return render("data/DirectorySummary.mako")
def __showFiles(self,request,sortDict,StartItem,MaxItems,mode="Configuration"):
cl = LHCB_BKKDBClient(getRPCClient('Bookkeeping/BookkeepingManager'))
lhcbGroup = credentials.getSelectedGroup()
if lhcbGroup == "visitor":
c.result = {"success":"false","error":"You are not authorised"}
request = {'fullpath':request}
cl.setParameter(mode)"\033[0;31m cl.getLimitedFiles(%s,%s,%s,%s) \033[0m" % (request,sortDict,StartItem,MaxItems))
result = cl.getLimitedFiles(request,sortDict,StartItem,MaxItems)
return {"success":"false","error":str(sys.exc_info()[1])}"\033[0;31m RESULT \033[0m",result)
if result.has_key("TotalRecords"):
if result["TotalRecords"] >= 0:
if result.has_key("ParameterNames") and result.has_key("Records"):
if len(result["ParameterNames"]) > 0:
if len(result["Records"]) > 0: