How to use webtorrent - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few webtorrent examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github MovieCast / desktop / src / main / TorrentEngine.js View on Github external
constructor(store) {
    // The Redux store = store;

    // Connect to the WebTorrent and BitTorrent networks.
    // MovieCast is just like WebTorrent Desktop a hybrid
    // client, as explained here:
    this.client = new WebTorrent({ peerId: TorrentEngine.PEER_ID });

    // WebTorrent-to-HTTP streaming sever
    this.server = null;

    // Connect the store with the client

    // setInterval(this.updateTorrentProgress.bind(this), 1000);
github willyb321 / media_mate / app / renderjs / downloader.js View on Github external
import {createDB} from '../lib/utils';
import {RSSParse} from '../lib/rssparse.js';

	path: `${__dirname}/.env`
require('events').EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 1000;

const rssTor = [];
let dupeCount = 0;
const version =;
Raven.config('', {
	release: version,
	autoBreadcrumbs: true
const client = new WebTorrent();
let i = 0;
let bar;
let db;
createDB(path.join('userData'), 'dbTor.db').toString())
	.then(dbCreated => {
		db = dbCreated;

const allTorrents = [];
const prog = _.throttle(dlProgress, 4500);
const updateDlProg = _.throttle(updateProgress, 2000);

process.on('unhandledRejection', (err, promise) => {
	log.error('Unhandled rejection: ' + (err && err.stack || err)); // eslint-disable-line
github webtorrent / / client / index.js View on Github external
function init () {
  if (!WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) {
    util.error('This browser is unsupported. Please use a browser with WebRTC support.')

  // For performance, create the client immediately
  getClient(function () {})

  // Seed via upload input element
  var upload = document.querySelector('input[name=upload]')
  if (upload) {
    uploadElement(upload, function (err, files) {
      if (err) return util.error(err)
      files = (file) { return file.file })
github emschwartz / webtorrent-ilp / src / index.js View on Github external
peerPublicKey: peerPublicKey,
      amount: incoming.destinationAmount

    // Unchoke all of this peer's wires
    for (let wire of this.peerWires[peerPublicKey]) {
      wire.bidAmount = wire.bidAmount.times(this.bidIncreaseFactor)

// Note that using module.exports instead of export const here is a hack
// to make this work with
module.exports.WEBRTC_SUPPORT = WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT
github qqdaiyu55 / YanQi / src / client / containers / Video.js View on Github external
import React from 'react'
import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent/webtorrent.min'
import Auth from '../modules/Auth'
import { formatVideoTime, BytestoSize, uuidv8 } from '../modules/Library'

var torrentID = ''
var playlist = []
// Disable DHT
var client = new WebTorrent({
  dht: false

// Announces list
//   'ws://localhost:6969'
// ]

// Display webtorrent video
var displayVideo = (props) => {
  // Show overlay
  $('#video-components .fs-overlay').css({ 'visibility': 'visible', 'opacity': '1', 'width': '100vw', 'height': '100vh' })
  $('#video-topbar .title').html(props.title)

  // Reset loader
  $('#video-loader .loader-inner').show()
github webtorrent / webtorrent-desktop / bin / package.js View on Github external
// property on Windows, and `CFBundleShortVersionString` on Mac.
  appVersion: pkg.version,

  // Package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive
  // format. Mitigates issues around long path names on Windows and slightly speeds up
  // require().
  asar: {
    // A glob expression, that unpacks the files with matching names to the
    // "app.asar.unpacked" directory.
    unpack: 'WebTorrent*'

  // The build version of the application. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on
  // Windows, and CFBundleVersion on Mac. Note: Windows requires the build version to
  // start with a number. We're using the version of the underlying WebTorrent library.
  buildVersion: require('webtorrent/package.json').version,

  // The application source directory.
  dir: config.ROOT_PATH,

  // Pattern which specifies which files to ignore when copying files to create the
  // package(s).
  ignore: /^\/src|^\/dist|\/(appveyor.yml|\.appveyor.yml|\.github|appdmg|AUTHORS|CONTRIBUTORS|bench|benchmark|benchmark\.js|bin|bower\.json|component\.json|coverage|doc|docs|docs\.mli|dragdrop\.min\.js|example|examples|example\.html|example\.js|externs|ipaddr\.min\.js|Makefile|min|minimist|perf|rusha|simplepeer\.min\.js|simplewebsocket\.min\.js|static\/screenshot\.png|test|tests|test\.js|tests\.js|webtorrent\.min\.js|\.[^/]*|.*\.md|.*\.markdown)$/,

  // The application name.
  name: config.APP_NAME,

  // The base directory where the finished package(s) are created.
  out: DIST_PATH,

  // Replace an already existing output directory.
  overwrite: true,
github webtorrent / webtorrent-desktop / bin / package.js View on Github external
// property on Windows, and `CFBundleShortVersionString` on OS X.
  'app-version': pkg.version,

  // Package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive
  // format. Mitigates issues around long path names on Windows and slightly speeds up
  // require().
  asar: true,

  // A glob expression, that unpacks the files with matching names to the
  // "app.asar.unpacked" directory.
  'asar-unpack': 'WebTorrent*',

  // The build version of the application. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on
  // Windows, and CFBundleVersion on OS X. Note: Windows requires the build version to
  // start with a number. We're using the version of the underlying WebTorrent library.
  'build-version': require('webtorrent/package.json').version,

  // The application source directory.
  dir: config.ROOT_PATH,

  // Pattern which specifies which files to ignore when copying files to create the
  // package(s).
  ignore: /^\/dist|\/(appveyor.yml|\.appveyor.yml|\.github|appdmg|AUTHORS|CONTRIBUTORS|bench|benchmark|benchmark\.js|bin|bower\.json|component\.json|coverage|doc|docs|docs\.mli|dragdrop\.min\.js|example|examples|example\.html|example\.js|externs|ipaddr\.min\.js|Makefile|min|minimist|perf|rusha|simplepeer\.min\.js|simplewebsocket\.min\.js|static\/screenshot\.png|test|tests|test\.js|tests\.js|webtorrent\.min\.js|\.[^\/]*|.*\.md|.*\.markdown)$/,

  // The application name.
  name: config.APP_NAME,

  // The base directory where the finished package(s) are created.
  out: DIST_PATH,

  // Replace an already existing output directory.
  overwrite: true,
github NyaaPantsu / Cinnamon / src / renderer / components / TorrentList.vue View on Github external
stream: function (magnetURI) {
      this.loading = true
      console.log('instructed to stream', magnetURI)
      let wt = new WebTorrent()
      let self = this
      wt.add(magnetURI, function (torrent) {
        self.videoServer = torrent.createServer()
        console.log('video server listening on http://localhost:' + self.videoServer.address().port)
        let file = torrent.files.find(function (file) {
          return'.mp4') ||'.mkv') ||'.avi')
        self.$store.commit('setFilePath', file.path)
        self.mpv.loadStream('http://localhost' + ':' + self.videoServer.address().port + '/0/' + self.filePath)
github Gargron / cobalt / app / assets / javascripts / webtorrent.js View on Github external
import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent/webtorrent.min';

const client = new WebTorrent();

client.on('error', err => console.error(err));

const torrents = {};

export const addTorrent = url => {
  if (torrents[url]) {
    return torrents[url];

  torrents[url] = client.add(url);

  return torrents[url];

export default client;
github vinz243 / pTorrent / src / adapters / WebtorrentAdapter / Client.js View on Github external
constructor(config) {
		this._config = config || {};
		this.torrents = [];
		this._client = new WebTorrent();
		this._client.on('error', (err) => {
			console.log('[WebTorrent Error]', err)